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Лоґан Урі

Колекція Writers on Writing. Слово свого роду

Євгенія Кононенко

Developing IoT Projects with ESP32. Automate your home or business with inexpensive Wi-Fi devices

Vedat Ozan Oner

Azure for Decision Makers. The essential guide to Azure for business leaders

Jack Lee, Jason Milgram, David Rendón

Thoreau: wstawaj wolny od trosk przed świtem i poszukuj przygód

Jacek Podsiadło

Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Krok po kroku

John Sharp

Azure OpenAI Essentials. A practical guide to unlocking generative AI-powered innovation with Azure OpenAI

Amit Mukherjee, Adithya Saladi, Marco Casalaina

Duch w maszynie

Michał Bigoszewski