Publisher: 151

Język rzeczy. W jaki sposób przedmioty nas uwodzą?

Deyan Sudjic

Czemu wymarzony komputer po dwóch latach wydaje się nam bezużytecznym, tandetnym złomem? Z jakiego powodu niektóre przedmioty stają się fetyszami, a inne archetypami? Co dziś jest prawdziwym luksusem: posiadanie pewnych rzeczy czy raczej rezygnacja z nich? Dlaczego dajemy się wciągać w obłędny trans konsumpcji? Na te, a także wiele innych pytań, odpowiada Deyan Sudjic. Odwołując się do konkretnych przykładów z historii i współczesności (komputer Apple, pistolet Walther PPK, krzesło Aeron), pokazuje, że dizajn to swoisty język, który podlega ewolucji i który warto nauczyć się czytać. Dzięki temu będziemy mogli lepiej zrozumieć otaczający nas świat i staniemy się bardziej świadomymi odbiorcami, a może nawet uda nam się uniknąć niektórych pułapek konsumpcjonizmu. Wciągający, błyskotliwy esej, który zmienia spojrzenie na wiele rzeczy.


Terapia lasem w badaniach i praktyce

Katarzyna Simonienko

Dendroterapia i jej zalety - autorstwa lekarza psychiatrii


SAP Data Services 4.x Cookbook. Delve into the SAP Data Services environment to efficiently prepare, implement, and develop ETL processes

Ivan Shomnikov, Stanislav Pereyaslov

Want to cost effectively deliver trusted information to all of your crucial business functions? SAP Data Services delivers one enterprise-class solution for data integration, data quality, data profiling, and text data processing. It boosts productivity with a single solution for data quality and data integration. SAP Data Services also enables you to move, improve, govern, and unlock big data. This book will lead you through the SAP Data Services environment to efficiently develop ETL processes. To begin with, you’ll learn to install, configure, and prepare the ETL development environment. You will get familiarized with the concepts of developing ETL processes with SAP Data Services. Starting from smallest unit of work- the data flow, the chapters will lead you to the highest organizational unit—the Data Services job, revealing the advanced techniques of ETL design. You will learn to import XML files by creating and implementing real-time jobs. It will then guide you through the ETL development patterns that enable the most effective performance when extracting, transforming, and loading data. You will also find out how to create validation functions and transforms.Finally, the book will show you the benefits of data quality management with the help of another SAP solution—Information Steward.


Biały rój

Andrzej Zimniak

W pierwszych latach XXIII wieku naukowiec Benon Haywick dokonuje druzgocącego odkrycia. Jego zdaniem w stronę Ziemi pędzi gigantyczny rój lodowych brył. Za 100 lat dojdzie do kolizji, w wyniku której nasza planeta zamieni się w wielki ocean. Astronom, genetyk i dwóch informatyków postanawiają stworzyć rozwiązanie, które uchroni ludzkość przed zagładą. Rozpoczynają prace nad modyfikacją genetyczną człowieka, tak by mógł on przetrwać w nowych warunkach. Na drodze do celu muszą pokonać wiele przeszkód - zarówno natury technologicznej, jak i... obyczajowej. Ciekawa pozycja dla miłośników fantastyki naukowej w stylu Janusza Zajdla.


Kirgiz. Powieść

Gustaw Zieliński

Kirgiz to romantyczna powieść poetycka, pełna nawiązań do takich dzieł jak mickiewiczowskie Sonety krymskie czy Maria Malczewskiego oraz twórczości Byrona, Puszkina czy Lermontowa. Stanowi ukazaną w orientalnym kostiumie apologię wolności oraz dychotomię miłości i zemsty. Gustaw Zieliński należał do drugiego pokolenia romantyków polskich i tzw. ukraińskiej szkoły poetów. Był uczestnikiem powstania listopadowego i zesłańcem syberyjskim.


The Face and the Doctor

Max Brand

The Face and the Doctor is another short story by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) who was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand. This story filled with excitement, suspense, good guys and bad, and plot twists aplenty! Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley. He became one of the most prolific writers of our time but abandoned writing at age fifty-one to become a war correspondent in World War II, where he was killed while serving in Italy. Faust wrote more than 500 novels and over 400 short stories & novellas using twenty pseudonyms, including George Owen Baxter, George Challis, Evan Evans, John Frederick, Frederick Frost, David Manning & Peter Morland.


Moodle 2.0 First Look. Discover what's new in Moodle 2.0, how the new features work, and how it will impact you

Mary Cooch, Moodle Trust

Moodle is currently the world's most popular E-learning platform. The long-awaited second version of Moodle is now available and brings with it greatly improved functionality. If you are planning to upgrade your site to Moodle 2.0 and want to be up-to-date with the latest developments, then this book is for you.This book takes an in-depth look at all of the major new features in Moodle 2.0 and how it differs from previous Moodle versions. It highlights changes to the standard installation and explains the new features with clear screenshots, so you can quickly take full advantage of Moodle 2.0. It also assists you in upgrading your site to Moodle 2.0, and will give you the confidence to make the move up to Moodle 2.0, either as an administrator or a course teacher.With its step-by-step introduction to the new features of Moodle 2.0, this book will leave you confident and keen to get your own courses up and running on Moodle 2.0. It will take you on a journey from basic navigation to advanced administration, looking at the changes in resource management and activity setup along the way. It will show you new ways tutors and students can control the pace of their learning and introduce you to the numerous possibilities for global sharing and collaborating now available in Moodle 2.0


Reactive Programming for .NET Developers. Get up and running with reactive programming paradigms to build fast, concurrent, and powerful applications

Antonio Esposito, Michael Ciceri

Reactive programming is an innovative programming paradigm focused on time-based problem solving. It makes your programs better-performing, easier to scale, and more reliable.Want to create fast-running applications to handle complex logics and huge datasets for financial and big-data challenges? Then you have picked up the right book! Starting with the principles of reactive programming and unveiling the power of the pull-programming world, this book is your one-stop solution to get a deep practical understanding of reactive programming techniques. You will gradually learn all about reactive extensions, programming, testing, and debugging observable sequence, and integrating events from CLR data-at-rest or events. Finally, you will dive into advanced techniques such as manipulating time in data-flow, customizing operators and providers, and exploring functional reactive programming.By the end of the book, you'll know how to apply reactive programming to solve complex problems and build efficient programs with reactive user interfaces.