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Learning how to code has many advantages, and gaining the right programming skills can have a massive impact on what you can do with your current skill set and the way you advance in your career. This book will be your guide to learning computer programming easily, helping you overcome the difficulties in understanding the major constructs in any mainstream programming language.Computer Programming for Absolute Beginners starts by taking you through the building blocks of any programming language with thorough explanations and relevant examples in pseudocode. You'll understand the relationship between computer programs and programming languages and how code is executed on the computer. The book then focuses on the different types of applications that you can create with your programming knowledge. You'll delve into programming constructs, learning all about statements, operators, variables, and data types. As you advance, you'll see how to control the flow of your programs using control structures and reuse your code using functions. Finally, you'll explore best practices that will help you write code like a pro.By the end of this book, you'll be prepared to learn any programming language and take control of your career by adding coding to your skill set.
Computer Security and Encryption. Advanced Techniques for Securing Digital Information
Mercury Learning and Information, S. R. Chauhan, S. Jangra
This book addresses the rapid growth of cybercrime by focusing on cryptography and system security. It emphasizes rigorous security models and practices in network and system design. The first part introduces system security concepts, object models, and inter-object communications, providing a foundation in cryptography for beginners and advanced readers alike.The course starts with basic security concepts, moving to public key cryptography, SSL, and transaction security on the web. It covers IP security, firewalls, public key certificates, and security at the IP layer. Readers will also learn about remote access with Internet Protocol security and virtual private networks. The final chapters address the security of emerging technologies like Big Data Analytics, cloud computing, IoT, Smart Grid, SCADA, control systems, and Wireless Sensor Networks.Understanding these concepts is crucial for protecting against cyber threats. This book transitions readers from basic knowledge to advanced security practices, blending theoretical insights with practical applications. It is an invaluable resource for mastering cryptography and system security in today's digital age.
This book will give you an insight into controlling your applications with gestures and head motion and readying them for the web. Packed with real-world tasks, it begins with a walkthrough of the basic concepts of Computer Vision that the JavaScript world offers us, and you’ll implement various powerful algorithms in your own online application. Then, we move on to a comprehensive analysis of JavaScript functions and their applications. Furthermore, the book will show you how to implement filters and image segmentation, and use tracking.js and jsfeat libraries to convert your browser into Photoshop. Subjects such as object and custom detection, feature extraction, and object matching are covered to help you find an object in a photo. You will see how a complex object such as a face can be recognized by a browser as you move toward the end of the book. Finally, you will focus on algorithms to create a human interface. By the end of this book, you will be familiarized with the application of complex Computer Vision algorithms to develop your own applications, without spending much time learning sophisticated theory.
Lauren Mullennex, Nate Bachmeier, Jay Rao
Computer vision (CV) is a field of artificial intelligence that helps transform visual data into actionable insights to solve a wide range of business challenges. This book provides prescriptive guidance to anyone looking to learn how to approach CV problems for quickly building and deploying production-ready models.You’ll begin by exploring the applications of CV and the features of Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Lookout for Vision. The book will then walk you through real-world use cases such as identity verification, real-time video analysis, content moderation, and detecting manufacturing defects that’ll enable you to understand how to implement AWS AI/ML services. As you make progress, you'll also use Amazon SageMaker for data annotation, training, and deploying CV models. In the concluding chapters, you'll work with practical code examples, and discover best practices and design principles for scaling, reducing cost, improving the security posture, and mitigating bias of CV workloads.By the end of this AWS book, you'll be able to accelerate your business outcomes by building and implementing CV into your production environments with the help of AWS AI/ML services.
Python is the ideal programming language for rapidly prototyping and developing production-grade codes for image processing and Computer Vision with its robust syntax and wealth of powerful libraries. This book will help you design and develop production-grade Computer Vision projects tackling real-world problems.With the help of this book, you will learn how to set up Anaconda and Python for the major OSes with cutting-edge third-party libraries for Computer Vision. You'll learn state-of-the-art techniques for classifying images, finding and identifying human postures, and detecting faces within videos. You will use powerful machine learning tools such as OpenCV, Dlib, and TensorFlow to build exciting projects such as classifying handwritten digits, detecting facial features,and much more. The book also covers some advanced projects, such as reading text from license plates from real-world images using Google’s Tesseract software, and tracking human body poses using DeeperCut within TensorFlow.By the end of this book, you will have the expertise required to build your own Computer Vision projects using Python and its associated libraries.
Developers have been using OpenCV library to develop computer vision applications for a long time. However, they now need a more effective tool to get the job done and in a much better and modern way. Qt is one of the major frameworks available for this task at the moment. This book will teach you to develop applications with the combination of OpenCV 3 and Qt5, and how to create cross-platform computer vision applications. We’ll begin by introducing Qt, its IDE, and its SDK. Next you’ll learn how to use the OpenCV API to integrate both tools, and see how to configure Qt to use OpenCV. You’ll go on to build a full-fledged computer vision application throughout the book. Later, you’ll create a stunning UI application using the Qt widgets technology, where you’ll display the images after they are processed in an efficient way. At the end of the book, you’ll learn how to convert OpenCV Mat to Qt QImage. You’ll also see how to efficiently process images to filter them, transform them, detect or track objects as well as analyze video. You’ll become better at developing OpenCV applications.
In this final (chronologically) Conan story, Howard demonstrates why he was one of the best adventure writers of all time. In the only novel he ever produced, Howard is able to maintain the blistering pace he is known for, while still weaving a complex and interesting tale. The story is set during Conans time as King of Aquilonia, which is a period in the heros life often overlooked.
Can love escape from the darkness into the light? When Catriona Drouot, a young music therapist, honours an opera divas dying request to help her son, Umberto Monteverdi, recover his musical gift, she knows it will be a difficult assignment. She had shared a night of passion with the once-celebrated composer ten years before, with unexpected consequences. The extent of her challenge becomes apparent when she arrives at her clients estate on the glittering shores of Lake Como. Robbed of his sight by a near-fatal car accident, the man is arrogant, embittered and resistant to her every effort to help him. Still, Catriona sings a sirens call within him that he cannot ignore. Caught up in the tempestuous intrigues at Umbertos Palladian mansion, Catriona discovers that her attraction to the blind musician is as powerful as ever. How can she share what she has hidden from him for the past decade? Soon she realises that hers is not the only secret that is rippling uneasily below the surface. Dark forces haunt the sightless composer, threatening his life for the second time.
Viktar Tur, Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, Robert Grygo, Andrei Tur, ...
Implementation of the Eurocodes extends to all of the European countries and there are firm steps toward their adoption internationally. As with any design codes, it is important to have an understanding of the principles and background, as well as design aids to assist in the design process. The relevance to train in the use of Eurocodes should be pointed out, especially in engineering schools as a basic course for civil and structural engineering students and as a part of continious professional development courses for engineers and technicians, which are promoted both at national and international levels. This book is directed primarily at civil and structural engineering students, young designers, who require an understanding of the basic theory and a concise guide for design procedure.
Remo Laubacher, Concrete5 Project
concrete5 is an open source content management system (CMS) for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. concrete5 is designed for ease of use, and for users with limited technical skills. It enables users to edit site content directly from the page. It provides version management for every page and allows users to edit images through an embedded editor on the page.concrete5 Beginner's Guide shows you everything you need to get your own site up and running in no time. You will then learn how to change the look of it before you find out all you need to add custom functionality to concrete5.concrete5 Beginner's Guide starts with installation, then you customize the look and feel and continue to add your own functionality. After you've installed and configured your own concrete5 site, we'll have a closer look at themes and integrate a simple layout into concrete5. Afterwards, we're going to build a block from scratch which you can use to manage a news section. We're also going to add a button to our site which can be used to create a PDF document on the fly. This book also covers some examples that show you how to integrate an existing jQuery plugin.concrete5 Beginner's Guide is a book for developers looking to get started with concrete5 in order to create great websites and applications.
Concrete5 Project, David Strack
concrete5 is an increasingly popular open source content management system because of its incredible and easy-to-use interface. But, it also comes complete with a robust PHP framework, allowing web developers to create custom websites and applications with ease.concrete5 Cookbook is a practical collection of solutions to tasks that both novice and experienced concrete5 developers face on a regular basis. Readers will learn multiple subjects, including full blueprints for developing an event calendar add-on and an image gallery block. Developers new to concrete5 will quickly learn how to customize concrete5 to their needs, and seasoned pros will find it an excellent quick reference for performing specific tasks.concrete5 Cookbook will transform ordinary PHP developers into concrete5 experts capable of bending concrete5 to their will and unleashing the true power of this up-and-coming content management system. Throughout the course of over 140 recipes and 3 bonus project blueprint chapters, PHP developers will learn how to create custom blocks and dashboard interfaces as well as programmatically work with pages, files, users, permissions, and more. Discover the built-in Active Record support that makes working with databases simple and maintainable. Readers will also learn how to take advantage of the numerous helper classes included in concrete5, and will dive deep into the concrete5 MVC framework to create powerful custom websites and applications. Tie together all of the concepts learned in the recipes with 3 bonus chapters featuring complete blueprints to create a calendar add-on, an image gallery block type, and tips on how to sell your themes and add-ons for money!concrete5 Cookbook is a complete collection of recipes to solve the most common (and some not-so-common) tasks that concrete5 developers will face on a regular basis.
Concurrency with Modern C++. What every professional C++ programmer should know about concurrency
C++11 is the first C++ standard that deals with concurrency. The story goes on with C++17 and will continue with C++20/23. Concurrency with Modern C++ is a practical guide that gets you to grips with concurrent programming in Modern C++.Starting with the C++ memory model and using many ready-to-run code examples, the book covers everything you need to improve your C++ multithreading skills. You'll gain insight into different design patterns. You'll also uncover the general consideration you have to keep in mind while designing a concurrent data structure. The final chapter in the book talks extensively about the common pitfalls of concurrent programming and ways to overcome these hurdles.By the end of the book, you'll have the skills to build your own concurrent programs and enhance your knowledge base.
Selecting the correct concurrency architecture has a significant impact on the design and performance of your applications. Concurrent design patterns help you understand the different characteristics of parallel architecture to make your code faster and more efficient.This book will help Java developers take a hands-on approach to building scalable and distributed apps by following step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples. You’ll begin with basic concurrency concepts and delve into the patterns used for explicit locking, lock-free programming, futures, and actors.You’ll explore coding with multithreading design patterns, including master, slave, leader, follower, and map-reduce, and then move on to solve problems using synchronizer patterns. You'll even discover the rationale for these patterns in distributed and parallel applications, and understand how future composition, immutability, and the monadic flow help you create more robust code.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to use concurrent design patterns to build high performance applications confidently.
It only seems in the book that people can always deceive themselves, and life cannot be regulated on the scientific principles that fall on Gordons shoulders as the main character. Crazy scientist Gordon Wright calls Longville in Baden-Baden to judge whether he should marry Angela. After a couple of years, Longville meets Angela again at a French beach resort and realizes that he loves her.
Barrie Dempster, James Eaton-Lee
IPCop is a powerful, open source, Linux based firewall distribution for primarily Small Office Or Home (SOHO) networks, although it can be used in larger networks. It provides most of the features that you would expect a modern firewall to have, and what is most important is that it sets this all up for you in a highly automated and simplified way.This book is an easy introduction to this popular application. After introducing and explaining the foundations of firewalling and networking and why they're important, the book moves on to cover using IPCop, from installing it, through configuring it, to more advanced features, such as configuring IPCop to work as an IDS, VPN and using it for bandwidth management. While providing necessary theoretical background, the book takes a practical approach, presenting sample configurations for home users, small businesses, and large businesses. The book contains plenty of illustrative examples.
Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services Exam Ref AZ-801 helps you master various cloud and data center management concepts in detail, helping you grow your expertise in configuring and managing Windows Server in on-premises, hybrid, and cloud-based workloads. Throughout the book, you'll cover all the topics needed to pass the AZ-801 exam and use the skills you acquire to advance in your career.With this book, you’ll learn how to secure your on-premises Windows Server resources and Azure IaaS workloads. First, you’ll explore the potential vulnerabilities of your resources and learn how to fix or mitigate them. Next, you'll implement high availability Windows Server virtual machine workloads with Hyper-V Replica, Windows Server Failover Clustering, and Windows File Server.You’ll implement disaster recovery and server migration of Windows Server in on-premises and hybrid environments. You’ll also learn how to monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the knowledge and skills required to ace the AZ-801 exam, and you'll have a handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide.
“Confiteor” to utwór Stanisława Przybyszewskiego, polskiego pisarza, poety, dramaturga okresu Młodej Polski. Przybyszewski był skandalistą, przedstawicielem cyganerii krakowskiej i nurtu polskiego dekadentyzmu. “Confiteor” to esej Stanisława Przybyszewskiego o roli artysty sformułowany w programowym artykule i ogłoszony na łamach krakowskiego czasopisma „Życie” w 1899. Utwór ten stał się manifestem polskiego modernizmu. Sformułował jako pierwszy w Polsce hasło sztuka dla sztuki.
Confiteor Przystępując do rozwinięcia naszych pojęć o sztuce, uważamy za nie potrzebne sięgać do zdań estetyków, uważamy za zbyteczne zbijać różnorodne sądy i wyroki estetyczne, nie myślimy również, że wypowiadamy coś zupełnie nowego, ale stojąc na czele pisma, któremu się charakter nadaje, trzeba wytknąć zasadniczy kierunek, w jakim się pismo prowadzi. Sztuka w naszem pojęciu nie jest ani ,,piękno", ani ,,ein Theil der Erkenntniss", jak ją Schopenhauer nazywa, nie uznajemy również żadnej z tych bezlicznych formułek, jakie estetycy stawiali, począwszy od Platona, aż do starczych niedorzeczności Tołstoja -- sztuka jest odtworzeniem tego, co jest wiecznem, niezależnem od wszelkich zmian lub przypadkowości, niezawisłem ani od czasu, ani od przestrzeni, a więc: odtworzeniem istotności, t. [...]Stanisław PrzybyszewskiUr. 7 maja 1868 w Łojewie Zm. 23 listopada 1927 w Jarontach Najważniejsze dzieła: Confiteor (1899), Requiem aeternam (niem. Totenmesse 1893; pol. 1904), De profundis (niem. 1895; pol. 1900), Nad morzem (1899), Androgyne (1900), Homo sapiens (niem. 1895-1896, pol. 1901), Dzieci Szatana (niem. Satans Kinder 1897, pol. 1899); Dla szczęścia (niem. Das grosse Glueck 1897, pol. 1897); Matka (1902); Śnieg (1903); Gody życia (1909); Mściciel (1927) Urodził się na Kujawach, był synem nauczyciela wiejskiego; po ukończeniu niem. gimnazjum wyjechał do Berlina, gdzie studiował architekturę i medycynę. Opublikowanie rozwijających modernistyczną koncepcję twórcy esejów filoz. Chopin i Nietzsche oraz Ola Hanson (publ. niem. jako cykl Zur Psychologie des Individuums 1892) dało mu wstęp do berlińskiej bohemy artystycznej. Przybyszewski miał okazję zaprzyjaźnić się z postaciami wyznaczającymi styl epoki, takimi jak August Strindberg, Edward Munch czy Richard Dehmel. Ożeniwszy się w 1893 r. z norweską pianistką i pisarką Dagny Juel, do 1898 r. przebywał głównie w Norwegii, gdzie poznał kolejnych ważnych twórców, m.in. Henryka Ibsena i Knuta Hamsuna. Małżeństwo odwiedziło też Hiszpanię, korzystając z zaproszenia pol. filozofa-mesjanisty Wincentego Lutosławskiego. Następnie w Paryżu Przybyszewski znalazł się w kręgu Miriama (tj. Zenona Przesmyckiego, późniejszego wydawcy pism Norwida, tłumacza literatury fr., niem. i ang.). W 1898 przyjechał do Krakowa, poprzedzany rozgłosem zdobytym w Niemczech, Czechach i krajach skandynawskich; entuzjastycznie przyjęty przez młode środowisko twórcze. W Krakowie redagował młodopolskie ,,Życie" przy współpracy artyst. Wyspiańskiego, a także przewodził cyganerii (do której należał m.in. Tadeusz ,,Boy" Żeleński), otoczony atmosferą skandalu, ze względu na tematykę erotyczną swoich utworów, jak również rozwiązły styl życia, pijaństwo i takie incydenty jak odbicie żony Janowi Kasprowiczowi. Jego poglądy, będące adaptacją filozofii Schopenhauera i Nietzschego, eksponowały indywidualizm (przede wszystkim jednostki twórczej skłóconej z otoczeniem, wolnej od wszelkich zobowiązań społecznych i moralnych), tragizm natury ludzkiej, rozdartej między pierwiastkiem wyższym, duszą, i niższym, mózgiem (racjonalnością) oraz ideę pożądania jako siły kosmicznej. Głosił, że nowa sztuka powinna być celem samym w sobie, prowadząc artystę (poprzez analizę seksu i stanów patologicznych jako sfer wyłączonych spod kontroli świadomości) do poznania ,,nagiej duszy", wyzwolonej z więzów racjonalizmu i sensualizmu. Przyczynił się do rozwoju form artystycznych (np. powieści psychologicznej przez wprowadzenie rozbudowanych monologów wewn. i mowy pozornie zależnej) oraz postaw myślowych w Polsce. Na początku dwudziestolecia międzywojennego (1918-1920) Przybyszewski oddziałał także na środowisko poznańskich ekspresjonistów, skupionych wokół pisma ,,Zdrój" (studium programowe ,,Ekspresjonizm, Słowacki i Genesis z Ducha", 1918). Pod koniec życia pisał pamiętniki, wyd. pt. Moi współcześni. Kupując książkę wspierasz fundację Nowoczesna Polska, która propaguje ideę wolnej kultury. Wolne Lektury to biblioteka internetowa, rozwijana pod patronatem Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej. W jej zbiorach znajduje się kilka tysięcy utworów, w tym wiele lektur szkolnych zalecanych do użytku przez MEN, które trafiły już do domeny publicznej. Wszystkie dzieła są odpowiednio opracowane - opatrzone przypisami oraz motywami.
Congo Inc. Testament Bismarcka
Isookanga, Pigmej z plemienia Ekonda, ma już dość życia w rodzinnej wsi, zagubionej gdzieś w ostępach kongijskiej dżungli. Nie chce dłużej zbierać w lesie gąsienic dla wodza plemienia i wysłuchiwać jego nieustannego gderania na zmieniający się świat. Młodzieniec właśnie odkrył Internet i czuje, że musi działać. Wyrusza więc na podbój stolicy kraju, Kinszasy, z jednym celem w sercu: chce globalizować i być globalizowany. Tymczasem życie w postkolonialnym Kongo płynie swoim odwiecznym, leniwym nurtem. Okrutni zbrodniarze wojenni obsadzają intratne stanowiska rządowe, fałszywi prorocy wznoszą piramidy finansowe, podczas gdy funkcjonariusze międzynarodowych misji pokojowych wykorzystują swoje kongijskie placówki, żeby szybko się wzbogacić i przyjemnie spędzić czas. In Koli Jean Bofane ze zjadliwym humorem tworzy barwną i przejmującą panoramę współczesnego Konga - kraju, który mógłby być ziemskim rajem, a wciąż pozostaje tylko unowocześnioną i zglobalizowaną wersją Conradowskiego jądra ciemności. Powieść Congo Inc. Testament Bismarcka to pierwsza książka Bofane'a przełożona na język polski. Pierwotnie ukazała się w 2014 roku i zdobyła wiele literackich laurów, między innymi Nagrodę Pięciu Kontynentów Frankofonii (najważniejsze wyróżnienie dla utworu w języku francuskim stworzonego przez pisarza spoza Francji).
Professor John Kirowan is a fictional character from Robert E. Howards contributions to H.P. Lovecrafts story cycle the Cthulhu Mythos. Kirowan is often partnered with the character John Conrad, to the extent that these stories are often referred to under the group title Conrad & Kirowan. Professor Kirowan is a younger son of a titled Irish family and a scholar of the Mythos who travelled widely in search of forbidden knowledge. His ancestor, Sir Michael Kirowan was a medieval knight famous for killing a particularly fierce and notorious villain, whose ghost Kirowan will meet and escape from.
A charming thief rescues the not-so-innocent in this delightful crime novel from the creator of the Craig Kennedy detective series. Constance Dunlap is a young woman who turns amateur criminal in order to save her husband from disgrace and imminent arrest. When this sadly doesnt work out exactly as planned, Constance goes on to embrace a new life. More antiheroine than heroine, she uses her photographic memory and her sharp wit to help amateur criminals get back on the right track. From one escapade to the next, Dunlap eludes Drummond, a crooked private detective who preys on the weak and unfortunate. Even he cant help but admire the pluck and intelligence of this irresistible scofflaw.