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The Ghost of a Chance

Mary Cholmondeley

The large, sumptuous room, with its dim oriental rugs and subdued lighting, a fine set of Indian paintings, and two exquisite rose-red lacquered cabinets, had great charm. The main character has just returned from China. Huge packing boxes, stacked one above the other in the hall, were no doubt full of wonderful acquisitions, china, embroideries, carpets. But he didnt seem to want to unpack them.


Kuszenie świętego Antoniego

Gustaw Flaubert

Najważniejsze dzieło Gustavea Flauberta, które sam autor nazywał dziełem całego swojego życia. Powstawało ono dwadzieścia pięć lat w trzech różnych wersjach. Ostatecznie autor zdecydował się wydać ostatnią z nich w 1874 roku. Święty Antoni spotyka się z wyznawcami różnych wierzeń, od chrześcijaństwa po heretyków, cudotwórców, szamanów, przedstawiających swoje poglądy i wiarę w Boga, co podważa jego wiarę i dotychczasową widzę o otaczającym go świecie.


The Younger Set

Robert W. Chambers

This is one of Chambers most popular novels. It has been translated into several other languages around the world. The story begins with who Selwyn is. Lots of questions, lots of mysteries. But that just makes it more interesting to read.


The Man Who Fell Through the Earth

Carolyn Wells

The Man Who Fell Through the Earth is a traditional mystery novel by American author Carolyn Wells, set in 1920-s in New York. A lawyer is leaving his office on the top floor of an office building. He sees the shadows of two men fighting through the clouded glass of an office door followed by a shot from the office across the hall. He goes to investigate. He finds no sign of either victim or assailant despite the fact that no one could have passed him in the hallway without being seen. From there the story twists and turns whose the villains, whats the story behind the murder and who is the mystery man the man who fell through the earth? These are the mysteries that the detective Pennington Wise must solve in... The Man Who Fell Through the Earth!


A Changed Man and Other Tales

Thomas Hardy

The stories that make up The Changed Man were written at different points in Hardys life, but this collection was not published until 1913. Hardy wrote really excellent short stories many of his stories had the scope and complexity of a full-length novel. This collection of twelve stories; Tales of soldiers, shepherds, milkmaids and dukes often contain some elements of the creepy or supernatural to some extent.


Afloat and Ashore, or, the Adventures of Miles Wallingford. A Sea Tale

James Fenimore Cooper

In the center of the book is the life of a young man, Miles, who lives in America. He wants to become a sailor like his father. This is an exciting adventure story of the life of a ship captain. Sea brotherhood, battles with pirates, friendship and betrayal, and finally, love that overcomes all obstacles.


Death Comes for the Archbishop

Willa Cather

The novel tells about the life of a French missionary in the southwestern United States. In the center of the novel are two Frenchmen, Bishop Jean Latour and Father Joseph Veillant, who left Europe and devoted their entire adult lives to creating a new Catholic parish in Santa Fe after the Mexican War.


Nasi okupanci

Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński

Nasi okupanci to zbiór kontrowersyjnych felietonów jednego z najpopularniejszych polskich krytyków literackich i eseistów XX wieku Tadeusza Boya-Żeleńskiego. Autor krytykuje w nich prawicową zaściankowość, toksyczną bogobojność oraz porusza tematy seksualności, małżeństwa czy macierzyństwa. Zyskał przez to wielu wrogów wśród duchownych, ale jednocześnie duże poparcie świeckiej części społeczeństwa, zajmującej się problematyką świadomego macierzyństwa i ułatwianiem rozwodów.