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The Sea Lions. The Lost Sealers

James Fenimore Cooper

This is a gripping maritime story about two whaling ships on a long and cold journey to the shores of Antarctica in search of dangerous goods. Two Sea Lions two ships, two captains, two crews! Will they become enemies or friends in the prickly ice that threatens to crush them all. And only the scarlet blood of whales, majestic animals, mixes with the white waves of the ocean in the silence of snowy cliffs.

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Marie Corelli

A love story written by someone who was touched by the beautiful scenery of Norway, as evidenced by the detailed descriptions of the place. Its very fast paced, and while youre afraid of a tragic end, its not like that at all. It folds magically and you put the book down with a sigh, thoughtful, as love stories always do.

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The Adventures of Jimmie Dale

Frank L. Packard

Wealthy millionaire by day, at night Jimmie Dale put on a costume and becomes The Grey Seal, daredevil safe cracker and footpad he never takes a thing, but leaves behind his mark, a grey seal of paper to mark his conquest. He was just doing it for the sheer deviltry of it at first, but when a woman catches him she blackmails him to war on certain crime organizations. Frank Packards Gray Seal character first appeared in print in 1914. In some ways he was inspired by earlier Edwardian adventurers like A.J Raffles, the Scarlet Pimpernel, and Arsene Lupin, but Packard blended those borrowed elements into an entirely new concept. Dales adventures first appeared in Peoples Magazine and then were collected into several novels.

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A Horses Tale

Mark Twain

It was interesting how Twain switched between stories. For example, a horse started a story from a first-person perspective. At first, people told, then letters told about past events, often to characters who do not participate in the events of history, and, finally, animals told other animals about the dialogue.

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Old Carver Ranch

Max Brand

After ten years of wandering, during which he has lived the life of a gambler and learned the ways of devious men, Tom Keene returns home, only to find his father alone and dying. Old John Keenes sole legacy to his son is a Bible, so with his fathers passing, Tom renounces his selfish, worthless past and sets out to preach to others that the greatest happiness is born of trust in one another. But Tom Keenes good intentions are about to cost him more than he knows... Tom is jailed for a crime he did not commit, beaten and bullied until he changes again, this time into a cunning, calculating man whose sole purpose now is to be avenged for the wrongs done to him. Once released, he chases the trail of the desperado that double-crossed him.

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In Strange Company. A Story of Chili and the Southern Seas

Guy Boothby

At Guy Booths Strange Company, Australian writer Guy Boothby put his passion for travel to work as food for his fiction. Although his first publication was a popular science story about traveling around his home country, he soon turned to fiction as an outlet for his work, focusing mainly on adventure adventures, secrets, and discovery stories. In the Strange Company was Boothby

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The Crimson Gardenia

Rex Beach

The royal yacht dropped anchor to the roar of the cannons, and the king went ashore. The city was hung with flags; a thousand whistles sounded. Up the garlanded streets, His Majesty was led between long lines of blue-coated officers, followed by an impatient crowd for miles after miles.

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Утро помещика (Poranek ziemianina)

Лев Николаевич Толстой, Lew Nikołajewicz Tołstoj

После непродолжительной учебы в городском университете 19-летний князь Нехлюдов намеревается жить в деревне, чтобы сделать жизнь своих крепостных лучше и легче. То, что изначально задумывалось как благое дело, встретилось в штыки и с толикой непонимания происходящего. Его грандиозный план подвергся суровому испытанию на практике. Несмотря на честность и бескорыстность поступков, люди морально не готовы к колоссальным переменам. Тщетность его попыток наиболее точно объяснил Тургенев И.С.: 201e... пока будет существовать крепостное состояние, нет возможности сближения и понимания обеих сторон, несмотря на самую бескорыстную и честную готовность сближения... 201e.