Wydawca: 186

Wielki Ogień

Jeanne Bourin

Learning Apache Apex. Real-time streaming applications with Apex

Thomas Weise, Munagala V. Ramanath, David Yan, Kenneth Knowles


Martyna Bunda

Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook. Do amazing things with the shell and automate tedious tasks - Third Edition

Clif Flynt, Sarath Lakshman, Shantanu Tushar

Remember Miranda Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Akinyemi, Rowena

Nadzieja na dziecko

Tomasz P. Terlikowski

Data Lake for Enterprises. Lambda Architecture for building enterprise data systems

Vivek Mishra, Tomcy John, Pankaj Misra

Redash v5 Quick Start Guide. Create and share interactive dashboards using Redash

Alexander Leibzon, Yael Leibzon