Wydawca: 30

Egzotyczne rośliny lecznicze w naszym domu

Andrzej Sarwa

Egzotyczne rośliny lecznicze na naszych parapetach, ludzie i rośliny, o ziołach i leczeniu ziołami, postaci leków ziołowych, co warunkuje wzrost i rozwój roślin? choroby i szkodniki, domowe sposoby rozmnażania roślin egzotycznych, właściwości lecznicze egzotycznych roślin użytkowych i ich mieszkaniowa uprawa, agawa, aloes, ananas, awokado, bawełna, cytryna, eukaliptus, figa, granat, herbata, imbir, kalanchoe, kamelia, kawa, laur, męczennica cielista passiflora, mirt, oliwka, papryka, plektrantus, pomarańcza, rozmaryn, szafran uprawny, wanilia, winorośl


Moodle 2.0 Course Conversion Beginner's Guide. Teachers, don’t be intimidated by e-learning! This book shows you how to take your existing course materials and transfer them quickly, effectively and – above all – easily into an e-learning course using Moodle. Absolute beginners welcome

Ian Wild, Moodle Trust

Schools, colleges and universities all over the world are installing Moodle, but many educators aren’t making much use of it. With so many features, it can be a hassle to learn – and with teachers under so much pressure day-to-day, they cannot devote much time to recreating all their lessons from scratch.This book provides the quickest way for teachers and trainers to get up and running with Moodle, by turning their familiar teaching materials into a Moodle e-learning course.This book shows how to bring your existing notes, worksheets, resources and lesson plans into Moodle quickly and easily. Instead of exploring every feature of Moodle, the book focuses on getting you started immediately – you will be turning your existing materials into Moodle courses right from the start.The book begins by showing how to turn your teaching schedule into a Moodle course, with the correct number of topics and weeks. You will then see how to convert your resources – documents, slideshows, and worksheets, into Moodle. You will learn how to format them in a way that means students will be able to read them, and along the way plenty of shortcuts to speed up the process.By the end of Chapter 3, you will already have a Moodle course that contains your learning resources in a presentable way. But the book doesn’t end there– you will also see how to use Moodle to accept and assess coursework submissions, discuss work with students, and deliver quizzes, tests, and video.Throughout the book, the focus is on getting results fast – moving teaching material online so that lessons become more effective for students, and less work for you.


LaTeX Beginner's Guide. When there’s a scientific or technical paper to write, the versatility of LaTeX is very attractive. But where can you learn about the software? The answer is this superb beginner’s guide, packed with examples and explanations

Stefan Kottwitz, Robin TUG

LaTeX is high-quality Open Source typesetting software that produces professional prints and PDF files. However, as LaTeX is a powerful and complex tool, getting started can be intimidating. There is no official support and certain aspects such as layout modifications can seem rather complicated. It may seem more straightforward to use Word or other WYSIWG programs, but once you've become acquainted, LaTeX's capabilities far outweigh any initial difficulties. This book guides you through these challenges and makes beginning with LaTeX easy. If you are writing Mathematical, Scientific, or Business papers, or have a thesis to write, then this is the perfect book for you.LaTeX Beginner's Guide offers you a practical introduction to LaTeX with plenty of step-by-step examples. Beginning with the installation and basic usage, you will learn to typeset documents containing tables, figures, formulas, and common book elements like bibliographies, glossaries, and indexes and go on to managing complex documents and using modern PDF features. It's easy to use LaTeX, when you have LaTeX Beginner's Guide to hand.This practical book will guide you through the essential steps of LaTeX, from installing LaTeX, formatting, and justification to page design. Right from the beginning, you will learn to use macros and styles to maintain a consistent document structure while saving typing work. You will learn to fine-tune text and page layout, create professional looking tables as well as include figures and write complex mathematical formulas. You will see how to generate bibliographies and indexes with ease. Finally you will learn how to manage complex documents and how to benefit from modern PDF features. Detailed information about online resources like software archives, web forums, and online compilers completes this introductory guide. It's easy to use LaTeX, when you have LaTeX Beginner's Guide to hand.


Building AI Applications with OpenAI APIs. Leverage ChatGPT, Whisper, and DALL-E APIs to build 10 innovative AI projects - Second Edition

Martin Yanev

Unlock the power of AI in your applications with ChatGPT with this practical guide that shows you how to seamlessly integrate OpenAI APIs into your projects, enabling you to navigate complex APIs and ensure seamless functionality with ease.This new edition is updated with key topics such as OpenAI Embeddings, which’ll help you understand the semantic relationships between words and phrases. You’ll find out how to use ChatGPT, Whisper, and DALL-E APIs through 10 AI projects using the latest OpenAI models, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4, with Visual Studio Code as the IDE. Within these projects, you’ll integrate ChatGPT with frameworks and tools such as Flask, Django, Microsoft Office APIs, and PyQt. You’ll get to grips with NLP tasks, build a ChatGPT clone, and create an AI code bug-fixing SaaS app. The chapters will also take you through speech recognition, text-to-speech capabilities, language translation, generating email replies, creating PowerPoint presentations, and fine-tuning ChatGPT, along with adding payment methods by integrating the ChatGPT API with Stripe.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to develop, deploy, and monetize your own groundbreaking applications by harnessing the full potential of ChatGPT APIs.


Świątynia Ludu. Część 2

Kristoffer Lind

W listopadzie 1978 roku świat obiegła wstrząsająca wiadomość: około dziewięciuset członków sekty zwanej Świątynią Ludu popełniło zbiorowe samobójstwo. Przez rozmieszczone w osadzie głośniki rozkazano członkom sekty wypić poncz zawierający cyjanek potasu. Tych, którzy stawiali opór, czekały nieprzyjemne konsekwencje… Jest to drugi z dwóch odcinków poświęconych sekcie Świątynia Ludu i tragedii w Jonestown.  Seria „Potęga kultu” przybliża historię najosobliwszych i najbrutalniejszych sekt w historii. W poszczególnych odcinkach dowiecie się między innymi o religijnych wspólnotach wierzących w UFO czy dziwnych rytuałach okultystycznych. Niemniej, jedna rzecz pozostaje niezmienna: na czele każdego kultu stoi charyzmatyczny przewodnik, który potrafi przyciągać do siebie rzeszę wyznawców.  Kim byli ci przywódcy? Czym się kierowali? Jak to możliwe, że zawładnęli umysłami zwykłych ludzi?   


Natural Language Processing Fundamentals for Developers. A Practical Guide to Building NLP Applications

Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato

This book is for developers seeking an overview of basic concepts in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It caters to those with varied technical backgrounds, offering numerous code samples and listings to illustrate the wide range of topics covered. The journey begins with managing data relevant to NLP, followed by two chapters on fundamental NLP concepts. This foundation is reinforced with Python code samples that bring these concepts to life.The book then delves into practical NLP applications, such as sentiment analysis, recommender systems, COVID-19 analysis, spam detection, and chatbots. These examples provide real-world context and demonstrate how NLP techniques can be applied to solve common problems. The final chapter introduces advanced topics, including the Transformer architecture, BERT-based models, and the GPT family, highlighting the latest state-of-the-art developments in the field.Appendices offer additional resources, including Python code samples on regular expressions and probability/statistical concepts, ensuring a well-rounded understanding. Companion files with source code and figures enhance the learning experience, making this book a comprehensive guide for mastering NLP techniques and applications.


Obrazy Europy w polskim dyskursie publicznym

Anna Horolets

Książka ta, oparta na analizie prasy z okresu negocjacji akcesyjnych między Polską i Unią Europejską (1998-2002), ukazuje przyczyny trwania i kierunki zmiany mitu centralności Europy w polskim dyskursie publicznym. W tym okresie eurodebata była pragmatycznie skierowana ku bieżącym celom politycznym, jednocześnie będąc debatą o rozwoju i zacofaniu. Korzystając z metod krytycznej analizy dyskursu i interpretacji semiotycznej, autorka demonstruje mechanizmy tworzenia obrazów Europy i Unii Europejskiej, a zarazem definiowania tożsamości polskich przez takie pary opozycji, jak obawy i nadzieje, strach i wstyd albo socjalizm i kapitalizm. Zastosowane w tej książce ujęcie dyskursu jako praktyki społecznej odsłania podwójną rolę prasy. Z jednej strony jest istotnym czynnikiem kształtującym świadomość zbiorową, z drugiej – odzwierciedla najgłębiej zakorzenione w niej mity.



Iwan Turgieniew

„Nowele” to zbiór utworów Iwana Turgieniewa, uznawanego za jednego z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli literatury rosyjskiej oraz twórcę tak zwanego rosyjskiego realizmu krytycznego. „Nowele” to zbiór pięknych ośmiu utworów autorstwa Iwana Turgieniewa. W skład tego zbioru wchodzą takie wyjątkowe dzieła jak: „Lekarz powiatowy”, „Żywe relikwie” oraz „Śmierć”.