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Real Time Analytics with SAP HANA. Enhance your SAP HANA skills using this step-by-step guide to creating and reporting data models for real-time analytics

Vinay Singh

SAP HANA is an in-memory database created by SAP. SAP HANA breaks traditional database barriers to simplify IT landscapes, eliminating data preparation, pre-aggregation, and tuning. SAP HANA and in-memory computing allow you to instantly access huge volumes of structured and unstructured data, including text data, from different sources.Starting with data modeling, this fast-paced guide shows you how to add a system to SAP HANA Studio, create a schema, packages, and delivery unit. Moving on, you’ll get an understanding of real-time replication via SLT and learn how to use SAP HANA Studio to perform this. We’ll also have a quick look at SAP Business Object DATA service and SAP Direct Extractor for Data Load. After that, you will learn to create HANA artifacts—Analytical Privileges and Calculation View. At the end of the book, we will explore the SMART DATA access option and AFL library, and finally deliver pre-packaged functionality that can be used to build information models faster and easier.


GNS3 Network Simulation Guide. From installation through to creating large scale simulations, this is the complete guide to GNS3 that will give you the know-how needed for Cisco certification. For networking professionals, it's a career-advancing tutorial

GNS3, Christopher J Welsh (USD)

GNS3 is an open-source Graphical Network Simulator used extensively by networking professionals to simulate networking devices such as Cisco, Juniper and Vyatta routers, along with Virtual PCs.GNS3 Network Simulation Guide gives you all the information you need to run a successful GNS3 simulation. You will be guided through the tricky installation pre-requisites and procedures involved in developing a simulated topology suitable for studying for Cisco CCIE Certification. We will also cover many useful tips and tricks which will help you make the most of your GNS3 simulator application.You will begin the GNS3 journey by ensuring that you have prepared your computer with any additional files required by GNS3, to set up the simulated environment needed for a successful installation process.Once GNS3 is installed, you will get to work creating a successful simulation including routers, Ethernet switches, Virtual PCs, and capture packets using Wireshark. Next, you will learn how to master GNS3's Graphical User Interface as well as the Command Console. The inner workings of GNS3 are described in depth so that you gain an appreciation of how UDP tunnels are used to tie the many components of GNS3 together.By following the clear examples and exercises in this guide, you will learn everything that you need to know about how to use GNS3 to prepare for certifications, as well as simulate real-world network scenarios.


Cloud Analytics with Microsoft Azure. Transform your business with the power of analytics in Azure - Second Edition

Has Altaiar, Jack Lee, Michael Pena

Cloud Analytics with Microsoft Azure serves as a comprehensive guide for big data analysis and processing using a range of Microsoft Azure features. This book covers everything you need to build your own data warehouse and learn numerous techniques to gain useful insights by analyzing big data.The book begins by introducing you to the power of data with big data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, artificial intelligence, and DataOps. You will learn about cloud-scale analytics and the services Microsoft Azure offers to empower businesses to discover insights. You will also be introduced to the new features and functionalities added to the modern data warehouse.Finally, you will look at two real-world business use cases to demonstrate high-level solutions using Microsoft Azure. The aim of these use cases will be to illustrate how real-time data can be analyzed in Azure to derive meaningful insights and make business decisions. You will learn to build an end-to-end analytics pipeline on the cloud with machine learning and deep learning concepts.By the end of this book, you will be proficient in analyzing large amounts of data with Azure and using it effectively to benefit your organization.


3D Printing Blueprints. Using the free open-source Blender software, anyone can design models for 3D printing. Fantastic fun and a great experience whether or not you have a 3D printer, this book is a crash course in the new technology

Joe Larson

A new industrial age is here. Machines designed to build useful and interesting objects have moved from the factory to the home. Whether you have a 3D printer or not, learning how to design your first 3D models is the best way to become part of the 3D printing movement. 3D Printing Blueprints will teach you, step by step, the tools and techniques of using Blender, a free 3D modelling program, to build 3D models for printing with simple and fun hands-on projects.3D Printing Blueprints uses engaging and fun projects that teach Blender modeling for 3D printing through hands-on lessons. First you'll learn basic modeling and make a small simple object. Then each new project brings with it new tools and techniques as well as teaching the rules of 3D printing design. Eventually you'll be building objects designed to repair or replace everyday objects. Finally you'll be able to even tackle other people's models and fix them to be 3D printable.Through the course of doing the blueprints you will custom build one-of-a-kind objects that you can call your own. Starting from a custom vase formed from a picture, lessons will progress to a multi-part modular robot toy. Then simple machines will be designed with custom gears and functions. Eventually you'll learn how to download models from the Internet and make custom objects. Finally you'll be able to build models with near real life specifications and make a print that can be used for small object repair.3D Printing Blueprints will teach you everything you need to know about building custom 3D models to print successfully on modern home 3D printers.