
The Rubicon

E.F. Benson

We must judge people by their best qualities, not their worst; by their capabilities, and not by their limitations the protagonist of the novel had such an opinion. He sat at the hotel and wrote his next work. The next day, after rereading what he had written, he was surprised because he had already seen something like this somewhere with another professor. A large number of people show false love before the government and it excites the main character.


Sonata Belzebuba, czyli Prawdziwe zdarzenie w Mordowarze. Sztuka w 3 aktach

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz

Dramat Sonata Belzebuba, czyli prawdziwe zdarzenie w Mordowarze stanowi Witkacowską wersję mitu faustowskiego. Autor szuka w nim odpowiedzi na pytania o rolę sztuki i artysty w skazanym na zagładę świecie. Podejmuje temat niezależności artysty i jego wywyższenia ponad społeczeństwo. Sztuka jawi się jako ostatnia szansa ocalenia ludzkiej indywidualności.


On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

Charles Darwin

Everyone has opinions about evolution, but how many people have actually read Charles Darwin? If you havent done so yet, youre missing out on what is surely one of the greatest books ever written. Written for the general public of the 1850s, it is a rigorously documented but highly readable account of the scientific theory that now lies at the root of our present attitude to the universe. Darwins book contains a wealth of evidence that the diversity of life arose through a branching pattern of evolution and common descent. Challenging notions such as the fixity of species with the idea of natural selection, and setting forth the results of pioneering work on the ecology of animals and plants, it made a lasting contribution to philosophical and scientific thought. Such an important foundational book that changed the course of the world and laid foundation to many new branches of science.


The Merchant of Venice

William Shakespeare

In this work you can see the obsession with money, vindictiveness and even nationalism. There are two Venetian merchants, Bassanio and Antonio, in an extremely difficult financial situation. Bassanio, as a way out of this situation, decides to go to woo the rich heiress Portia, but he has no money for it. Antonio also has no money, but he borrows a large amount from a Jew Shylock under his honest name.


Sezonowa miłość

Gabriela Zapolska

Co się stanie, gdy znudzona życiem, nieco zblazowana żona urzędnika uda się dla kuracji do Zakopanego i spotka tam młodego, przystojnego aktora? Czy tak właśnie zaczyna się sezonowa miłość? Historia romansu na tle polskich Tatr dziś również zadziwia celnością obserwacji zachowań ludzkich i znajomością charakterów, które Zapolska mistrzowsko wykorzystuje w powieści.


Dzieje Tristana i Izoldy

Joseph Bédier

Tristan i Izolda to bohaterowie celtyckiej legendy związanej z opowieściami z cyklu arturiańskiego. Tristan jest siostrzeńcem i wasalem króla Kornwalii, Marka. Władca chce poślubić właścicielkę złotego włosa i wysyła na poszukiwania Tristana. Rycerz odnajduje Izoldę Złotowłosą i wyrusza z nią w podróż powrotną do Kornwalii. W czasie podróży główni bohaterowie wypijają przypadkowo napój miłosny, przygotowany przez matkę królewny dla niej i dla króla...


The Mayor on Horseback

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The young handsome Mayor of Mechester, Daniel Poynton is the owner of a very successful shoe manufacturer, the major employer in the city and the mayor will soon be a Lord Mayor. Never before interested in women, or even in social affairs, he is stricken by the beauty of The Lady Ursula Manningham and falls in love. As the novel develops, Poyntons factory is threatened by foreign manufacturers who want to establish a cooperative monopoly with him. At the same time, Poyntons relationship with Violet Grey, who is a competent secretary, continues to develop and becomes more important to his business and social life. Meanwhile his infatuation with Lady Ursula progresses to the point of asking her to marry... The book shows interesting color on the interaction between socialist workers unions and managements enlightened response to worker unrest.


The Hash Knife Outfit

Zane Grey

The sequel to The Drift Fence, featuring the continuing story of Jim Traft and Molly Dunn and introducing Jims sister Glorianna, who finds more than she bargained for in the West. When Gloriana Traft came to Arizona to visit her tenderfoot brother Jim, trouble was rampant in Yellow Jacket. The notorious Hash Knife Outfit of rustlers and gunmen were stealing the ranchers cattle and terrorizing the beautiful valley. Guns would blaze and blood would run hot and red before Goloriana and her brother became true and valiant citizens of the frontier West. Zane Grey paints a pretty picture of the land, the men and women who settled it, and they danger of cowboy life.