Publisher: 3

Practical Network Scanning. Capture network vulnerabilities using standard tools such as Nmap and Nessus

Ajay Singh Chauhan

Network scanning is the process of assessing a network to identify an active host network; same methods can be used by an attacker or network administrator for security assessment. This procedure plays a vital role in risk assessment programs or while preparing a security plan for your organization.Practical Network Scanning starts with the concept of network scanning and how organizations can benefit from it. Then, going forward, we delve into the different scanning steps, such as service detection, firewall detection, TCP/IP port detection, and OS detection. We also implement these concepts using a few of the most prominent tools on the market, such as Nessus and Nmap. In the concluding chapters, we prepare a complete vulnerability assessment plan for your organization. By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience in performing network scanning using different tools and in choosing the best tools for your system.


Terapia behawioralna dzieci z autyzmem. Teoria, badania i praktyka stosowanej analizy zachowania

Przemysław Bąbel, Paweł Ostaszewski, Monika Suchowierska

Pierwsza na polskim rynku wydawniczym książka na temat terapii behawioralnej dzieci z autyzmem! Autyzm jest jednym z najpoważniejszych i najczęściej diagnozowanych zaburzeń rozwojowych. Z niemal 100 rodzajów oferowanych terapii do najefektywniejszych należy stosowana analiza zachowania. Jej skuteczność potwierdza 50 lat badań naukowych i doświadczeń praktycznych. Autorzy omawiają zagadnienia teoretyczne dotyczące autyzmu i stosowanej analizy zachowania, podstawowe założenia radykalnego behawioryzmu, oceny behawioralnej i pomiaru zachowań. Opisują także metody nauczania osób z autyzmem i rozwijania u nich pożądanych zachowań. Podają wiele zaleceń praktycznych dotyczących korzystania ze strategii proaktywnych w pracy z dziećmi z autyzmem, motywowania ich do nauki, treningu różnicowania i redukowania zachowań niepożądanych.


Czego nie powiedziałam

Małgorzata Garkowska

W imię miłości Jak grom z jasnego nieba. Tak wyglądało pierwsze spotkanie Emilii i Roberta. Ona, niepewna siebie młoda kobieta, i on, przebojowy mężczyzna, zaradny i zdecydowany. Wydaje się, że do pełni szczęścia niczego im nie brakuje. Albo prawie niczego Marzenie Roberta rodzi kłamstwo, kłamstwo budzi demony przeszłości. Emilia wraca wspomnieniami do czasów, gdy była nastolatką. Zakochaną nastolatką. Dla miłości gotową zrobić wszystko. Nie wiedziała jednak, jaką cenę przyjdzie jej za to zapłacić


O duchu praw


O duchu praw to najważniejsze dzieło Monteskiusza, wybitnego myśliciela i pisarza doby oświecenia. Składa się ono z trzydziestu jeden ksiąg, w których autor dokonał analizy znanych ówcześnie form ustrojowych, wydzielając monarchię, despotię i republikę. Wiele miejsca konieczności podziału władzy, popularyzując w ten sposób trójpodział władzy na władzę ustawodawczą, wykonawczą i sądowniczą.


Pattys Fortune

Carolyn Wells

Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American author and poet. She wrote more than 170 books. During the first ten years of her career, she concentrated on poetry, humor, and childrens books. After 1910, she devoted herself to the mystery genre. This is one of the later books in the popular Patty Fairfield series of novels for young readers. In this volume, Patty and her chums hole up at a lavish hotel for a weeks-long reunion party. Then the story takes a dramatic turn when a beloved family member falls ill and seeks out Patty to discuss her future. The story of 20 years old Patty is relatable for most of the girls, especially in the third world countries despite the fact that the setting of the story is much Victorian Europe.


Lieutenant Bones

Edgar Wallace

Wallace was a prolific author responsible for several series of popular novels featuring bold adventurers and crime fighters. For his series set in the highly evocative world of West Africa he created two of his most beloved and enduring characters, Colonial Administrator Sanders and his eccentric companion Lieutenant Tibbetts, known to all as Bones. However, yet again, the trouble-prone Bones, while meaning to assist, only manages to spread his own unique style of innocent and endearing mischief. Those who love classic adventure especially set against an African backdrop will discover a rich vein of reading pleasure in the six books of the Colonial adventures of Sanders and Bones set on the Dark Continent.


Virtual Reality Blueprints. Create compelling VR experiences for mobile and desktop

Charles Palmer, John Williamson

Are you new to virtual reality? Do you want to create exciting interactive VR applications? There's no need to be daunted by the thought of creating interactive VR applications, it's much easier than you think with this hands-on, project-based guide that will take you through VR development essentials for desktop and mobile-based games and applications. Explore the three top platforms—Cardboard VR, Gear VR, and OculusVR —to design immersive experiences from scratch.You’ll start by understanding the science-fiction roots of virtual reality and then build your first VR experience using Cardboard VR. You'll then delve into user interactions in virtual space for the Google Cardboard then move on to creating a virtual gallery with Gear VR. Then you will learn all about virtual movements, state machines, and spawning while you shoot zombies in the Oculus Rift headset. Next, you'll construct a Carnival Midway, complete with two common games to entertain players.Along the way, you will explore the best practices for VR development, review game design tips, discuss methods for combating motion sickness and identify alternate uses for VR applications


That Affair Next Door

Anna Katharine Green

That Affair Next Door focuses on a mysterious murder that has occurred in a quiet neighborhood, incidentally in the house next door to the home of the curious middle-aged amateur sleuth Miss Butterworth. One night around midnight Miss Butterworth sees a man and woman enter the Van Burnam mansion, which is supposed to be empty. The man leaves soon after, but the woman does not. On the following day, Miss Butterworth and a policeman find the body of a woman crushed to death under a cabinet in the parlor. There are way too many coincidences to be realistic, but the competitive sleuthing of Miss Butterworth and Detective Gryce keep the story moving along with seemingly definitive evidence pulling the reader to believe one person after another must be the actual murderer.