Verleger: 2

Seryjni mordercy II RP. "Będzie wam u mnie jak w raju"

Kamil Janicki


Mariusz Grzebalski

Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis. T. 14

red. Jan Iwanek, Rafał Glajcar

C# 8 and .NET Core 3 Projects Using Azure. Build professional desktop, mobile, and web applications that meet modern software requirements - Second Edition

Paul Michaels, Dirk Strauss, Jas Rademeyer

Do reportera

Mieczysław Braun

Generative AI on Google Cloud with LangChain. Design scalable generative AI solutions with Python, LangChain, and Vertex AI on Google Cloud

Leonid Kuligin, Jorge Zaldívar, Maximilian Tschochohei, Harrison Chase

Agady talmudyczne

Autor nieznany

Rajski ptak

Jerzy Bandrowski