Wydawca: 17

Azure for Architects. Implementing cloud design, DevOps, IoT, and serverless solutions on your public cloud

Ritesh Modi

The Talleyrand Maxim

Joseph Smith Fletcher

Programming Kotlin. Get to grips quickly with the best Java alternative

Stephen Samuel, Stefan Bocutiu

100 zagadek przyrodniczych

Katarzyna Michalec

The Three Eyes

Maurice Leblanc

Angielskie tajemnice. Zestaw 3 ebooków

Oscar Wilde, Arthur Conan Doyle, Marta Owczarek

Java EE 8 Application Development. Develop Enterprise applications using the latest versions of CDI, JAX-RS, JSON-B, JPA, Security, and more

David R. Heffelfinger

Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

Zgromadzenie Narodowe