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Web development
Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework used to build static web apps that are fast and lean, as well as being fun for developers to use. This book is a concise and practical introduction for those who are new to the Svelte framework which will have you up to speed with building apps quickly, and teach you how to use Svelte 3 to build apps that offer a great app user experience (UX).The book starts with an introduction to Svelte 3, before showing you how to set up your first complete application with the framework. Filled with code samples, each chapter will show you how to write components using the Svelte template syntax and the application programming interfaces (APIs) of the Svelte framework. As you advance, you’ll go from scaffolding your project and tool setup all the way through to production with DevOps principles such as automated testing, continuous integration, and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Finally, you’ll deploy your application in the cloud with object storage services and a content delivery network (CDN) for best-in-class performance for your users.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to build and deploy apps using Svelte 3 to solve real-world problems and deliver impressive results.
Salesforce Industries brings out-of-the-box solutions tailored to specific industries, making it easy for customers to install, configure, and slash their time-to-value. It stands as one of Salesforce's strategic pillars with the number of installations growing rapidly.While customizing the out-of-the-box solutions can pose performance challenges, this book provides a fail-safe system with proven best practices, tools, and precise metrics to enhance performance and scalability for efficient outcomes.Kicking off with an overview of the Salesforce Industries Vlocity platform and OmniStudio, you’ll explore the tools and techniques used to manage code and measure performance. Delving into performance optimization, you’ll uncover methods for improving performance in OmniStudio's Service Layer (Integration Procedures and DataRaptors) and Presentation Layer (OmniScripts and FlexCards). Further, the book will guide you through achieving maximum performance by leveraging best practices in both layers.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered the intricacies of Salesforce Industries on the Vlocity OmniStudio Platform, enhancing your skills to navigate and optimize tailored solutions effectively.
Simulation modelling is an exploration method that aims to imitate physical systems in a virtual environment and retrieve useful statistical inferences from it. The ability to analyze the model as it runs sets simulation modelling apart from other methods used in conventional analyses. This book is your comprehensive and hands-on guide to understanding various computational statistical simulations using Python. The book begins by helping you get familiarized with the fundamental concepts of simulation modelling, that’ll enable you to understand the various methods and techniques needed to explore complex topics. Data scientists working with simulation models will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide. As you advance, you’ll dive deep into numerical simulation algorithms, including an overview of relevant applications, with the help of real-world use cases and practical examples. You'll also find out how to use Python to develop simulation models and how to use several Python packages. Finally, you’ll get to grips with various numerical simulation algorithms and concepts, such as Markov Decision Processes, Monte Carlo methods, and bootstrapping techniques.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to construct and deploy simulation models of your own to overcome real-world challenges.
Web scraping is a powerful tool for extracting data from the web, but it can be daunting for those without a technical background. Designed for novices, this book will help you grasp the fundamentals of web scraping and Python programming, even if you have no prior experience.Adopting a practical, hands-on approach, this updated edition of Hands-On Web Scraping with Python uses real-world examples and exercises to explain key concepts. Starting with an introduction to web scraping fundamentals and Python programming, you’ll cover a range of scraping techniques, including requests, lxml, pyquery, Scrapy, and Beautiful Soup. You’ll also get to grips with advanced topics such as secure web handling, web APIs, Selenium for web scraping, PDF extraction, regex, data analysis, EDA reports, visualization, and machine learning.This book emphasizes the importance of learning by doing. Each chapter integrates examples that demonstrate practical techniques and related skills. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the skills to extract data from websites, a solid understanding of web scraping and Python programming, and the confidence to use these skills in your projects for analysis, visualization, and information discovery.
Andrew Siemer, Richard Kimber, Richard J Kimber
ASP.NET MVC, one of the latest web development platforms from Microsoft, brings the power of MVC programming to ASP.NET development. It simplifies the task of application development and maintenance for developers. However, ASP.NET MVC is filled with so many features that developers end up looking for solutions to the many problems that are encountered in their routine development tasks.ASP.NET MVC 2 Cookbook will provide solutions for the very specific problems that are encountered while developing applications with the ASP.NET MVC platform. It consists of many recipes containing step-by-step instructions that guide developers to effectively use the wide array of tools and features of ASP.NET MVC platform for web development ASP.NET MVC Cookbook is a collection of recipes that will help you to perform your routine development tasks with ease using the ASP.NET MVC platform. In this book you will be walked through the solution to several specific web application development problems. Each recipe will walk you through the creation of a web application, setting up any Visual Studio project requirements, adding in any external tools, and finally the programming steps needed to solve the problem. The focus of the book is to describe the solution from start to finish.The book starts off with recipes that demonstrate how to work effectively with views and controllers – two of the most important ingredients of the ASP.NET MVC framework. It then gradually moves on to cover many advanced routing techniques. Considering the importance of having a consistent structure to the site, the book contains recipes to show how to build a consistent UI and control its look with master pages. It also contains a chapter that is packed with many recipes that demonstrate how to gain control of data within a view.As the book progresses through some exciting recipes on performing complex tasks with forms, you will discover how easy it is to work with forms to jazz up the look of your web site. Building large applications with ease is one of the prime features of the MVC model. Therefore, this book also focuses on tools and features that make building large applications easier to manage. As data plays an important role in the MVC architecture, there are ample recipes dedicated to cover data validation, access, and storage techniques. Finally, the book demonstrates how to enhance the user experience of your visitors by controlling the data at the application, session, caching, and cookie level.By the end of this book, you will have explored a wide array of tools and features available with the ASP.NET MVC platform
This third edition gets you up and running with Windows Server 2022, Microsoft's new server operating system, as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems, developed concurrently with Windows 10, version 21H2.The book begins by introducing computer networking and Windows Server concepts, gradually moving towards Windows Server 2022. With the help of step-by-step instructions and easy-to-understand graphics, you’ll become well versed with the roles, features, and functionalities of Windows Server 2022. Topics such as the installation process, upgrades, post-installation tasks, and initial server configuration are covered in detail. As you make progress, you’ll explore roles, features, and role services such as Active Directory, DNS, Hyper-V, remote access, storage, and printers, among others. The book then takes you through maintenance and troubleshooting tasks to guide you in efficiently managing Windows Server 2022. Finally, by working with numerous questions in each chapter and detailed answers at the end, you can test your understanding of the concepts covered.By the end of this Windows Server book, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge needed to update, maintain, and troubleshoot servers to ensure business continuity by relying on best practices and using step-by-step graphic-driven examples.
Godot 4.0 is one of the most sought-after open-source game engines, and if you’re enthusiastic about exploring its features, then this book is for you. Written by an author with over twenty-five years of experience, the Godot 4 Game Development Projects introduces the Godot game engine and its feature-rich 4.0 version. With an array of new capabilities, Godot 4.0 is a strong alternative to expensive commercial game engines. If you’re a beginner, this book will help you learn game development techniques, while experienced developers will understand how to use this powerful and customizable tool to bring their creative visions to life.This updated edition consists of five projects with an emphasis on the 3D capabilities of the engine that will help you build on your foundation-level skills through small-scale game projects. Along the way, you’ll gain insights into Godot’s inner workings and discover game development techniques that you can apply to your projects.Using a step-by-step approach and practical examples, this book covers everything from the absolute basics to sophisticated game physics, animations, and much more. By the time you complete the final project, you’ll have a strong foundation for future success with Godot 4.0 and you’ll be well on your way to developing a variety of games.