
Anna Karenina

Lew Tołstoj

"Anna Karenina" to powieść psychologiczna autorstwa wybitnego mistrza rosyjskiego pióra - Lwa Tołstoja. Powieść ta, to jedno z najwspanialszych dzieł Lwa Tołsotja, jednego z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli realizmu w literaturze europejskiej.


Anna Karenina

Lew Tołstoj

Klasyka literatury w nowej edycji to znakomity pretekst, by powrócić do dzieł wybitnych i ważnych – przypomnieć je sobie, przeżyć i zinterpretować na nowo lub odkryć, czytając po raz pierwszy. Seria obejmuje arcydzieła polskiej i światowej literatury pięknej – utwory, które mimo upływu lat wciąż zachwycają, intrygują, wzruszają i skłaniają do refleksji.


Anna Karenina

Leo Tolstoy

The story of all-consuming passion, the story of a married woman who fell in love with a handsome officer and threw her husband against everything: the opinion of the world, generally accepted morality, her conscience. This is a much deeper work than just a story of love and suicide. This is a book about the torment of conscience, about egoism, about hypocrisy, meanness and selfishness, about the search for oneself and ones place in this world. This is a book about life, about the life of officials and peasants, about faith, about religion, about respect.


Anna Karenina. Roman

Lew N. Tolstoi

Lew Tolstois Roman Anna Karenina spielt abwechselnd in Moskau, auf einem Landgut und in St. Petersburg und bietet eine ausgezeichnete Schilderung der russischen Gesellschaft in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Glücklos mit einem hohen Beamten verheiratet, verfällt die bezaubernde, kluge und sanftmütige Anna dem jungen Offizier Graf Wronski in unwiderstehlicher Liebe. Anna Karenina ist bereit, dieser Liebe alles zu opfern. Doch ihre Liebe scheitert und endet in Eifersucht, Hass und Verzweiflung. Schließlich richtet Anna sich selbst, aber auch ihren Mann und den Geliebten zugrunde. In der anderen großen Figur des Romans, dem Gutsbesitzer Lewin, hatte sich Tolstoi selbst verewigt.


Anna the Adventuress

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Annabelle Pelissier, for his own reasons, allows Sir John Ferringhall to believe that she is his sister Hannah. Anna continues to cheat and bear the burden of her sisters reputation, which in any case in Paris is a coquette. Infinite complications occur when both sisters return to London. This is one of the most intriguing stories of E. Philips Oppenheim.


Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress

George Bernard Shaw

“Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   “Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress” is a one-act play by George Bernard Shaw, written in 1917. The play is obviously influenced by the Russian Revolution that year. It takes place in an imaginary country which has recently experienced a similar revolution. The two main characters are the daughter of the ruler, who once ran away to join the circus as a girl, and now supports the revolution, and an army officer who opposes it.  


Annales Mathematicae Silesianae. T. 22 (2008)

Komitet Redakcyjny

Na treść niniejszego tomu składa się między innymi rozwiązanie równania funkcyjnego pochodzącego od reguły kwadraturowej Gaussa. Jest to najprostsza reguła kwadraturowa zawierająca niewymierne współczynniki węzłów. Równania z tego typu współczynnikami nie były dotąd rozważane, a są to istotne zagadnienia, pozwalają bowiem charakteryzować wielomiany wysokiego stopnia z użyciem małej liczby punktów pośrednich.


Annales Mathematicae Silesianae. T. 23 (2009)

Komitet Redakcyjny

Kolejny tom otwiera wspomnienie o zmarłym w grudniu 2006 r. matematyku Profesorze Andrzeju Lasocie, który był nie tylko wybitnym uczonym, ale także znakomitym wykładowcą, wychowawcą wielu pokoleń polskich matematyków. W tomie zamieszczono ponadto zarówno artykuły zawierające nowe wyniki z analizy matematycznej i algebry, jak i sprawozdania z konferencji i sympozjów naukowych.


Anne Frank

Giancarlo Villa

Już od prawie wieku historia Anne Frank nadal ekscytuje i zaskakuje. Twarz tej dziewczynki stała się symbolem Shoah, Holokaustu, zbiorowej tragedii, którą umiejętnie udokumentowała w swoim słynnym dzienniku, czytanym przez miliony ludzi na całym świecie. Podczas II wojny światowej Anne musiała zmierzyć się z brutalnością Hitlera, przechodząc przez koszmar obozu koncentracyjnego Auschwitz. Jej krótkie życie, które zaczęło się we Frankfurcie nad Menem, zostało ostatecznie skrócone przez nazistów w obozie zagłady Bergen-Belsen, gdy miała zaledwie 16 lat. Mimo to Anne Frank opowiada nam o optymizmie, wytrzymałości oraz woli życia, i to dlatego jej historia nigdy nie przestała fascynować czytelników każdego pokolenia. Giancarlo Villa - rzymianin, urodzony w 1988 roku, pisarz, dziennikarz, alpinista. Zajmuje się kwestiami ochrony środowiska i zrównoważonego rozwoju. Jest autorem dwóch powieści: La Spada di Falkerith (2016) oraz The Hero of the Glacier (2019). Opublikował także esej historyczny Dalla Scoperta del Nuovo Mondo alla Ricerca del Passaggio a Nord Ovest (2017). Kieruje kampanią dotyczącą ponownego zalesiania nieuprawianych i opuszczonych terenów.


Anne of Avonlea

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Annes back! She older and wiser and more beautiful with the additional charm of growing womanhood than that gangly red-headed girl that first came to Avonlea. This book follows Anne Shirley from the age of 16-18 during the two years she teaches at the Avonlea school. Anne discovers all of the joys and struggles of being a teacher and continuing her studies and friendship with Gilbert. To top this off, she must aid Marilla in the caring of two children whom Marilla has chosen to adopt: the naughty but adorable Davy, and the prim and slightly-dull Dora. Anne of Avonlea is the second book by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery in the Anne of Green Gables series. Written as fiction for readers of all ages, since the mid twentieth century, the literary classic has been considered a childrens novel.


Anne of Green Gables

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Eleven-year-old Anne Shirley is an orphan girl in need of a family and the novel follows her adventures over the next five years. She may be scrawny and freckled with red hair but shes also loving and bright with imagination, smart, dutiful and hardworking. When shes mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, elderly siblings who plan to adopt a young boy to help around their farm in Canadas Prince Edward Island, Anne faces the prospect of securing a home and a loving family if she can prove shes worth keeping. Time will demand adult choices at a critical moment, choices that will change her life and affect those around her. First published in 1908, Anne of Green Gables has spawned a slew of sequels and other related novels.


Anne of Green Gables - With Audio Level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library

Montgomery, L. M.

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Retold for Learners of English by Clare West. Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew want to adopt an orphan, to help on the farm at Green Gables. They ask for a boy, but they get Anne, who has red hair and freckles, and who talks and talks and talks. They didn't want a girl, but how can they send a child back, like an unwanted parcel? So Anne stays, and begins a new life in the sleepy, quiet village of Avonlea in Canada. But it is not so quiet after Anne comes to live there . . .


Anne of Green Gables Level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library

Montgomery, L. M.

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Clare West Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew want to adopt an orphan, to help on the farm at Green Gables. They ask for a boy, but they get Anne, who has red hair and freckles, and who talks and talks and talks. They didn't want a girl, but how can they send a child back, like an unwanted parcel? So Anne stays, and begins a new life in the sleepy, quiet village of Avonlea in Canada. But it is not so quiet after Anne comes to live there . . .


Anne of Ingleside

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne, now Mrs. Doctor Blythe, is still sometimes as impetuous as when she was the girl from Green Gables. But with six lively children and hard-worked Gilbert to look after not to mention Gilberts disapproving aunt, Anne has to be practical too. She suddenly began to worry that perhaps her adored Gilbert no longer loved her. But how could he not? After all, she may have been older, but she was still the lively, irrepressible, irreplaceable redhead the wonderful Anne of Green Gables, grown up. Shes ready to make her cherished husband fall in love with her all over again. Anne of Ingleside is the sixth book in the Anne Shirley chronology, and Montgomerys final published novel.


Anne of the Island

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of the Island was published in 1915, seven years after the bestselling Anne of Green Gables. This book tells the story of Anne Shirleys and her friends college years. As the security of home and childhood comforts fade, each must face the trials of being on their own. The novel kicks off when Anne decides to pursue her dream of a higher education, and subsequently leaves her two year teaching position at the school in Avonlea and begins her studies at Redmond College in Kingsport, where she is studying for her BA. A novel depicting the inevitable process of growing up, Anne of the Island is a perfect illustration of the challenging and sometimes awkward moments we all go through to achieve our full potential in life.


Anne of Windy Poplars

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of Windy Poplars is the fourth book in the Anne of Green Gables series by L. M. Montgomery. In this book, 22-year-old Anne Shirley has left college to serve as principal of Summerside High School and settles down in Windy Poplars. Here her biggest challenge is the high-status Pringles family who are not what one would expect them to be. The novel features a series of letters Anne sends to her intended, Gilbert Blythe, who is completing medical school. Annes sweet disposition and usual cheerful nature assure her happiness wherever she finds herself. Read Annes journey in her own words and find out how she overcomes the hard times.