Wydawca: 9

Core Data iOS Essentials. Knowing Core Data gives you the option of creating data-driven iOS apps, and this book is the perfect way to learn as it takes you through the process of creating an actual app with hands-on instructions

Bintu Harwani, B. M. Harwani


Przemysław Skowron

Pan i pies

Ignacy Krasicki

BeagleBone By Example. Click here to enter text

Pei JIA, Jayakarthigeyan Prabakar, Alexander Hiam

Nie w porę

Teresa Prażmowska

Od nowa po traumie. Czuła droga do poczucia bezpieczeństwa

Deirdre Fay

Gogol w Rzymie. Listy z zagranicy

Pawieł Annienkow

Przygody Sherlocka Holmesa

Arthur Conan Doyle