Wydawca: 18

Zaćma - krajobraz po roku pandemii

Marek Rękas

Django 1.0 Template Development. A practical guide to Django template development with custom tags, filters, multiple templates, caching, and more

Scott Newman, Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Learning Unity iOS Game Development. Build exciting games with Unity on iOS and publish them on the App Store

Kyle Langley, Robert Wiebe US, Nicki Hansen, Ravi Gadesha, ...

Skills Needed for Working in the Automated Green Energy Sector

Krystian Olek, Grzegorz Krzos

Garść pełna uczuć

Anna Michałowicz

9 kobiet

Julia Magdalena Grabsky, Paweł Mateusz Tomach

Marlow of the Mounted

T.C. Bridges

Słownik mitologii hinduskiej

Opracowanie zbiorowe