Wydawca: Packt Publishing
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Practical gRPC. Build highly-connected systems with a framework that can run on any platform

Joshua B. Humphries, David Konsumer, David Muto, Robert Ross, ...

Linux Kernel Debugging. Leverage proven tools and advanced techniques to effectively debug Linux kernels and kernel modules

Kaiwan N Billimoria

Learning Pentesting for Android Devices. Android’s popularity makes it a prime target for attacks, which is why this tutorial is so essential. It takes you from security basics to forensics and penetration testing in easy, user-friendly steps

Aditya Gupta

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations. Deliver profitable projects with effective project planning and productive operational workflows

Robert Houdeshell

Automotive Cybersecurity Engineering Handbook. The automotive engineer's roadmap to cyber-resilient vehicles

Dr. Ahmad MK Nasser

Applied Geospatial Data Science with Python. Leverage geospatial data analysis and modeling to find unique solutions to environmental problems

David S. Jordan

Hudson 3 Essentials. Here is a book that makes life easier for Java developers or administrators by teaching you how to automate application testing using Hudson 3. Fast-paced and hands-on, the guide covers everything from installation to writing plugins

Lloyd H. Meinholz

VMware vSphere 5.1 Cookbook. If you prefer practice to theory then this is the ideal book for learning how to install and configure VMware vSphere components. Packed with recipes, it's a hands-on tutorial and reference guide for this unbeatable virtualization product

Abhilash G B