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Biznes i ekonomia
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Przewodniki i podróże
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Microsoft Office
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Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
The IT sector's appetite for Splunk and skilled Splunk developers continues to surge, offering more opportunities for developers with each passing decade. If you want to enhance your career as a Splunk Enterprise administrator, then Splunk 9.x Enterprise Certified Admin Guide will not only aid you in excelling on your exam but also pave the way for a successful career.You’ll begin with an overview of Splunk Enterprise, including installation, license management, user management, and forwarder management. Additionally, you’ll delve into indexes management, including the creation and management of indexes used to store data in Splunk. You’ll also uncover config files, which are used to configure various settings and components in Splunk.As you advance, you’ll explore data administration, including data inputs, which are used to collect data from various sources, such as log files, network protocols (TCP/UDP), APIs, and agentless inputs (HEC).You’ll also discover search-time and index-time field extraction, used to create reports and visualizations, and help make the data in Splunk more searchable and accessible. The self-assessment questions and answers at the end of each chapter will help you gauge your understanding.By the end of this book, you’ll be well versed in all the topics required to pass the Splunk Enterprise Admin exam and use Splunk features effectively.
Experienced mediator, trainer, and business mentor Alison Love brings her insight into the nuances and subtleties of workplace conflict, to help you develop the vital communication skills that lie at the heart of good leadership. Emotional intelligence often passes unspoken in discussions about management but here Alison places it at the forefront, as a key component of management.Built around the process of mediation, Alison shows you precisely how mediation works, while also offering you invaluable information that will be integral for any manager interested in creating a team and a workplace committed and dedicated to a shared goal. From understanding the causes of conflict in the modern workplace to sustaining the results of a successful mediation, Alison aims to give you both the knowledge and the skills to be successful at this integral component of management.Conflict is an inevitable part of the workplace. Often it can be constructive, but it is more frequently, destructive and damaging. When it is not managed effectively it can cripple morale and productivity and lead even to stress and ill health. One of the most effective forms of conflict management is mediation, which provides a formal structure through which conflicting parties can articulate their perspectives, with the aim of reaching a resolution through this formalised discussion. Beginning with the causes of conflict in the modern workplace, this book then takes you through the entire mediation process, providing you with clear, practical steps on how to plan and conduct a mediation to how to sustain the results once the process has been completed. With tools and templates that make what may seem like a difficult process manageable, the book is an essential tool for manager’s concerned about how to deal with conflict at work.
Andrew Scott Meadows, Andy Meadows
The ASP.NET MVC 4 framework is used to build scalable web applications with the help of design patterns and .NET Framework. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design principle which separates the components of a web application. This separation helps you to modify, develop, and test different components of a web application.ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile App Development helps you to develop next generation applications, while guiding you to deal with the constraints the mobile web places on application development. By the end of the book, you will be well versed with all the aspects of mobile app development.ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile App Development introduces you to developing mobile web apps using the ASP.NET MVC 4 framework. Walking you through the process of creating a homebrew recipe sharing application, this book teaches you the fundamentals and concepts relevant to developing Internet-ready mobile-enabled web apps. Through the sample application, you will learn how to secure your apps against XSS and CSRF attacks, open up your application to users using third party logins such as Google or Facebook, and how to use Razor, HTML 5, and CSS 3 to create custom views and content targeting mobile devices. Using these custom views, you will then learn how to create web apps with a native mobile device feel using jQuery mobile. By the end of the book, you will be presented with a set of challenges to prove to yourself that you now have the skills to extend your existing web applications to the mobile web or create new mobile web apps.
Stefan Gossner, Lim Mei Ying, Angus Logan, Andrew Connell
Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 is a dynamic web publishing system with which you can build websites quickly and cost-efficiently. MCMS provides the administration, authoring, and data management functionality, and you provide the website interface, logic, and workflow. Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server (SPS) also features in the book. SPS 2003 enables enterprises to deploy an intelligent portal that seamlessly connects users, teams, and knowledge so that people can take advantage of relevant information across business processes to help them work more efficiently.You've mastered the basics of MCMS, and setup your own MCMS installation. You've only scratched the surface. This book is your gateway to squeezing every penny from your investment in MCMS and SPS, and making these two applications work together to provide an outstanding richness of content delivery and easy maintainability. As a developer, the Publishing API (PAPI) is at the heart of your work with MCMS, and this book starts by taking you on the most detailed tour of the PAPI you will find anywhere. As a live example, a component that reveals the structure of your MCMS site is created, taking you through how to manage the common elements of MCMS programmatically. Getting SharePoint and MCMS to work together is the next stop in the book. You will see how to use SharePoint's search engine to search MCMS content, publish content between the two systems, and create SharePoint Web Parts to draw content from MCMS.To ease your everyday work with MCMS, there are chapters on placeholder validation, and some useful custom placeholders for common MCMS tasks, such as a date-time picker, a placeholder for multiple attachments, and a DataGrid placeholder among others. There are a number of ways to consume MCMS content from the outside world, and we look at two exciting ways here; RSS and InfoPath/Web Services. The InfoPath solution provides another interface to MCMS content that allows content authors to concentrate on content and not the presentation. The book is rounded off with a number of must-have MCMS tips and tricks.Revert a posting to a previous version Change a postingÔø???s template Build a recycle bin Deal with links to deleted resources Update a postingÔø???s properties directly from a template file Re-write ugly URLs to friendly URLs Export resource gallery items using the site deployment API (SDAPI) Configure the position and size of the Web Author Console Dialogs Get frames and IFrames to work correctly in a template file
Azure Architecture Explained. A comprehensive guide to building effective cloud solutions
David Rendón, Brett Hargreaves, Sarah Kong
Azure is a sophisticated technology that requires a detailed understanding to reap its full potential and employ its advanced features. This book provides you with a clear path to designing optimal cloud-based solutions in Azure, by delving into the platform's intricacies. You’ll begin by understanding the effective and efficient security management and operation techniques in Azure to implement the appropriate configurations in Microsoft Entra ID. Next, you’ll explore how to modernize your applications for the cloud, examining the different computation and storage options, as well as using Azure data solutions to help migrate and monitor workloads. You’ll also find out how to build your solutions, including containers, networking components, security principles, governance, and advanced observability. With practical examples and step-by-step instructions, you’ll be empowered to work on infrastructure-as-code to effectively deploy and manage resources in your environment. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the world of cloud computing confidently.
Building Clouds with Windows Azure Pack. Click here to enter text
Windows Azure Pack is an on-premises cloud solution by Microsoft, which can be leveraged by Organizations and Services providers for building an enterprise class cloud solution. WAP provides consistent experience to Microsoft Azure, along with capabilities such as multi-tenancy, high density, self-service, automated. WAP can be leveraged to provide both IaaS & PaaS Offerings to internal and external customers. In this book, we will learn about planning and deployment of Cloud Fabric for Windows Azure Pack, Azure Pack components, VM Clouds and IaaS offerings, PaaS Offering including WebSites & Service Bus, DBaaS offerings, Automation with SMA, and extending capabilities with third party products integration and tenant experience for all services.