Wydawca: 186

Atlas ryb akwariowych

Maja Prusińska

Na akwarystyczne hobby nigdy nie jest za późno, a trzeba zaznaczyć, że zalet płynących z jego praktykowania jest naprawdę wiele. Oprócz tego, że akwarium może pięknie zdobić mieszkanie, to pływające w nim ryby mają pozytywny wpływ na samopoczucie człowieka ‒ ich obserwowanie działa uspokajająco. W atlasie zamieszczono opisy 150 gatunków ryb akwariowych. Charakterystyki pomogą dobrać odpowiednie gatunki, tak by odpowiadały one naszym możliwościom i jednocześnie spełniały wymagania tych delikatnych zwierząt.


CompTIA Network+ Certification Guide. The ultimate guide to passing the N10-007 exam

Glen D. Singh, Rishi Latchmepersad

CompTIA certified professionals have always had the upper hand in the information technology industry. This book will be your ideal guide to efficiently passing and achieving this certification. Learn from industry experts and implement their practices to resolve complex IT issues.This book revolves around networking concepts where readers will learn topics like network architecture, security, network monitoring, and troubleshooting. This book will not only prepare the readers conceptually but will also help them pass the N10-007 exam. This guide will also provide practice exercise after every chapter where readers can ensure their concepts are clear.By the end of this book, readers will leverage this guide and the included practice questions to boost their confidence in appearing for the actual certificate.


Java 9 High Performance. Practical techniques and best practices for optimizing Java applications through concurrency, reactive programming, and more

Mayur Ramgir, Nick Samoylov

Finally, a book that focuses on the practicalities rather than theory of Java application performance tuning. This book will be your one-stop guide to optimize the performance of your Java applications.We will begin by understanding the new features and APIs of Java 9. You will then be taught the practicalities of Java application performance tuning, how to make the best use of garbage collector, and find out how to optimize code with microbenchmarking. Moving ahead, you will be introduced to multithreading and learning about concurrent programming with Java 9 to build highly concurrent and efficient applications. You will learn how to fine tune your Java code for best results. You will discover techniques on how to benchmark performance and reduce various bottlenecks in your applications. We'll also cover best practices of Java programming that will help you improve the quality of your codebase.By the end of the book, you will be armed with the knowledge to build and deploy efficient, scalable, and concurrent applications in Java.


Kareta z piernika (pol-ang)

Wanda Chotomska

Słodkie, miodowe, toruńskie pierniki... Ach! Aż ślinka cieknie na samą myśl o nich. Zastanawialiście się kiedyś, jak powstały? To bardzo romantyczna historia... Możemy wam tylko zdradzić, że wszystko zaczęło się od młodego piekarczyka Mikołaja, który pokochał Kasię ? córkę znanego cukiernika z Torunia.



Honoré de Balzac

An extremely collectible, sweet little book named for and written in honor of Balzacs mother. Comtesse Honorine de Bauvan was married to the Comte at nineteen. She leaves him and is later abandoned by her lover when she becomes pregnant. She lives simply and earns money by making artificial flowers. What she doesnt know is that her husband is paying exorbitant prices for her work, thus supporting her while letting her think she is independent of him. The story is perhaps a common one of a wife trapped in a marriage, but is approached in an interesting manner. Honorine is an 1843 novel by French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) and included in his series of novels (or Roman-fleuve) known as La Comédie humaine (The Human Comedy) which parodies and depicts French society in the period of the Restoration and the July Monarchy (1815-1848).


Cena ognia

Martin Cross

Jeśli ktoś lubi zaskakujące obyczajowe historie, to właśnie znalazł. Opowiadanie, rozpoczyna cykl MĘSKIE POWROTY. Główną postacią jest mężczyzna, który uciekając od pokusy zdrady żony wraca do domu. Oczekuje nagrody jednak to co zastaje, diametralnie zmienia jego życia. Opowieść napisana z dużym dystansem do postaci, życia, sytuacji zmusi czytelnika do zastanowienia, czy to czemu poświęcamy życie, jest tego warte. Intrygująca opowieść, ciekawie zarysowane postacie, i zaskakujące zwroty akcji. Noc z niedzieli na poniedziałek, 29/30 kwietnia 2012 Popołudnie czwartek, 26 kwietnia 2012 Piątek, 27 kwietnia 2012 roku Niedziela, 29 kwietnia 2012 roku Poniedziałek, 30 kwietnia 2013 O autorze Przypisy Martin Cross Rocznik 1968, Wielkopolanin, absolwent Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego i Wyższej Szkoły Handlowej w Warszawie. Realizuje się w trzech projektach: krótkich opowiadaniach obyczajowych, dłuższych nowelach fantastycznych i długich thrillerach. Pracuje w instytucjach samorządowych. W dniu jego 44 urodzin Majowie zaplanowali koniec świata...


Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Cookbook. Identify and assess vulnerabilities present in your wireless network, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth enabled devices to improve your wireless security

Sean-Philip Oriyano

More and more organizations are moving towards wireless networks, and Wi-Fi is a popular choice. The security of wireless networks is more important than ever before due to the widespread usage of Wi-Fi networks. This book contains recipes that will enable you to maximize the success of your wireless network testing using the advanced ethical hacking features of Kali Linux. This book will go through techniques associated with a wide range of wireless penetration tasks, including WLAN discovery scanning, WEP cracking, WPA/WPA2 cracking, attacking access point systems, operating system identification, vulnerability mapping, and validation of results. You will learn how to utilize the arsenal of tools available in Kali Linux to penetrate any wireless networking environment. You will also be shown how to identify remote services, how to assess security risks, and how various attacks are performed. By finishing the recipes, you will feel confident conducting wireless penetration tests and will be able to protect yourself or your organization from wireless security threats.


The Lady of Little Hell

Edgar Wallace

One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. These were largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combined a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence. In this exciting page-turner, originally published in 1929, from the undisputed King of Thrillers, Edgar Wallace, we see the brave women and sturdy men, much rushing to and for, and a dramatic climax. During the 1920s and 30s, it was said that one of every four books read in England was written by Wallace, who ultimately produced 173 books and 17 plays.