Wydawca: 183

A Developer's Guide to Building Resilient Cloud Applications with Azure. Deploy applications on serverless and event-driven architecture using a cloud database

Hamida Rebai Trabelsi, Lori Lalonde

jQuery Mobile Cookbook. Over 80 recipes with examples and practical tips to help you quickly learn and develop cross-platform applications with jQuery Mobile book and

Chetan Jain

Dieta dla Skorpiona. Jedz zgodnie ze swoim znakiem zodiaku

Małgorzata Borgman

Ocalone miliony

Karol May

Threnodie XVI

Jan Kochanowski

Wstęp do BDSM: Okiem uległej przewodnik dla początkujących

Catrina Curant

Zabujany w nim

L. Sherman

Agile Technical Practices Distilled. A learning journey in technical practices and principles of software design

Pedro M. Santos, Marco Consolaro, Alessandro Di Gioia