
Le Capitaine Paul

Alexandre Dumas pere

Le Capitaine Paul est un des premiers livres dAlexandre Dumas, qui nous montre, que lauteur est un grand écrivain et mme ses débuts. On peut voir son talent avec ses intrigues et sa passion de laventure. Cette fois-ci, il raconte de labordage, du prisonnier Lusignan et du capitaine de bateau Paul, qui écoute sa histoire. Il découvre apres plusieurs années la vérité de ses parents...


Wild Geese Calling

Stewart Edward White

Great story about the Alaskan border. This is a heartbreaking story that shows the relationship of the main characters Sally, John and Blackie. A story about a young man and his bride and their journey to Alaska by sea, as well as about many bright men and women whom they met along the way. This is a wonderful fun adventure reading.


The Evil That Men Do

M.P. Shiel

The Evil That Men Do is a classic story of horror and unbelievable cruelty by British writer Matthew Phipps Shiel. This novel of mystery about Hartwell from birth, does he inherit his fathers traits? Do great men have great sons and how much does ones own lifes experiences cause variance to this question? To the ordinary reader there will seem very little in point of morality to choose between Robert Hartwell and the villainous millionaire whom a strange facial resemblance enables him to impersonate. Mr. Shiel does not, and probably does not aspire to, draw pictures of everyday life as it is. But there is always something ingenious in his situations, and in this book, at any rate, he has contrived to avoid the developments which disfigured at least one of his earlier novels.


Wiersze dla dzieci. Wybór

Władysław Bełza

Władysław Bełza, polski poeta neoromantyczny, jest autorem licznych wierszy dla dzieci. Blisko pięćdziesiąt z nich znalazło się w niniejszym wyborze. Tom otwiera powszechnie znany utwór zaczynający się od słów Kto ty jesteś? Polak mały, czyli Katechizm polskiego dziecka. Jego prosta forma, nawiązująca do dziecięcych wyliczanek, sprawiła, że stanowił on najprostszą formę edukacji patriotycznej najmłodszego pokolenia. Utwór składa się z podstawowych pytań i odpowiedzi o cechy tożsamości młodego Polaka. Ułatwiał zapamiętywanie znaków i symboli narodowych.


Love And Mr Lewisham. The Story of a Very Young Couple

Herbert George Wells

Mr. Lewisham is an ambitious young teacher who has grand plans for his future. Indeed he has written up a Plan or Schema as he calls it and has committed himself to daily study to improve himself. We follow him as he moves to London and becomes a student. He also gets married and the later part of the novel is about how his naive beliefs about himself and the world survive this transition. Love and Mr. Lewisham is the story of a young man who seeks to better himself and achieve glory through educational achievements. His love life, however, derails this ambition in several different ways. This is Wells exploration of the dilemmas of the young man torn between career and relationship, between duty and pleasure, between social responsibility and individual needs.


Hawks of Outremer

Robert E. Howard

Hawks of Outremer is a tight tale. The main character is Cormac FitzGeoffrey, a bastard Norman-Gael who has thrown his lot in with the Crusaders. Once a loose peace was established in Outremer, Cormac returned to Ireland but after a short stint fighting, peace broke out there, too. Cormac returns to the Holy Land (Outremer) seeking to attach himself to a liege, only to learn that his liege of choice has been assassinated. Plots are afoot between Muslims and Christian lords who want nothing to do with Saladin nor European kings. Rather than jeopardize the peace with an armed force, FitzGeoffrey vows vengeance and embarks solo to deal death to those who deserve it.


Die schönsten Weihnachtslieder. Liedtexte, Noten und Akkorde

Adam Wolański

Diese Sammlung der 25 beliebtesten Weihnachtslieder soll vor allem dem Gesang in den Familien dienen. In diesem Buch sind die besinnlichsten deutschsprachigen Weihnachtslieder versammelt: von Alle Jahre wieder über Leise rieselt der Schnee und O Tannenbaum bis hin zu Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! .



Eliza Orzeszkowa

Tytułowy cham to prosty rybak, Paweł Kobycki, który poznaje Frankę, dziewczynę z dobrego domu. Ta, uwiedziona i porzucona przez pana domu, w którym niegdyś służyła, schodzi na niemoralną ścieżkę. Aby uratować ją przed upadkiem, Paweł postanawia ją poślubić.