Wydawca: 6

Mastering vRealize Operations Manager. Analyze and optimize your IT environment by gaining a practical understanding of vRealize Operations 6.6 - Second Edition

Spas Kaloferov, Chris Slater, Scott Norris


Devin Greenlee

Simplifying State Management in React Native. Master state management from hooks and context through to Redux, MobX, XState, Jotai and React Query

Aleksandra Desmurs-Linczewska, Kadi Kraman

Głową w dół

Michał Gacek


Monika Helfer

Tao gospodyni domowej

Kinga Dunin

Password Cracking with Kali Linux. Unlock Windows Security with Kali Linux Expertise

Daniel W. Dieterle

Słońce powstanie znowu
