Wydawca: Packt Publishing
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Python Machine Learning By Example. Implement machine learning algorithms and techniques to build intelligent systems - Second Edition

Yuxi (Hayden) Liu

Raspberry Pi 3 Projects for Java Programmers. Get the most out of your Raspberry Pi 3 with Java

John Sirach, Rajdeep Chandra, Pradeeka Seneviratne

Game Programming using Qt 5 Beginner's Guide. Create amazing games with Qt 5, C++, and Qt Quick - Second Edition

Pavel Vladimirovich Strakhov

Mastering Kali Linux for Web Penetration Testing. The ultimate defense against complex organized threats and attacks

Michael McPhee

Kotlin Programming By Example. Build real-world Android and web applications the Kotlin way

Iyanu Adelekan

Voicebot and Chatbot Design. Flexible conversational interfaces with Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Facebook Messenger

Rachel Batish

Mastering Apache Storm. Real-time big data streaming using Kafka, Hbase and Redis

Ankit Jain

Machine Learning with R Quick Start Guide. A beginner's guide to implementing machine learning techniques from scratch using R 3.5

Iván Pastor Sanz