Видавець: 5


Julia Fiedorczuk

Wysadzeni z siodła

Magda Lewandowska

Java w pigułce. Wydanie VIII

Benjamin Evans, Jason Clark, David Flanagan

Podstawy elektrotechniki i elektroniki dla studentów Wydziału Mechanicznego

Marek Adamiec

Głębiny duch

Tadeusz Miciński

Так казав Заратустра

Фрідріх Ніцше

Build Gamified Websites with PHP and jQuery. Using gaming principles to make learning more engaging, motivating, and interactive is a growing trend in web development. It's called gamification, and this book is the complete introduction to its theory and practice

Detrick DeBurr

Practical DevOps. Harness the power of DevOps to boost your skill set and make your IT organization perform better

joakim verona