
The Chosen

Jerry B. Jenkins

Jakie to byłoby uczucie spotkać się z Jezusem twarzą w twarz? Jakie emocje by w tobie wzbudził, jak wpłynąłby na twój sposób myślenia o Bogu? Czy wywróciłby twój świat do góry nogami? Oto masz szansę wybrać się do Galilei I wieku i oglądać, jaką różnicę czynił Jezus w życiu tych, których powołał, i jak na zawsze ich przemienił. Doświadczysz życia i mocy doskonałego Syna Bożego jak jeszcze nigdy dotąd – oczami uczniów, zwyczajnych ludzi – takich jak ty. Powieść na podstawie uznanego serialu The Chosen, najbardziej niesamowita historia, jaką kiedykolwiek opowiedziano – życie Jezusa – w nowej, świeżej odsłonie autora bestsellerów New York Timesa, Jerry’ego B. Jenkinsa.   JERRY JENKINS jest autorem blisko 200 książek, w tym 21 bestsellerów New York Timesa, których łączna sprzedaż przekroczyła 71 milionów egzemplarzy. Znany jest z beletrystyki biblijnej, powieści o czasach ostatecznych (seria Left Behind) i wielu innych gatunków. Pomagał także Billy’emu Grahamowi w napisaniu jego wspomnień i jest autorem licz- nych biografii sportowych. Mieszka w Kolorado wraz z żoną Dianną, z którą mają trzech dorosłych synów. Jeden z nich, Dallas, jest twórcą, współautorem oraz reżyserem serialu telewizyjnego The Chosen.


The Chosen 40 dni z Jezusem - cz. 2

Amanda Jenkins

40-dniowe studium biblijne oparte na przełomowym serialu The Chosen. Zobacz Jezusa oczami ludzi, których poruszył. KONTYNUACJA BESTSELLEROWEJ CZĘŚCI PIERWSZEJ. Część druga studium biblijnego The Chosen. 40 dni z Jezusem zawiera czterdzieści zupełnie nowych przemyśleń biblijnych, opartych na wersetach z Pisma Świętego, które prezentują wyjątkowe spojrzenie na historie z Ewangelii, propozycje modlitwy oraz pytania, które pomogą Ci pogłębiać relację z Chrystusem. "Studium biblijne The Chosen ożywia Słowo Boże, sprawia, że pojawia się ono przed moimi oczami. Dzięki niemu Pismo Święte zmienia się ze zbioru informacji, które konsumuję, w natchnione przez Boga słowa, które mogę wcielać w życie". - MANDISA, artystka nagraniowa i mówczyni.


The Chosen 40 dni z Jezusem cz.1

Amanda Jenkins

40-dniowe studium biblijne oparte na przełomowym serialu The Chosen. Zobacz Jezusa oczami ludzi, których poruszył. Zuchwały rybak. Opętana kobieta. Pobożny przywódca religijny. Nieuczciwy poborca podatkowy. Miłość Chrystusa wejrzała na ich słabości i odmieniła ich życie. Każde z czterdziestu przemyśleń zawartych w studium The Chosen, opartych na wersetach z Pisma Świętego, prezentuje wyjątkowe spojrzenie na historie z ewangelii, propozycje modlitwy oraz pytania, które mogą wpłynąć na ciebie tak jak na tych, których Jezus napotkał, gdy był na ziemi. Studium biblijne oparte o Słowo Boże, na podstawie telewizyjnego hitu ,,The Chosen” Amanda Jenkins jest mówczynią i autorką. Napisała cztery książki, w tym „Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist” („Wyznania wściekłej perfekcjonistki”), pamiętnik, który stał się inspiracją dla kobiecych studiów biblijnych i konferencji w całym kraju. Specjalizuje się w pisaniu i nauczaniu o żywej autentyczności w naszej wierze, co było intencją stworzenia tej książki. Mieszka w Chicago z mężem Dallasem oraz czwórką dzieci. Kristen Hendricks jest autorką, artystką, twórczynią projektu artystycznego Small Girl Design. Zanim zilustrowała (dosłownie) to, w jaki sposób Wielki Bóg może działać przez Małą Dziewczynkę, Kristen wielokrotnie doświadczyła prawdy tego przesłania podczas swojej kadencji jako dyrektor wykonawczy organizacji przeciwdziałającej handlowi ludźmi w Afryce Wschodniej. Kristen mieszka w Chicago z dwiema córkami i mężem Joem, gdzie jest orędowniczką na rzecz kobiet, którym wskazuje drogę do Chrystusa. Dallas Jenkins od ponad dwudziestu lat jest filmowcem, a także rozchwytywanym mówcą, blogerem oraz gościem mediów podczas dyskusji na tematy związane z popkulturą i wiarą. Wyprodukował lub wyreżyserował kilkanaście filmów, w tym „What If…” i „Zmartwychwstanie” Gavina Stone’a. Wielki sukces jego krótkich filmów prezentujących Ewangelię z innej perspektywy doprowadził do powstania serialu telewizyjnego „The Chosen”, a także tej książki.


The Chouans

Honoré de Balzac

Two works of 1829 brought Balzac to the brink of success. Les Chouans, the first novel he felt enough confidence about to have published under his own name, is a historical novel about the Breton peasants called Chouans who took part in a royalist insurrection against Revolutionary France in 1799 that occurred in the region between Brittany and Nantes and Balzac places his story in this accurate historic contest. Balzac is one of Frances greatest storytellers and this particular thriller is one of his most spine-tingling ones. In it, an aristocrat, Marie de Verneuil, is sent by Joseph Fouché, the terrible minister of police to seduce and capture their leader, the Marquis de Montauran, known as the Guy (le Gars). She must be helped by a skillful, ambitious and unscrupulous policeman, Corentin. But Marie falls in love with her target...


The Chronic Argonauts

Herbert George Wells

This story was the first work of fiction in which an explorer traverses time through the use of a man-made device a time machine rather than through magic, divine intervention, or a natural phenomenon such as sleep. HG Wellss The Chronic Argonauts, written seven years before his much more famous time travel work, The Time Machine. The mysterious Dr. Moses Nebogipfel arrives in a small Welsh town in 1887. The apprehensions of the simple rural folk eventually cause them to storm the inventors workshop in an effort to avenge perceived witchery. Nobody knows who he is or how he arrived, but his manner and his appearance soon make Dr. Nebogipfels name dreaded in the village. Nebogipfel escapes with one other person, the sympathetic Reverend Elijah Ulysses Cook, in what is later revealed to be a time machine. After having been missing for three weeks, Cook returns, aged many years older.


The Chronicles of Martin Hewitt

Arthur Morrison

Second collection of detective fiction concerning Martin Hewitt, a famous private detective whose methods closely resemble those of Sherlock Holmes. The anthology is composed of six short stories, mysteries investigated by the investigator Martin Hewitt, and narrated by his friend, Colonel Brett. An artists work is vindictively vandalized, and the artist is found murdered in his smoking room. Gold bullion totaling L10,000 mysteriously vanishes from the ill-fated steamship Nicobar as it sinks en route to Plymouth. A clerk disappears from a large London bank along with a rather substantial amount of the companys money. A lunatic Frenchman, discovered beaten and bloody in the street, screams in terror when offered a loaf of bread. The detective Martin Hewitt is on the case.


The Chronicles of Michael Danevitch of the Russian Secret Service

Dick Donovan

Dick Donovan was a pseudonym used by (Mr) Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock (1842-1934). Muddock was also a journalist and wrote many other books. His series characters included not only Dick Donovan, the Glasgow Detective, but also Russian Secret Service agent Michael Danevitch, Vincent Trill of the Detective Service, private detective Tyler Tatlock and early forensic criminologist Fabian Field among others. The Chronicles of Michael Danevitch of the Russian Secret Service is a collection of short stories that includes 10 thrilling tales such as The mysterious disappearance of a million roubles, A modern Borgia, The strange story of an attaché, etc.


The Cinema Murder

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Phillip Romilly is a poor art teacher in London, half-starved, both mentally and physically. His cousin, Douglas, has everything and even buys Beatrice, Philips fiancée. He strangles Douglas, throws him in the canal, and assumes his identity. Douglas had booked passage to America for the next day, so after a pleasant sea voyage Phillip arrives at the Waldorf Hotel in New York as Douglas Romilly. Philips career in New York is filled with incident. On his wedding day, he is arrested for the murder of his cousin, and he seems lost, but the unexpected happens to save the situation! With colorful characters this classic murder mystery truly captures 20th century English and American life, and culminates dramatically...


The Circular Study

Anna Katharine Green

Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935), known as the Mother of the Detective Novel, is one of the first American writers of detective fiction. She was recognized for realism and well plotted story of her mystery stories. A tale of two families, betrayal, revenge, and murder, The Circular Story, written in 1902, is still an absorbing and notable work. We highly recommend this book to fans of classic detective fiction!


The City of No Escape

T.C. Bridges

The bottom of the gorge was filled with old lava, black and fragile, like bottle glass, but the rocks that endlessly rose on both sides on an African night were made of limestone. Everything was still like death. Even the jackal did not cry under the stars. For a while no sound was heard except for the gentle shuffling of Nicks legs as he slowly descended the steep slope. The darkness was terribly frightening for others, but Nick knew the way, and they unconditionally trusted him.


The Clojure Workshop. Use functional programming to build data-centric applications with Clojure and ClojureScript

Joseph Fahey, Thomas Haratyk, Scott McCaughie, Yehonathan Sharvit, ...

The Clojure Workshop is a step-by-step guide to Clojure and ClojureScript, designed to quickly get you up and running as a confident, knowledgeable developer. Because of the functional nature of the language, Clojure programming is quite different to what many developers will have experienced. As hosted languages, Clojure and ClojureScript can also be daunting for newcomers because of complexities in the tooling and the challenge of interacting with the host platforms. To help you overcome these barriers, this book adopts a practical approach. Every chapter is centered around building something.As you progress through the book, you will progressively develop the 'muscle memory' that will make you a productive Clojure programmer, and help you see the world through the concepts of functional programming. You will also gain familiarity with common idioms and patterns, as well as exposure to some of the most widely used libraries. Unlike many Clojure books, this Workshop will include significant coverage of both Clojure and ClojureScript. This makes it useful no matter your goal or preferred platform, and provides a fresh perspective on the hosted nature of the language.By the end of this book, you'll have the knowledge, skills and confidence to creatively tackle your own ambitious projects with Clojure and ClojureScript.


The Closed Book. Concerning the Secret of the Borgias

William Le Queux

These strange facts would never have been placed on record, nor would this exciting chapter of an eventful life have been written, except for two reasons: first, because the discovery I made has been declared to be of considerable importance to scientists, bibliophiles, and the world at large; and, secondly, because it is my dear wifes wish that in order to clear her in the eyes of both friends and foes nothing should be concealed, misrepresented, or withheld.


The Cloud Computing Journey. Design and deploy resilient and secure multi-cloud systems with practical guidance

Divit Gupta, Rohit Rahi

As the need for digital transformation and remote work surges, so does the demand for cloud computing. However, the complexity of cloud architecture and the abundance of vendors and tools can be overwhelming for businesses. This book addresses the need for skilled professionals capable of designing, building, and managing scalable and resilient cloud systems to navigate the complex landscape of cloud computing through practical tips and strategies.This comprehensive cloud computing guide offers expertise and best practices for evaluating different cloud vendors and tools. Once you’ve gained a thorough understanding of cloud computing basics, you’ll delve deeper into cloud architecture, its design, and implementation. Armed with this expert insight, businesses can avoid costly mistakes, ensure that their cloud systems are secure and compliant, and build cloud systems that can adapt and grow with the business.By the end of this book, you’ll be proficient in leveraging different vendors and tools to build robust and secure cloud systems to achieve specific goals and meet business requirements.


The Clouds


The old farmer Strepsiad is in debt because of his son Fidippida, squandering money for equestrian sports. Strepsiad seeks help from a neighbor the sage of Socrates; Having come to the thought room, where Socrates teaches young people, Strepsiad asks to teach him tricky speeches and evasions, which would allow not to repay debts. But Strepsiad turns out to be unsuitable for science, and then Fidippid goes to study instead


The Cloven Foot

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

The novel has two stories that at first glance seem unconnected, but most readers will be able to find out the connection. The first is about the situation of artificial inheritance. John Treverton must marry Laura Malcolm within a year or lose his inheritance. In another story, French ballerina Zaire Chico lives an absent-minded life in Parisian and London theaters. In the end, the mystery of the murder happens, and the rest of the plot focuses on that.


The Club of Queer Trades

G.K. Chesterton

Chestertons book is a series of mysterious stories with the participation of the narrator and his friend, an eccentric ex-judge Basil Grant. Each story is about someone who belongs to the Club of Strange Merchants about who makes a living in a unique way. This is an exciting journey for every reader.


The Clue

Carolyn Wells

On the eve of her wedding day, Madeleine Van Norman, a beautiful young lady who is soon to come into her family fortune is found dead, apparently stabbed with an ominous blood-stained letter opener found nearby. Who killed her the cousin who loved her but had been rejected; her fiancé, who was in love with another woman; her secretary, who loved the fiancé; the eccentric spinster who stood to inherit her property? The Clue, published in 1909, is the first book in the Detective Fleming Stone series. It falls squarely in the tradition of two favorite mystery sub-genres the Big House Mystery and the Locked Room Mystery. Detective Fleming Stone is cool and methodical, not unlike his more famous fictional contemporaries, Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. The twist is that he doesnt appear until the second half of the story.


The Clue of the Dead Hand

Dick Donovan

The Clue of the Dead Hand novela features detective Peter Brodie and has a Scottish setting. It tells of a murder and a simultaneous mysterious disappearance at Corbie Hall, a strange, weird sort of place... that has an eeriness about it... calculated to make one shudder. As much a rationalized ghost story as a detective story, it also involves male impersonation.


The Clue of the New Pin

Edgar Wallace

In this 1923 mystery by Edgar Wallace, Jesse Trasmere is thrifty and does not trust banks, so he keeps all of his money in his prison-like house. Although his nephew, Rex Lander, receives a generous allowance from his uncle, it is not enough for his extravagant lifestyle. Trasmere breaks with routine and informs his valet, Walters, that he is going out of town for a while to avoid an acquaintance from his past. One day he turns up dead, in a completely locked vault, the only clue is a pin found at the scene of the crime... A newspaper reporter helps clear the prime suspect and reveal the identity of the true killer.


The Clue of the Silver Key

Edgar Wallace

The story begins with the murder of Horace Tom Tickler, burglar, who is taken for a ride in the best Chicago fashion and then delivered to Scotland Yard in a stolen cab and all of England will be turned topsy-turvy until the clue of the silver key unmasks the ruthless murderer! Some intriguing twists, and the murderers identity is quite well hidden. With a wide range of suspects miserly rich uncle, heiress-actress, impecunious inventor, theatrical angel, inveterate gambler, even the underpaid butler this multiple murder mystery delivers. The Clue of the Silver Key was made into films and was very popular among viewers.


The Clue of the Twisted Candle

Edgar Wallace

An excellent crime novel which contains a cunning villain, love, revenge and locked room murder by the master of British thrillers. The hero John Lexman, is a mystery writer, like the author himself, and is married to a lovely woman who hides a secret. The Greek aristocrat, Remington Kara is stunningly handsome and immensely rich and he nurses an unrequited passion for Lexmans wife. When Lexman gets himself into financial problems with an Albanian moneylender, the plot begins to thicken. Kara, who is terrified of candles due to events in his shady past, is found dead and Lexman is framed for the murder. Lexmans friend T. X. Meredith, who is Scotland Yard detective, tries to prove his innocence.


The Coat of Arms

Edgar Wallace

1931 Edgar Wallace novel. The story begins with following the Arranway family and various people that touch their life. Sketchley, where the Coat of Arms roadhouse stands, is a place of strange happenings. A complicated trail of theft, arson and blackmail culminates in murder at the Coat of Arms roadhouse and T. B. Collett, the crack Scotland Yard detective, must cope with a cast of stock company suspects and an incompetent local detective. Little by little you can see that pretty much everyone had a reason to kill the victim. This is a dandy story with all the Golden Age mystery elements.


The Code of the West

Zane Grey

Georgianna Stockwell, a free-spirited young woman from the East, moves to the wilds of the Tonto Basin in Arizona and she creates a violent culture clash. She has been sent there by her parents and doctor for a change of scenery. It seems Georgianna had gotten herself lung problems due to all of her dancing and gadding about. Fortunately, her sister, Mary Stockwell is on the scene ready to take care of her younger sister and to show her how life should really be lived. But it seems Georgianna has realized something perhaps Mary has not. Men and women did not/do not stand on equal terms and this is something Zane Grey lets on that he was aware of as well by writing Georgiannas character. Cal Thurman is the love that is set aside as Georgiannas suitor. Mary and Enoch also come together in Code of the West, although without all of the bumps of Cal and Georgiannas relationship.


The Coldest Place on Earth - With Audio Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Vicary, Tim

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Tim Vicary. In the summer of 1910, a race began. A race to be the first man at the South Pole, in Antarctica. Robert Falcon Scott, an Englishman, left London in his ship, the Terra Nova, and began the long journey south. Five days later, another ship also began to travel south. And on this ship was Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian. But Antarctica is the coldest place on earth, and it is a long, hard journey over the ice to the South Pole. Some of the travellers never returned home. This is the story of Scott and Amundsen, and of their famous and dangerous race.