Wydawca: 17

DNA Nastolatka. Co siedzi w młodych

Jacek Ponikiewski, Franciszek Górski

Jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć, jakim typem charakteru jesteś, dlaczego myślisz i czujesz w określony sposób, a także jeśli zamierzasz poprawić jakość własnego życia i relacji z rówieśnikami oraz rodzicami, to być może porozmawiamy za pomocą tej książki.


Developing Java Applications with Spring and Spring Boot. Practical Spring and Spring Boot solutions for building effective applications

Claudio Eduardo de Oliveira, Alex Antonov

Spring Framework has become the most popular framework for Java development. It not only simplifies software development but also improves developer productivity. This book covers effective ways to develop robust applications in Java using Spring.The course is up made of three modules, each one having a take-away relating to building end-to-end java applications. The first module takes the approach of learning Spring frameworks by building applications.You will learn to build APIs and integrate them with popular fraemworks suh as AngularJS, Spring WebFlux, and Spring Data. You will also learn to build microservices using Spring's support for Kotlin. You will learn about the Reactive paradigm in the Spring architecture using Project Reactor. In the second module, after getting hands-on with Spring, you will learn about the most popular tool in the Spring ecosystem-Spring Boot. You will learn to build applications with Spring Boot, bundle them, and deploy them on the cloud. After learning to build applications with Spring Boot, you will be able to use various tests that are an important part of application development. We also cover the important developer tools such as AMQP messaging, websockets, security, and more. This will give you a good functional understanding of scalable development in the Spring ecosystem with Spring Boot. In the third and final module, you will tackle the most important challenges in Java application development with Spring Boot using practical recipes. Including recipes for testing, deployment, monitoring, and securing your applications. This module will also address the functional and technical requirements for building enterprise applications.By the end of the course you will be comfortable with using Spring and Spring Boot to develop Java applications and will have mastered the intricacies of production-grade applications.


Scala Machine Learning Projects. Build real-world machine learning and deep learning projects with Scala

Md. Rezaul Karim

Machine learning has had a huge impact on academia and industry by turning data into actionable information. Scala has seen a steady rise in adoption over the past few years, especially in the fields of data science and analytics. This book is for data scientists, data engineers, and deep learning enthusiasts who have a background in complex numerical computing and want to know more hands-on machine learning application development.If you're well versed in machine learning concepts and want to expand your knowledge by delving into the practical implementation of these concepts using the power of Scala, then this book is what you need! Through 11 end-to-end projects, you will be acquainted with popular machine learning libraries such as Spark ML, H2O, DeepLearning4j, and MXNet.At the end, you will be able to use numerical computing and functional programming to carry out complex numerical tasks to develop, build, and deploy research or commercial projects in a production-ready environment.


Kroniki włoskie


Zbiór opowiadań, dla których inspiracją były stare włoskie manuskrypty znalezione przez autora podczas konsulatury. Opowieści zawarte w Kronikach włoskich pełne są namiętności, przemocy, mroku i renesansowego klimatu. Bohaterkami zbioru są kobiety, które przeżywają wewnętrzne rozterki, a w ich losy wpisują się romantyczne uniesienia i tragicznie zdarzenia.


.NET Standard 2.0 Cookbook. Develop high quality, fast and portable applications by leveraging the power of .NET Standard Library

Fiqri Ismail

The .NET Standard is a standard that represents a set of APIs that all .NET platforms have to implement, making it easy for developers to access and use one common library for their development needs. This book begins with a quick refresher, helping you understand the mechanics of the new standard and offering insight into how it works. You’ll explore the core library concepts, such as working with collections, configurations, I/O, security, and multithreading. You’ll explore the iOS and Android libraries of Xamarin and we’ll guide you through creating a .NET Standard 2.0 library, which you’ll use with both Android and iOS applications. In the final chapters, you’ll learn the various debugging and diagnostics tools to deliver quality libraries and create a NuGet package of the .NET Standard 2.0 library. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to expand your current workflow to various .NET flavors and have the essential skills to create a .NET Standard 2.0 library from scratch to package and deliver it to the world.


Don Kichot z La Manchy

Miguel de Cervantes

„Don Kichot za la Manchy” to słynna powieść Miguela de Cervantesa. Opowiada ona o losach szlachcica, który wpada w obłęd pod wpływem romansów rycerskich i wyrusza w świat jako błędny rycerz, niesiony nieodłączną szczytną chęcią pomagania ludziom i bronienia najsłabszych.


Historia sztuki. Architektura

Maria Brodzka-Bestry

Na przestrzeni wieków wykrystalizowały się dwie podstawowe grupy zadań stawianych architektom: zaspokajanie codziennych, indywidualnych potrzeb człowieka (czyli kreowanie architektury mieszkaniowej, a także publicznej służącej społeczeństwu), oraz wznoszenie budowli sakralnych spełniających funkcje religijne. Prezentowany album streszcza najważniejsze osiągnięcia człowieka w dziedzinie architektury. Zdjęcia wspaniałych dzieł są opatrzone licznymi ciekawostkami i interesującymi opowieściami.


IoT Penetration Testing Cookbook. Identify vulnerabilities and secure your smart devices

Aaron Guzman, Aditya Gupta

IoT is an upcoming trend in the IT industry today; there are a lot of IoT devices on the market, but there is a minimal understanding of how to safeguard them. If you are a security enthusiast or pentester, this book will help you understand how to exploit and secure IoT devices.This book follows a recipe-based approach, giving you practical experience in securing upcoming smart devices. It starts with practical recipes on how to analyze IoT device architectures and identify vulnerabilities. Then, it focuses on enhancing your pentesting skill set, teaching you how to exploit a vulnerable IoT device, along with identifying vulnerabilities in IoT device firmware. Next, this book teaches you how to secure embedded devices and exploit smart devices with hardware techniques. Moving forward, this book reveals advanced hardware pentesting techniques, along with software-defined, radio-based IoT pentesting with Zigbee and Z-Wave. Finally, this book also covers how to use new and unique pentesting techniques for different IoT devices, along with smart devices connected to the cloud.By the end of this book, you will have a fair understanding of how to use different pentesting techniques to exploit and secure various IoT devices.