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Traditionally associated with Windows desktop applications and game development, C# has expanded into web, cloud, and mobile development. However, despite its extensive coding features, professionals often encounter issues with efficiency, scalability, and maintainability due to poor code. Clean Code in C# guides you in identifying and resolving these problems using coding best practices.This book starts by comparing good and bad code to emphasize the importance of coding standards, principles, and methodologies. It then covers code reviews, unit testing, and test-driven development, and addresses cross-cutting concerns. As you advance through the chapters, you’ll discover programming best practices for objects, data structures, exception handling, and other aspects of writing C# computer programs. You’ll also explore API design and code quality enhancement tools, while studying examples of poor coding practices to understand what to avoid.By the end of this clean code book, you’ll have the developed the skills needed to apply industry-approved coding practices to write clean, readable, extendable, and maintainable C# code.
Data cleaning is the all-important first step to successful data science, data analysis, and machine learning. If you work with any kind of data, this book is your go-to resource, arming you with the insights and heuristics experienced data scientists had to learn the hard way.In a light-hearted and engaging exploration of different tools, techniques, and datasets real and fictitious, Python veteran David Mertz teaches you the ins and outs of data preparation and the essential questions you should be asking of every piece of data you work with.Using a mixture of Python, R, and common command-line tools, Cleaning Data for Effective Data Science follows the data cleaning pipeline from start to end, focusing on helping you understand the principles underlying each step of the process. You'll look at data ingestion of a vast range of tabular, hierarchical, and other data formats, impute missing values, detect unreliable data and statistical anomalies, and generate synthetic features. The long-form exercises at the end of each chapter let you get hands-on with the skills you've acquired along the way, also providing a valuable resource for academic courses.
MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Oz du Soleil
This book provides a step-by-step guide to using Power Query in Excel for efficient data cleaning and transformation. Starting with an introduction to its capabilities, it explains how to import data, handle missing values, and parse text fields with ease.Advanced techniques such as merging datasets, appending data, and performing joins are explored in detail. The book also covers grouping data, creating conditional and custom columns, and reshaping data through unpivoting for analysis. Each concept is illustrated with practical examples for clarity.By the end of the book, readers will be equipped with the skills to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows. Whether dealing with messy data or preparing datasets for analysis, this guide ensures you can confidently tackle any Excel data transformation challenge.
Hamilton Cleek is back or is he? Margot, Queen of the Apaches, the notorious French criminal gang, has been released on bail and vanished, Inspector Narkom of Scotland Yard has a series of inexplicable murders to solve, there is talk of revolution in Mauravania. And Cleek is missing. The stories collected here are some of the best about the clever and resourceful private detective Cleek, the man of the forty faces, who through his talents for disguise solves crime and mystery in London. Hold on to your hats for another thrilling ride as spying, murder, mysterious disappearances, jewel theft and horse theft, bombs and political intrigue rear their ugly heads. The stories range from well-done mysteries involving excellent deductive reasoning to fast-paced action tales set in exotic locales with highly romanticized villains.
Cleek. The Man of the Forty Faces
A classic mystery novel featuring Hanshews best-known creation, the consulting detective Hamilton Cleek, known as the man of the forty faces for his incredible skill at disguise. An ex-cracksman turned Scotland Yard detective, Cleeks slim and faultlessly dressed form is topped by an india-rubber-like face, of which he has remarkable control. Cleek is based in Clarges Street, London, where he is constantly consulted by Inspector Narkom of Scotland Yard. Cleek is the central figure in dozens of short stories that began to appear in 1910 and were subsequently collected in a series of books. Cleek: The Man of the Forty Faces is the first book in the saga. A wonderfully entertaining story from the turn of the century of mystery, chivalry, and intrigue. If youre looking for good mystery look no further.
Collection of several short mysteries, starring consulting detective Hamilton Cleek and his incredible skills at disguise with the assistance of his cockney assistant Dollops. Cleek is poacher-turned-gamekeeper, a master criminal who decides to turn straight and work for Scotland Yard after being stricken by the sight of a lovely, innocent young woman whose jewels he was about to pinch. Told as a fairly continuous narrative, held together by the underlying thread of Cleeks efforts to redeem himself and thus gain the affection of the woman with whom he has fallen in love. There is also another underlying thread concerning Cleeks erstwhile accomplice, Margot, and her present accomplice, Merode, as Cleek occasionally finds himself foiling their plans. Each one of these stories is a romp, some more successful than others.
Clemenceau. Wizjoner znad Sekwany
Clemenceau był wybitnym reprezentantem Francji, klasycznym radykałem i republikaninem, ale także klasycznym „postępowcem”, jakich dzisiaj już nie ma. Nikt już aż tak nie wierzy w zbawczą rolę rozwoju cywilizacji i w nieuchronność postępu. Georges Clemenceau był wybitnym francuskim politykiem i znakomitym dziennikarzem. Zawsze na lewo od centrum, zawsze pragmatyczny, a w związku z tym nie szukał wyrazistej ideologii i filozofia polityki mało go interesowała. Zarzucano mu zarówno nadmierną skłonność do kompromisu czy wręcz oportunizmu, jak i nadużywanie słów i przykładanie nadmiernego znaczenia do spraw, którym się już raz poświęcił. Nie można powiedzieć, by miał złe zdanie na swój temat i by cechował go brak pewności siebie, co ujawni się pod koniec jego długiego życia, podczas obrad pokojowych w Paryżu na początku 1919 roku. Jednak dla czytelnika polskiego interesujące jest przede wszystkim, że historia życia Clemenceau pozwala nam lepiej zrozumieć Francję, której — jak się okaże — nie znamy i która miała i ma bardzo szczególne nastawienie do wielu problemów politycznych i społecznych. Clemenceau był wybitnym reprezentantem Francji, klasycznym radykałem i republikaninem, ale także klasycznym „postępowcem”, jakich dzisiaj już nie ma. Nikt już aż tak nie wierzy w zbawczą rolę rozwoju cywilizacji i w nieuchronność postępu. Postawę Clemenceau dobrze zobaczymy na przykładzie jego zaangażowania w sprawy kolonialne. Był w tym zakresie otwarty, liberalny, postępowy i wyjątkowo, jak na ówczesne czasy, wrażliwy na złe strony „globalizacji”. Ze wstępu Marcina Króla
Two lovers, Antony and Cleopatra want to be together despite everything. But it can not be so simple. The hero may die to be buried next to the woman he loved until the last hour. His desire was fulfilled, and love, as it turned out, never dies.
Cleopatra. Being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harmachis
Henry Rider Haggard relies on adventure and exotic concepts. This story unfolds in the era of the Ptolemaic era of ancient Egyptian history. The line of the dynasty defended by the priesthood of Isis is trying to survive in difficult circumstances. The main character Harmachis must overthrow Cleopatra, banish the Romans and return to Egypt its former status.
To historia, która jeszcze się nie zdarzyła, choć nie fantastyka. W tej intrygującej powieści sensacyjnej czytelnik znajdzie fragmenty trzymającego w napięciu thrillera i poczuje dynamikę świetnie napisanego reportażu. Wioska rybacka z niskimi kolorowymi domami, usytuowana w cieśninie morskiej na dalekiej północy Norwegii. To tam się wszystko zaczęło: wybuch na platformie wiertniczej po drugiej stronie kanału, pęknięcie, które poważnie zagraża lodowcowi, martwe ryby. A jeśli to wszystko się ze sobą łączy? Noah, inżynier geolog pochodzący z wioski przy fiordach, gdzie miał miejsce wypadek, powraca w rodzinne strony z misją. Spotyka Anę, swoją dawną miłość, i przyjaciół z młodości, z którymi grał w gry RPG. Wtedy nosił imię Sigurd. Tak samo nazywa się przeklęta platforma
Clip Studio Paint is powerful art software that can help you create artistic work with its in-built material organizer, 3D integration, and group work features. It also provides other features that can speed up the workflow of illustrators, concept artists, and comic artists. With Clip Studio Paint by Example, you’ll learn how to use CSP effectively for a wide variety of artistic purposes.The book starts by helping you create the right workspace for concept art, illustration, and comics. You’ll create a brush, set up a canvas, and develop an auto-auction. Along with covering how to work with CS Modeler that comes bundled with CSP, this book shows you how to import and rig characters easily. You’ll then create reusable changeable scenes and a 3D human character in Blender before exploring concept art, illustrations, comics, and how to create your own portfolio. The book features a glossary with brief explanations of all the main CSP functions. The focus of the book is not on drawing or painting but on helping you enhance your artistic skills using Clip Studio Paint to create an impressive portfolio.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use the impressive capabilities of CSP to create beautiful digital art in a productive way.
We have reached a point where machines are not getting much faster, software projects need to be delivered quickly, and high quality in software is more demanding as ever.We need to explore new ways of writing software that helps achieve those goals. Clojure offers a new possibility of writing high quality, multi-core software faster than ever, without having to leave your current platform.Clojure for Java developers aims at unleashing the true potential of the Clojure language to use it in your projects. The book begins with the installation and setup of the Clojure environment before moving on to explore the language in-depth. Get acquainted with its various features such as functional programming, concurrency, etc. with the help of example projects. Additionally, you will also, learn how the tooling works, and how it interacts with the Java environment. By the end of this book, you will have a firm grip on Clojure and its features, and use them effectively to write more robust programs.
Clojure: High Performance JVM Programming. Click here to enter text
Akhil Wali, Shantanu Kumar, Eduardo Díaz
Clojure is a general-purpose language from the Lisp family with an emphasis on functional programming. It has some interesting concepts and features such as immutability, gradual typing, thread-safe concurrency primitives, and macro-based metaprogramming, which makes it a great choice to create modern, performant, and scalable applications.This learning path aims at unleashing the true potential of the Clojure language so you can use it in your projects. It begins with installing and setting up the Clojure environment before moving on to explore the language in depth. You’ll get acquainted with its various features such as functional programming, concurrency, reducers, transducers, core.async and core.logic, and so on with a great level of detail.Moving on, you’ll also learn how to enhance performance using Java interoperability and JVM-specific features from Clojure; you’ll even master language features such as asynchronous channels, actors, logic programming, reactive programming, metaprogramming, and so on.This learning path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:• Clojure for Java Developers by Eduardo Díaz• Clojure High Performance Programming, Second Edition by Shantanu Kumar• Mastering Clojure by Akhil Wali
Clojure Polymorphism. Leverage Clojure's polymorphic tools to develop your applications
Clojure is a modern, dynamic language that you can use to develop robust, multithreaded programs. Clojure Polymorphism is a comprehensive guide that shows you how to use Clojure’s features to your advantage.The book begins by describing examples that show how to define and implement abstractions with plain functions and multimethods. Then you'll analyze these examples and separate the good and bad aspects of their design principles. You'll also learn how to perform data transformation abstraction with a plain function and discover how to write new cross-platform predicates while keeping the core of your abstraction free from reader conditionals. The later chapters explain the considerations to keep in mind when implementing Clojure protocols on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).By the end of this book, you’ll know how to use the various polymorphic tools of Clojure to your advantage while designing your applications.
Clojure Programming Cookbook. Click here to enter text
Makoto Hashimoto, Nicolas Modrzyk
When it comes to learning and using a new language you need an effective guide to be by your side when things get rough. For Clojure developers, these recipes have everything you need to take on everything this language offers. This book is divided into three high impact sections. The first section gives you an introduction to live programming and best practices. We show you how to interact with your connections by manipulating, transforming, and merging collections. You’ll learn how to work with macros, protocols, multi-methods, and transducers. We’ll also teach you how to work with languages such as Java, and Scala.The next section deals with intermediate-level content and enhances your Clojure skills, here we’ll teach you concurrency programming with Clojure for high performance. We will provide you with advanced best practices, tips on Clojure programming, and show you how to work with Clojure while developing applications.In the final section you will learn how to test, deploy and analyze websocket behavior when your app is deployed in the cloud. Finally, we will take you through DevOps. Developing with Clojure has never been easier with these recipes by your side!
Most users on the Internet have a few favorite Internet web applications that they use often and cannot do without. These popular applications often provide essential services that we need even while we don’t fully understand its features or how they work. Ruby empowers you to develop your own clones of such applications without much ordeal. Learning how these sites work and describing how they can be implemented enables you to move to the next step of customizing them and enabling your own version of these services.This book shows the reader how to clone some of the Internet's most popular applications in Ruby by first identifying their main features, and then showing example Ruby code to replicate this functionality.While we understand that it connects us to our friends and people we want to meet up with, what is the common feature of a social network that makes it a social network? And how do these features work? This book is the answer to all these questions. It will provide a step-by-step explanation on how the application is designed and coded, and then how it is deployed to the Heroku cloud platform. This book’s main purpose is to break up popular Internet services such as TinyURL, Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook to understand what makes it tick. Then using Ruby, the book describes how a minimal set of features for these sites can be modeled, built, and deployed on the Internet.
With the ongoing data explosion, more and more organizations all over the world are slowly migrating their infrastructure to the cloud. These cloud platforms also provide their distinct analytics services to help you get faster insights from your data. This book will give you an introduction to the concept of analytics on the cloud, and the different cloud services popularly used for processing and analyzing data. If you’re planning to adopt the cloud analytics model for your business, this book will help you understand the design and business considerations to be kept in mind, and choose the best tools and alternatives for analytics, based on your requirements. The chapters in this book will take you through the 70+ services available in Google Cloud Platform and their implementation for practical purposes. From ingestion to processing your data, this book contains best practices on building an end-to-end analytics pipeline on the cloud by leveraging popular concepts such as machine learning and deep learning.By the end of this book, you will have a better understanding of cloud analytics as a concept as well as a practical know-how of its implementation
Has Altaiar, Jack Lee, Michael Pena
Cloud Analytics with Microsoft Azure serves as a comprehensive guide for big data analysis and processing using a range of Microsoft Azure features. This book covers everything you need to build your own data warehouse and learn numerous techniques to gain useful insights by analyzing big data.The book begins by introducing you to the power of data with big data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, artificial intelligence, and DataOps. You will learn about cloud-scale analytics and the services Microsoft Azure offers to empower businesses to discover insights. You will also be introduced to the new features and functionalities added to the modern data warehouse.Finally, you will look at two real-world business use cases to demonstrate high-level solutions using Microsoft Azure. The aim of these use cases will be to illustrate how real-time data can be analyzed in Azure to derive meaningful insights and make business decisions. You will learn to build an end-to-end analytics pipeline on the cloud with machine learning and deep learning concepts.By the end of this book, you will be proficient in analyzing large amounts of data with Azure and using it effectively to benefit your organization.