Wydawca: 183

Гальшка Острозька

Ірина Звонок

Algorithmic Short Selling with Python. Refine your algorithmic trading edge, consistently generate investment ideas, and build a robust long/short product

Laurent Bernut, Michael Covel


Ewelina Nawara, Małgorzata Falkowska

Svelte with Test-Driven Development. Advance your skills and write effective automated tests with Vitest, Playwright, and Cucumber.js

Daniel Irvine


Adolf Dygasiński

Swift Cookbook. Proven recipes for developing robust iOS applications with Swift 5.9 - Third Edition

Keith Moon, Chris Barker, Daniel Bolella, Nathan Lawlor

Duch na rozstaju dróg. Bożonarodzeniowa antologia opowieści niesamowitych

Podstawy elektrotechniki i elektroniki

Andrzej Lech Koszmider