
Alfresco 3 Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for implementing the most important functionalities of Alfresco

Snig Bhaumik, Snig Bhaumik, Alfresco.com

Alfresco is the renowned and multiple award winning open source Enterprise content management system which allows you to build, design, and implement your very own ECM solutions.You have read a number of tutorials, blogs, and books on Alfresco. Now you're in the real world, trying to use Alfresco, but you’re running into problems with it. This is the book you want. Packed full of solutions that can be instantly applied, this cookbook with its practical based recipes and minimal explanation meets that demand.This Alfresco 3 cookbook boasts a comprehensive selection of recipes covering everything from the basics to the advanced. The book has recipes for quickly installing Alfresco in Windows and Linux and helping you use custom content model, rules, and search. There is also a collection of recipes focused on creating Scripts, Freemarker templates, Web Scripts, and new workflow definitions. Steps to integrate Alfresco with other systems like MS-Office are also included. You will be able to use Alfresco’s File and Email servers. Finally, step-by-step recipes are presented to create an Alfresco build environment and compile the source code. This Alfresco 3 Cookbook is perfect for developers looking to start working on Alfresco quickly, gain complete understanding, write custom implementations, and achieve expertise very easily.


Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation. How to customize, use, and administer this powerful, Open Source Java-based Enterprise CMS

Vinita Choudhary, Pallika Majmudar, Munwar Shariff, Amita Bhandari, ...

Alfresco 3.0 has generated a lot of curiosity with its new content management features. Users have been waiting for a book that covers these concepts along with the security, dashboards, and configuration features of Alfresco 3.Alfresco 3 includes Alfresco Surf, a new N-Tier Architecture, which delivers scalability and accommodates more users on existing hardware resources. This new release also includes a draft implementation of the CMIS specification, and Microsoft Office SharePoint Protocol support. The new multi-tenancy features enable Alfresco ECM to be configured as a single-instance multi-tenant environment.This well-crafted and easy-to-use book is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management in your business using Alfresco 3. It covers the enhanced document management, a new web-based collaborative application called Alfresco Share, and various integration options with external applications.Alfresco 3 offers true Enterprise Content Management (ECM) by providing an open source alternative to Microsoft SharePoint, Documentum, and Interwoven. It is the most popular Java-based CMS with over 1.5 million downloads, 50,000 live sites, 74,000 community members, and with more than 150 application extensions in forge. This book guides you through creating smart, collaborative content repositories and shows how to use Alfresco 3 to create more elegant document sharing, better collaborative working, and reliable automated workflow processes.The book also explains how administrators can set up Alfresco 3 for multiple business units as a single-instance multi-tenant environment. Business users can leverage Alfresco Share, a new built-in web-based collaborative content management application bundled with Alfresco repository. It simplifies capturing, sharing, and retrieval of information across virtual teams.This book shows you how to unleash the power of Alfresco 3 to create collaborative working systems in your enterprise


Alfresco 3 Records Management. Comply with regulations and secure your organization's records with Alfresco Records Management

Dick Weisinger, Richard B Weisinger, Alfresco.com

The Alfresco Records Management feature set is so complete that it is one of the very limited number of systems, and the only Open Source solution, that has been fully certified for Records Management use by the US Department of Defense. Record keeping is important because accurate records are really the only way that organizations can demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. The amount of regulation that organizations must comply with has gone up dramatically over the last decade, and the complexity of record management has increased proportionally.Alfresco 3 Records Management is a complete guide for setting up records programs within organizations. The book is the first and only one that describes Alfresco's implementation of Records Management. It not only teaches the technology for implementing Records Management, but also discusses the important roles that both processes and people play in the building of a successful records program.Alfresco 3 Records Management starts with a description of the importance of record keeping, especially from a regulatory compliance perspective. It then discusses Records Management best practices and standards, and goes on to describe step by step how to identify documents that need to be managed as records, how to use Alfresco Records Management software to set up the File Plan structure for organizing the storage of records, and then how to manage the lifecycle of the records.The book provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring Alfresco Records Management. The topics covered include setting up a record File Plan, filing records, establishing record retention schedules, setting up security and permissions, assigning metadata, extending the content model, using advanced search techniques, and creating system activity audit reports. The book also provides deep-dive information from a developer's perspective about how the Records Management module was implemented within the Alfresco Share platform.Alfresco 3 Records Management covers features available in both the Community and Enterprise versions of Alfresco software. By the end of this book, you will be able to successfully develop a records policy and implement it within Alfresco Records Management.


Alfresco 3 Web Services. Build Alfresco applications using Web Services, WebScripts and CMIS

Alfresco.com, Piergiorgio Lucidi, Ugo Cei

Alfresco 3 is the leading open source enterprise content management system that offers powerful features for interacting with the content in its repository from outside the system. These include the support for the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) implementation, reusable web scripts, and a Web Services API.This is the first book to show you how to use Web Services in Alfresco. Packed with examples, you'll learn how to build applications using Alfresco remote APIs based on SOAP and REST. You'll see how to use different APIs and bindings such as WebServices, WebScripts, and CMIS.Alfresco 3 Web Services starts off by showing you the services exposed by the Alfresco Web Services API, and how the API fits into the Alfresco software architecture.You learn to develop your application firstly by setting up and testing your Java development environment using the Alfresco SDK in Eclipse IDE and secondly by associating the Alfresco source code and Javadocs in Eclipse.With the help of real world practical examples, you learn how to do things like create, sort, and call Web Scripts, and invoke remote calls to Alfresco repository. To get the most from the Web Services API, you need to know about the basics of the Content Manipulation Language (CML), and the book takes you through this.Examples such as the bookshop application show you how to sign in, change user sessions, get, remove and change public and private associated contents, manage a cart for your e-commerce application, and so on.Next, by implementing a Microsoft .NET application using the Alfresco Web Services API, you see how to perform operations against the repository from your .NET application.The book provides you with REST and SOAP concepts, their comparison, basics of the FreeMarker language, Atom Publishing Protocol, JavaScript controllers, and the Apache Chemistry project.By the end of this book, you will be able to put together your knowledge about CMIS and the Apache Chemistry toolkit to develop a complete working application that uses Alfresco, via CMIS, as a back-end storage. Last but not the least, this book also covers the WebServices security profiles— the best practices for Web Services to promote better interoperability.


Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implementation. With Alfresco 4 you can manage content across the enterprise more effectively and corroboratively. This book helps you achieve great results, however basic or sophisticated your needs, with a hands-on, training course approach

Jayesh Prajapati, Snehal Shah, Munwar Shariff, Vandana Pal, ...

Alfresco 4 has improved a lot with its new and advanced concepts for content management. Users have been waiting for a book that covers these concepts along with security, dashboards, and the configuration features of Alfresco 4.Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implementation is a well-crafted and easy-to-use book, and it is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management for your business needs using Alfresco 4. It covers the enhanced document management, integration with standard productivity tools, and various integration options with proven external applications.This book will take you through a number of clear, practical sections that will help you to make a proper decision for your business needs using standard practices with Alfresco's Document Management and various third-party integrationsYou will learn how to install, administer, and manage your entire application. The concepts of mapping your business documents by extending content models and achieving your complex business process using Workflow models and business rules will be discussed in this book. Integration with various third party tools like MS Office, Mobile Application, Outlook, Liferay, Ephesoft, and Kofax will also be covered. You will learn to create your own custom workflow using Activiti BPMN 2.0 Process Designer and also maintain and administrate the entire application.This book explains everything you need to know to manage your documents using standard processes and mechanisms.


Alfresco for Administrators

Vandana Pal

Alfresco is an open source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system for Windows and Linux-like operating systems.The year-on-year growth of business connections, contacts, and communications is expanding enterprise boundaries more than ever before. Alfresco enables organizations to collaborate more effectively, improve business process efficiency, and ensure information governance. The basic purpose of Alfresco is to help users to capture and manage information in a better way. It helps you capture, organize, and share binary files.This book will cover the basic building blocks of an Alfresco system, how the components fit together, and the information required to build a system architecture.This book will also focus on security aspects of Alfresco. such as authentication, troubleshooting, managing permissions, and so on.It will also focus on managing content and storage, indexing and searches, setting up clustering for high availability, and so forth.


Alfresco One 5.x Developer's Guide. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Benjamin Chevallereau, Jeff Potts

Do you want to create more reliable and secure solutions for enterprise apps? Alfresco One 5.x is your gateway to developing the best industry-standard enterprise apps and this book will help you to become a pro with Alfresco One 5.x development. This book will help you create a complete fully featured app for your organization and while you create that perfect app, you will explore and implement the new and intriguing features of Alfresco. The book starts with an introduction to the Alfresco platform and you’ll see how to configure and customize it. You will learn how to work with the content in a content management system and how you can extend it to your own use case. Next, you will find out how to work with Alfresco Share, an all-purpose user interface for general document management, and customize it. Moving on, you write web scripts that create, read, and delete data in the back-end repository. Further on from that, you’ll work with a set of tools that Alfresco provides; to generate a basic AnglularJS application supporting use cases, to name a few authentication, document list, document view. Finally, you’ll learn how to develop your own Alfresco Mobile app and understand how Smart Folders and Search manager work.By the end of the book, you’ll know how to configure Alfresco to authenticate against LDAP, be able to set up Single Sign-On (SSO), and work with Alfresco’s security services.


Al-Gahiz and his theory of social communication

Krystyna Skarżyńska-Bocheńska

Al-Ğāhiz, an Arabic scientist of the 9th century, belongs to the thinkers whose participation in and contribution to the development of the world science has not been recognized and appreciated. The great erudite and author of numerous works in various areas formulated, among others, the theory of social communication which may be compared to the late 20th century Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of discourse. The opinions of the Arab intellectual from Basra, living in the Middle Ages, reveal surprising accuracy and lose nothing of their topicality. Prof. Krystyna Skarżyńska-Bocheńska, the author, tries to give justice to the learned man whose ideas became forgotten or were distorted by careless copyists and have not received the appreciation they deserved. She presents the results of her research into the problem of the “art of words” in Al-Ğāhiz’s considerations, confronting them with the newest establishments of the modern Arabic scientists.


Algarve. Michelin. Wydanie 1

Praca zbiorowa

Ruszaj w świat z przewodnikiem Michelin! Poręczny format Czytelny układ treści Fascynujący portret regionu Liczne ciekawostki Aktualne informacje praktyczne Michelin zaprasza Cię do wspólnego odkrywania najpiękniejszych zakątków Algarve! Z tym przewodnikiem zwiedzanie będzie prawdziwą przyjemnością! Szukasz niezwykłych miejsc i intrygujących zabytków? Nic prostszego! Dzięki gwiazdkom przy nazwach obiektów i miejscowości nie pominiesz żadnej turystycznej atrakcji. Szczegółowe plany ułatwią poruszanie się po miastach i ich okolicach.Starannie dobrane ropozycje miejsc pomogą Ci znaleźć niebanalny nocleg, restaurację czy kawiarnię, w których spędzisz wyjątkowe chwile. Gwiazdki - tradycyjny system oceny atrakcji turystycznych: *** zobacz koniecznie ** warto odwiedzić * godne uwagi


Algebra i jej zastosowania

Anna Romanowska

Podręcznik do wykładów z algebry na Wydziale Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej powstał na podstawie wykładów „Algebra i jej zastosowania 1, 2” oraz „Wybrane zagadnienia algebry” prowadzonych przez autorkę na tym wydziale przez wiele lat. Zrozumienie książki wymaga od Czytelnika znajomości algebry liniowej oraz elementów logiki i teorii mnogości w zakresie wykładanym na pierwszym roku studiów matematycznych. Podręcznik zawiera podstawowe informacje należące do kanonu jednosemestralnego kursu algebry tradycyjnie wykładanego na większości wydziałów matematycznych, ale materiał jest znacznie obszerniejszy. Poza działami „klasycznymi” dotyczącymi grup, pierścieni przemiennych i ciał omówione są również struktury mniej klasyczne, ale mające coraz większe znaczenie zarówno w algebrze, jak i jej zastosowaniach. Tematy są dobrane w sposób pozwalający na wskazanie pewnych kierunków zastosowań w innych dziedzinach matematyki. Książka zawiera sporo przykładów, brakuje w niej jednak zadań do samodzielnego rozwiązania, których dołączenie planowane jest w przyszłości.


Algebra liniowa

Jerzy Topp

Jest to najnowsza wersja podstawy wykładów i ćwiczeń dla studentów informatyki, prowadzonych przez autora na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim, Politechnice Gdańskiej i w Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Zawodowej w Elblągu. Treść obejmuje: podstawowe struktury algebraiczne, liczby zespolone, wielomiany, macierze, układy równań liniowych, wyznaczniki, przestrzeń wektorową, przekształcenia liniowe, iloczyn skalarny i ortogonalność wektorów, wartości własne, formy kwadratowe i elementy geometrii analitycznej. Teorię przedstawiono w sposób czytelny i ścisły, dowodząc prawie wszystkie twierdzenia. Ważniejsze pojęcia, twierdzenia i metody algebry liniowej zilustrowane są w ponad 300 rozwiązanych przykładach. Do zrozumienia materiału wystarczą standardowe wiadomości i umiejętności matematyczne na poziomie szkoły średniej.  


Algebra Liniowa

Antoni Smoluk

Antoni Smoluk w przedmowie do niniejszej publikacji pisze: „Celem nauki jest prostota i doskonałość. Nauka nie komplikuje spraw prostych, ale przeciwnie - rozjaśnia prawdy ukryte”. Słowa te znakomicie oddają zawartość książki i intencje autora. Jest to bowiem nie tylko podręcznik przeznaczony dla studentów chcących zrozumieć matematykę i zgłębić tajniki algebry liniowej – nauki o wektorach. Ze względu erudycyjny wymiar opracowania i interdyscyplinarne nawiązania, które się w nim pojawiają, należy podkreślić, że jest to także pozycja, która z pewnością zainteresuje czytelników edukację mających dawno za sobą.


Algebra liniowa i geometria

Zbigniew Domański, Jolanta Borowska

Skrypt pt. Algebra liniowa i geometria autorstwa Zbigniewa Domańskiego i Jolanty Borowskiej przeznaczony jest dla studentów kierunku informatyka. Omawia podstawowe twierdzenia, podaje definicje, a każde zagadnienie jest rozwijane poprzez przedstawienie przykładów dotyczących omawianych zagadnień. W skrypcie omówiono podstawowe struktury algebraiczne - grupy, pierścienie i ciała. Przedstawiono także macierze liczbowe, działania na macierzach, wyznaczniki macierzy i równania macierzowe. Zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane ze zbiorami: iloczyn kartezjański zbiorów, zbiory liczb. W przypadku układów równań liniowych zaprezentowano twierdzenie Kroneckera-Capellego oraz metodę eliminacji Gaussa. Omówiono zagadnienia związane z równaniami płaszczyzny i prostej. Skrypt kończy analiza zagadnień związanych z wzajemnym położeniem punktów, prostych i płaszczyzn.


Algebra liniowa z geometrią analityczną 1

Mateusz Woronowicz

Niniejsza książka dedykowana jest studentom pierwszego roku matematyki oraz tym studentom pozostałych kierunków ścisłych, którzy interesują się algebrą liniową i podstawami geometrii analitycznej. Powstała ona w związku z wykładem pt. "Algebra liniowa z geometrią analityczną 1" prowadzonym przez  jej autora dla studentów matematyki stosowanej na Wydziale Informatyki Politechniki Białostockiej. Na treści prezentowane w tej książce składają się: algebraiczne preliminaria dotyczące teorii grup i pierścieni, w tym pierścieni wielomianów, liczby zespolone, rachunek macierzowy, układy równań liniowych, teoria przestrzeni i odwzorowań liniowych, elementy geometrii analitycznej w przestrzeni i na płaszczyźnie (wektory, proste, płaszczyzny), przykłady zastosowań algebry liniowej w zagadnieniach geometrycznych oraz kryptografii.