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Jerzy Liebert Kołysanka jodłowa Colas Breugnon Wypędzili z raju aniołowie Ludzi, ptaki i strwożone sarny, Zamiast ambrozji słodkiej i złotej Krowie mleko nam dali i chleb czarny. Myślał Bóg, że łamiąc chleba ćwiercie W gniewie okrutnym załamiemy ręce, A oto nam się chleb wydał słodszym od ambrozji I wznieśliśmy ręce w podzięce. Oto, krowy na łąkach zielonych Ciepłem mlekiem trysnęły w d... Jerzy Liebert Ur. ur. 24 lipca 1904 w Częstochowie Zm. zm. 19 czerwca 1931 w Warszawie Najważniejsze dzieła: tomiki poezji Druga ojczyzna (1925), Gusła (1930), Kołysanka jodłowa (1932); zbiór korespondencji Listy do Agnieszki Poezja Lieberta stanowi zapis jego poszukiwań metafizycznych. Tematyka religijno-filozoficzna przejawia się już w debiutanckim wierszu Zmartwychwstanie. Modlitwa młodego poety, opublikowanym w chrześcijańskim Czynie. Związany ze środowiskiem Skamandrytów, przyjaźnił się Liebert z Jarosławem Iwaszkiewiczem, publikował w Skamandrze i Wiadomościach literackich. Ważną relacją była dla poety przyjaźń z Bronisławą Wajngold, która przyjęła chrzest jako Agnieszka, a następnie wstąpiła do zakonu franciszkanek. Za jej przyczyną Liebert znalazł się w kręgu inteligencji katolickiej, związanym z ośrodkiem zakonnym w podwarszawskich Laskach, czytał filozofów chrześcijańskich i brał udział w dyskusjach na temat tych lektur. Dziennikiem tych przeżyć są Listy do Agnieszki. Studiował polonistykę na Wydziale Filozofii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ale ukończenie studiów uniemożliwiła mu gruźlica i kłopoty materialne. Dzięki wsparciu przyjaciół wyjeżdżał na kuracje do Worochty. Zmarł w Warszawie w wieku 27 lat. Kupując książkę wspierasz fundację Nowoczesna Polska, która propaguje ideę wolnej kultury. Wolne Lektury to biblioteka internetowa, rozwijana pod patronatem Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej. W jej zbiorach znajduje się kilka tysięcy utworów, w tym wiele lektur szkolnych zalecanych do użytku przez MEN, które trafiły już do domeny publicznej. Wszystkie dzieła są odpowiednio opracowane - opatrzone przypisami oraz motywami.
“Colas Breugnon” to powieść Romaina Rollanda, francuskiego pisarza, laureata Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie literatury. Powieść została napisana w formie pamiętnika tytułowego Colasa Breugnona, którego postać wzorowana była na pradziadku autora. Akcja rozgrywa się w XVII wieku. Powieść opisywana jest jako niezwykle optymistyczna i pełna radości życia.
Colas Breugnon powieść Romaina Rollanda - (1866-1944) francuskiego pisarza, ojca powieści rzeki wydana po raz pierwszy w roku 1919. Napisana w formie rodzaju pamiętnika tytułowego Colasa Breugnona, którego postać wzorowana była na pradziadku pisarza, Boniardzie. Akcja dzieje się w XVII wieku. Powieść opisywana jest jako niezwykle optymistyczna i pełna radości życia oraz wyraźnie odmienna od innych utworów Rollanda.
ColdFusion 9 Developer Tutorial. Create robust professional web applications with ColdFusion
Adobe ColdFusion is an application server, renowned for rapid development of dynamic websites, with a straightforward language (CFML), powerful methods for packaging and reusing your code, and AJAX support that will get developers deep into powerful web applications quickly. However, developing rich and robust web applications can be a real challenge as it involves multiple processes.With this practical guide, you will learn how to build professional ColdFusion applications. Packed with example code, and written in a friendly, easy-to-read style, this book is just what you need if you are serious about ColdFusion.This book will give you clear, concise, and practical guidance to take you from the basics of ColdFusion 9 to the skills that will make you a ColdFusion developer to be reckoned with. It also covers the new features of ColdFusion 9 like ORM Database Interaction and CF Builder.ColdFusion expert John Farrar will teach you the basics of ColdFusion programming, application architecture, and object reuse, before showing you a range of topics including AJAX library integration, RESTful Web Services, PDF creation and manipulation, and dynamically generated presentation files that will make you the toast of your ColdFusion developer town.This book digs deep with the basics, with real-world examples of the how and whys, to get more done faster with ColdFusion 9.
Cole spełniając prośbę kolegi nie sądził, że spotka go coś niezwykłego. To miało być tylko odwrócenie uwagi i granie skrzydłowego. Nasz bohater pod wpływem uczuć zapragnie jednak zmienić swoje dotychczasowe postanowienia, niestety wydarzenia z przeszłości ciągle powracają i nie dają spokoju. Czy uda mu się przezwyciężyć bolesne wspomnienia sprzed trzech lat? Harmony nie podejrzewa nawet, że jej znajomość z Colem miała być tylko zasłoną dymną. Tym bardziej że ten wesoły i przystojny rozgrywający drużyny futbolowej był zwieńczeniem jej marzeń i najlepszym przyjacielem faceta jej koleżanki. W młodzieńczych uczuciach nic nie jest oczywiście, a dokonane wybory nie raz mogą nas zaskoczyć.
This is a collection of classic Lovecraft stories. What readers like about him is how he can terribly make everything seem, a feeling of fear and foreboding that his thick prose can create. These early works of H.P. Lovecraft were originally published in the first half of the 20th century. The Dunwich Horror and The Call of Cthulhu, which subsequently brought him a place as one of the most influential authors of the horrors of the 20th century.
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum (also wrote as John Jessel and Marge Stanley) (1902-1935) was an American science fiction author. His career in science fiction was short but influential. His first story, A Martian Odyssey, was published to great acclaim in July 1934. Most of the stories fall into two categories: travelogue types that explore different planets, and the others with Dixon Wells and the great scientist Van Manderpootz, who invents amazing stuff that Wells manages to use to break his own heart over and over again. A collection of stunning short stories written in the 30s but ahead of their time in their depiction of bizarre alien life forms. The final story in the book, Proteus Island, is a bit of an anomaly. Instead of being in the future or space, it seems set more present day.
The Collected Short Stories is a collection of Abraham Merritts shorter works, and contains eight stories and two fragments. Included are: The People of the Pit, Through the Dragon Glass, The Drone, The Last Poet and the Robots and others. These short stories span the entire career of the man who has been called Americas foremost adventure fantasist of the 1920s and 30s. The collection kicks off with one of its strongest tales, The Fox Woman, a tale of revenge in a remote part of 20th century China. This is a mix of complete short stories and beginnings of novels that Abraham Merritt left unfinished before he died, the title story in the latter camp.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 1). Collected Short Stories. Volume 1
The first volume of the book composes of 2 novels (The Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four) and 3 compilation of short stories and mini adventures of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Each story has a completely different plot which goes on smoothly till the end. Volume 1 includes the early novel A Study in Scarlet, which introduced the eccentric genius of Sherlock Holmes to the world. This baffling murder mystery, with the cryptic word Rache written in blood, first brought Holmes together with Dr. John Watson. Next, The Sign of Four presents Holmess famous seven percent solution and the strange puzzle of Mary Morstan in the quintessential locked-room mystery. Also included are Holmess feats of extraordinary detection in such famous cases as the chilling The Adventure of the Speckled Band, the baffling riddle of The Musgrave Ritual and the ingeniously plotted The Five Orange Pips. Volume 1 is a great introduction to the character of Sherlock, told from the eyes of Dr. John Watson.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 10). Collected Short Stories. Volume 10
The collection includes the famous stories about Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective. Sherlock Holmes, the common man, often lying around, rereading favorite books, the best detective in England. Sherlock Holmes, possessor of an incredible mind, and strength, will surprise you not once, not giving you time to realize the complexity and mystery of the crime and the quickness of its opening. There are 4 Novels and 43 Short Stories. When Sherlock Holmes begins investigating the mystery of a dropped hat and Christmas goose, little does he suspect that such a trivial thing will lead to a much larger mystery. When the goose is cleaned, its crop is found to contain the Blue Carbuncle, a recently stolen gemstone of great value. So, what Holmes needs to find out is how the stone got from its rightful owner to the goose, and who took it. The game is afoot once again!
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 2). Collected Short Stories. Volume 2
In this second volume of all the collected works that feature Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. John Watson, the reader gets reacquainted with the great detective and his friend through 33 short stories and 2 novels with the added bonus of two Doyle written parodies as well as two essays by the author. Volume 2 begins with The Hound of the Baskervilles, a haunting novel of murder on eerie Grimpen Moor, which has rightly earned its reputation as the finest murder mystery ever written. Also in the collection is The Return of Sherlock Holmes which is a collection of 13 Sherlock Holmes short stories and includes The Adventure of the Norwood Builder and a dozen other enthralling tales. His Last Bow is a collection of eight stories. The Valley of Fear matches Holmes against his archenemy, the master of imaginative crime, Professor Moriarty. In addition, in Volume II, we have another collection of superb short stories (12 in all) The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes. The book is based on various crimes occurring in England, big and small. Each of them have an unusual aspect to them that catches Holmes fantasy.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 3). Collected Short Stories. Volume 3
In this collection are four more individual cases for Mr. Sherlock Holmes, narrated by his faithful friend and admirer Dr. Watson. Once more, they are solved by this bloodhound of a genius. This great series addition of Sherlock Holmes includes a full-length 1 novel and short stories. Volume 3 continues the exciting adventures of the worlds most famous pipe-smoking detective, Sherlock Holmes, collecting works written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This volume contains one novel, The Valley of Fear, and two collections of short stories: His Last Bow and The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes. From his home, 221B Baker Street in London, the legendary Sherlock Holmes (accompanied by his loyal companion and chronicler, Dr. Watson) employs his mastery of deductive reasoning and expert sleuthing to solve an arraying of complex and harrowing cases, baffling the police and becoming internationally renowned for his remarkable observations and even more eccentric habits.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 4). Collected Short Stories. Volume 4
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a Scottish physician and prolific writer of fiction and nonfiction. He is most well-known for his four novels and fifty-six short stories featuring the legendary and eccentric detective Sherlock Holmes. This fourth volume concludes the exciting adventures of the worlds most famous pipe-smoking detective, Sherlock Holmes, collecting works written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Included are the short story collections His Last Bow: Some Later Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes (1917) and The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes (1927), making this an indispensable classic for every home library. The book is based on various crimes occurring in England, big and small. Each of them have an unusual aspect to them that catches Holmes fantasy.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 5). Collected Short Stories. Volume 5
If ever a writer needed an introduction Arthur Conan Doyle would not be considered that man. After all, Sherlock Holmes is perhaps the foremost literary detective of any age. The Sherlock Holmes Collection: 4 Novels (The Study in Scarlet, The Sign of Four, The Valley of Fear, The Hound of the Baskervilles) and 43 Short Stories. They are all told as Dr. Watsons memoirs and are excellently written. The Hound of the Baskervilles, a haunting novel of murder on eerie Grimpen Moor, which has rightly earned its reputation as the finest murder mystery ever written. The Valley of Fear matches Holmes against his archenemy, the master of imaginative crime, Professor Moriarty. Each story has a completely different plot which goes on smoothly till the end.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 6). Collected Short Stories. Volume 6
Arthur Conan Doyle never wasted time in getting his stories moving. His plots are always direct and refreshingly lucid, and the narrative has a velocity that sweeps you along right to the end. This was no doubt a large part of his immense worldwide success. Volume 6 continues the exciting adventures of the worlds most famous pipe-smoking detective, Sherlock Holmes, collecting works written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Volume includes The Adventure of the Gloria Scott, The Adventure of the Resident Patient, The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, The Adventure of the Final Problem. Here are three more Sherlock Holmes adventures from the pen of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This collection includes the following: The Adventure of the Priory School, The Red-Headed League and The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 7). Collected Short Stories. Volume 7
The seventh issue of Sherlock Holmes Mystery is another fine selection of tales about Sherlock Holmes, or in the Sherlockian spirit. A cypher message and a horrible murder in a Sussex village begin this dark and powerful tale as Holmes battles with the forces of the criminal mastermind, Professor Moriarty. Central to the novel lies the story of a terrorist brotherhood and the hold it acquires over an American mining valley. Sherlock Holmes and his steadfast companion, Dr. Watson, set out to solve four brand new mysteries, each a unique puzzle unlike any theyve encountered before. This volume continues the exciting adventures of the worlds most famous pipe-smoking detective, Sherlock Holmes, collecting works written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. There are The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes and The Valley of Fear and other short stories.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 8). Collected Short Stories. Volume 8
The eighth issue features the usual assortment of stories and non-fiction. These are the next to last of the series of short stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes. Some are set before the Great War, the last takes place in 1914. Holmes is retired and refused to take on any more cases, preferring to live out his years in a small rural village. His Last Bow is a collection of seven Sherlock Holmes stories (eight in some editions) by Arthur Conan Doyle, plus the one-off title story, also called A Reminiscence of Sherlock Holmes under Reminiscences of Mr. Sherlock Holmes. The Adventure of Wistaria Lodge was originally in two parts: The Singular Experience of Mr. John Scott Eccles and The Tiger of San Pedro. Each story has a completely different plot which goes on smoothly till the end.
Collected Short Stories (Vol. 9). Collected Short Stories. Volume 9
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional consulting detective in London 1880-1914 created by Scottish author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes, master of disguise, reasoned logically to deduce clients background from their first appearance. He used fingerprints, chemical analysis, and forensic science. This volume contains the final set of twelve Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories are not in chronological order, and the only characters common to all twelve are Holmes and Dr. Watson. The stories are related in first-person narrative from Watsons point of view. In general the stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes identify, and try to correct, social injustices. Holmes is portrayed as offering a new, fairer sense of justice.
Collected Short Stories. Volume 11
Arthur Conan Doyle never wasted time in getting his stories moving. His plots are always direct and refreshingly lucid, and the narrative has a velocity that sweeps you along right to the end. This was no doubt a large part of his immense worldwide success. Not surprisingly, each time he tried to end the series, his fans would howl in protest. But, as he says in the preface to his last collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, all good things must come to an end. And so it is with this series, as we have now arrived at the end of the Sherlock Holmes tales, Conan Doyles most magnificent creation. The collection includes the famous stories about Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective. A mysterious light in a strange valley leads to danger and more... The mystery of the Mary Celeste solved! ... An ailing and paranoid General threatens his daughters marriage... These are the first two short stories, and first novel for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which started one of the most successful writing careers of all times!
Justyna Jasionowska, Maria Kaniowska, redakcja naukowa
Redakcja naukowa Justyna Jasionowska, Maria Kaniowska Jest to książka niebanalna, niekiedy intrygująca, a na pewno intelektualnie zaawansowana, tak jak zaawansowana jest dzisiejsza antropologia kulturowa. Dzięki zróżnicowanemu doborowi tekstów daje pojęcie o tym, że antropologiczny wachlarz jest obecnie wyjątkowo wielobarwny, zarówno jeśli chodzi o badane problemy, jak i stosowane podejścia badawcze. Czytelnik odniesie wrażenie, że autorzy przedstawili swoje teksty nie tylko po to, by dać obraz badanych zjawisk, ale też by zarekomendować swoją wizję nowoczesnej antropologii i nowe sposoby jej praktykowania. Pojawiają się tu dalekosiężne ambicje poznawcze: wypracowanie takich praktyk badawczych, które zasypałyby rów między badaczem a badanym – przyjmowany dotychczas jako nieusuwalny, a może nawet pożądany. To oczywiście pokłosie funkcjonującej od pewnego czasu w antropologii radykalnej krytyki dawnej postawy hegemonicznej badacza wobec przedmiotu badań, której efektem było jego egzotyzowanie, orientalizowanie, słowem – wszelkie substancjalizowanie odmienności Innego. Teksty zostały pogrupowane w pary: do każdego tekstu wyjściowego został dołączony komentarz, który lokuje go na mapie dyscypliny i wypunktowuje ustalenia. Choć każdy nawiązuje do tekstu poprzedzającego, wnosi też samoistną wartość. Z recenzji prof. dr. hab. Jerzego S. Wasilewskiego
Colloquia opatowskie z przełomu XII i XIII wieku
Treść: WPROWADZENIE. 2. DOKUMENT W HISTORII I ARCHIWISTYCE. 3. ZJAZDY, WIECE, COLLOQUIA. I. Dokument opatowski datowany 12 kwietnia 1189 rok. I.1. Treść dokumentu z 1189 roku. I.2. Przekład dokumentu z 1189 roku. I.3. Podobizna dokumentu z 1189 roku. I.4. Lista świadków dokumentu z 1189 roku. II. Dokument opatowski datowany na 1206 rok. II.1. Treść dokumentu datowanego na 1206 rok. II.2. Przekład dokumentu datowanego na 1206 rok. II.3. Podobizna dokumentu datowanego na 1206 rok. II.4. Lista świadków dokumentu datowanego na 1206 rok.
In 1807 Colonel Chabert, Napoleons beloved commander, is severely wounded in the Battle of Eylau. Taken for dead and buried in a mass grave, he manages to escape and wanders in poverty through Europe for 10 years, torn between life and death, oblivion and consciousness. Finally recovering his memories, he sets out for Paris to search for his wife who had been a prostitute before he married her and to reclaim his possessions. In the several years while he had been gone, his wife thinking he was dead had remarried and had two new children. She had also collected his existing fortune. In all, she was pretty happy the way things were. How could our colonel prove who he was? What arguments could he use against his former wife? The story has a surprising number of twists, and poses a number of questions about how our society really works and the analysis of human behavior, character and emotions, is, as usual in Balzac, sublime.
Colonel Quaritch, V.C. A Tale of Country Life
Colonel Quaritch left the English army and moved to live at Honham Cottage. This is a quiet, calm and old place, which is located near the castle of the de la Molle family. He falls in love with Ida de la Molle, the only child of the squire, who has mortgaged his possessions to their full value. The young girl without wealth, but she promised her hand and help to the young banker.
Powrót na półki po osiemnastu latach, w nowym eleganckim wydaniu. Na jednej z plaż wyspy Moose-Lookit zostają znalezione zwłoki mężczyzny. Policji jego śmierć wydaje się łatwa do wyjaśnienia, jednak lokalni dziennikarze czują, że kryje się za nią coś więcej. Razem z nowo przybyłą praktykantką mężczyźni zgłębiają historię Colorado Kida, który okazuje się grafikiem zatrudnionym w agencji reklamowej. To jednak tylko początek tajemnicy detektywi amatorzy dowiadują się na temat zmarłego coraz więcej, ale każda kolejna informacja sprawia, że rozumieją coraz mniej.