
Constitutional Law

Anna Gajda, Anna Rytel-Warzocha, Piotr Uziębło

The leading constitutional principles discussed here fulfill a special function as a source of interpretative directives in relation to other legał norms; they often also constitute autonomous normative contents. They express fundamental values, long known, that constitute the basis of the constitutional structure of the Polish state, making up the characteristic qualities of that structure. In the view of the authors of this book, the analyses offered in this study should make it easier for its readers, above all those from abroad, to understand the constitutional and structural foundations of the functioning of the Polish Republic. They also aim to demonstrate what on one hand, is common to all contemporary democratic states, and what, on the other hand, constitutes the essential achievements of the doctrine of Polish constitutional law.


Construct Game Development Beginners Guide. A guide to escalate beginners to intermediate game creators through teaching practical game creation using Scirra construct with this book and

Daven Bigelow, Daven Eric Bigelow

Construct Classic is a free, DirectX 9 game creator for Windows, designed for 2D games. Construct Classic uses an event-based system for defining how the game behaves, in a visual, human-readable way - you don't need to program or script anything at all. It's intuitive for beginners, but powerful enough for advanced users to work without hindrance. You never know when you'll need a helping hand exploring its inner workings, or harnessing its raw power to do your bidding.Construct Game Development Beginner's Guide is the book for you if you have ever felt the urge to make a game of your own. Reading this book will not only teach you to make some popular games using Construct, but you'll also learn the skills necessary to continue on and bring your game ideas to life.Starting as a beginner to Construct Classic, you'll be learning to make platform, puzzle, and shooter games, each styled after popular games of their genre.This guide covers everything from creating animated sprites, to using the built-in physics and shadow engines of Construct Classic. You will learn the skills necessary to make advanced games of your own.Construct Game Development Beginner's Guide will lead you on your journey of making games.


Consuelo. Tome 13

George Sand

George Sand le pseudonyme de lécrivain français Aurora Dupin-Dyudevan. Dans ses nombreuses uvres, les idées de libération de la personnalité se combinent une recréation psychologique de talent de personnages idéalement sublimes, de conflits damour complexes. Le roman Consuelo est une histoire fascinante de la vie dun jeune chanteur qui doit surmonter des épreuves difficiles en donnant son art aux gens. Il sagit dun livre sur le destin dun véritable artiste, sur le lourd fardeau du talent accordé par le destin, sur le choix difficile et parfois mme tragique entre la gloire et le bonheur personnel.


Containerization with LXC. Build, manage, and configure Linux containers

Konstantin Ivanov

In recent years, containers have gained wide adoption by businesses running a variety of application loads. This became possible largely due to the advent of kernel namespaces and better resource management with control groups (cgroups). Linux containers (LXC) are a direct implementation of those kernel features that provide operating system level virtualization without the overhead of a hypervisor layer. This book starts by introducing the foundational concepts behind the implementation of LXC, then moves into the practical aspects of installing and configuring LXC containers. Moving on, you will explore container networking, security, and backups. You will also learn how to deploy LXC with technologies like Open Stack and Vagrant. By the end of the book, you will have a solid grasp of how LXC is implemented and how to run production applications in a highly available and scalable way.


Containers for Developers Handbook. A practical guide to developing and delivering applications using software containers

Francisco Javier Ramírez Urea

Developers are changing their deployment artifacts from application binaries to container images, giving rise to the need to build container-based apps as part of their new development workflow. Managing an app’s life cycle is complex and requires effort—this book will show you how to efficiently develop, share, and execute applications.You’ll learn how to automate the build and delivery process using CI/CD tools with containers as container orchestrators manage the complexity of running cluster-wide applications, creating infrastructure abstraction layers, while your applications run with high availability, resilience, and persistence. As you advance, you’ll develop, test, and debug applications on your desktop and get them ready to run in production with optimal security standards, using deployment patterns and monitoring tools to help identify common issues. You’ll also review deployment patterns that’ll enable you to solve common deployment problems, providing high availability, scalability, and security to your applications. Finally, you’ll explore different solutions to monitor, log, and instrument your applications as per open-source community standards.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to manage your app’s life cycle by implementing CI/CD workflows using containers to automate the building and delivery of its components.


Containers in OpenStack. Leverage OpenStack services to make the most of Docker, Kubernetes and Mesos

Madhuri Kumari, Pradeep Kumar Singh

Containers are one of the most talked about technologies of recent times. They have become increasingly popular as they are changing the way we develop, deploy, and run software applications. OpenStack gets tremendous traction as it is used by many organizations across the globe and as containers gain in popularity and become complex, it’s necessary for OpenStack to provide various infrastructure resources for containers, such as compute, network, and storage.Containers in OpenStack answers the question, how can OpenStack keep ahead of the increasing challenges of container technology? You will start by getting familiar with container and OpenStack basics, so that you understand how the container ecosystem and OpenStack work together. To understand networking, managing application services and deployment tools, the book has dedicated chapters for different OpenStack projects: Magnum, Zun, Kuryr, Murano, and Kolla. Towards the end, you will be introduced to some best practices to secure your containers and COE on OpenStack, with an overview of using each OpenStack projects for different use cases.


Contemporary challenges of spatial planning in tourism destinations

Tomasz Napierała, Katarzyna Leśniewska-Napierała, Giancarlo Cotella

Theoretical fundamentals of sustainable spatial planning of European tourism destinations     7 The planning system in Italy and how it addresses tourism–related issues  The planning system in Norway with focus on mountain destinations The spatial planning system in Poland. Focus on tourist destinations The planning system in Portugal Spatial planning system in Turkey. Focus on tourism destinations Diverse challenges of tourism spatial planning. Evidence from Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Turkey


Contemporary Challenges towards Management III

red. Joachim Foltys, Ľubica Lesáková, Maria Uramova, Anna Wziątek-Staśko

Monografia Contemporary Challenges towards Management III jest zbiorem interesujących prac naukowych poświęconych współczesnemu zarządzaniu widzianemu w różnych aspektach, przy istniejącym turbulentnym otoczeniu – pogłębionym przez obecny kryzys gospodarczy. Zachodzące w tych warunkach w sposób ciągły zmiany, stanowią coraz to nowe wyzwania dla procesów zarządzania – zarówno w skali gospodarki narodowej, jak i każdej organizacji. Szczególnym atutem monografii jest podjęcie przez autorów prac szerokiej, wieloaspektowej dyskusji na temat różnych problemów współczesnego świata biznesu. Wiodące miejsce w rozważaniach zajęły problemy wielokulturowości, kapitału intelektualnego oraz nowych koncepcji zarządzania, zaprezentowane przez międzynarodowe grono autorów – przedstawicieli zarówno teorii, jak i praktyki zarządzania.


Contemporary Concepts of Administrative Procedure Between Legalism and Pragmatism

Zbigniew Kmieciak

The aim of this volume is to compare various types of administrative procedure and show their similarities and differences in national, European and global dimensions. The Authors' intention is also to capture the regularities governing the development of law on administrative proceedings, including answers to the following questions: 1) is there a genetic relationship between the three generations of procedures, or do they derive from the separate ideas of national legislatives (genetic peculiarities)? 2) to what extent did modern procedures become the subject of national codifications? 3) what are the characteristics of national participatory procedures? 4) what are the national experiences in the field of "coexistence" of the three generations of administrative procedures? 5) where is the boundary between pragmatism and legalism of administrative procedures, for example in the case of urgent or simplified, automated and mass procedures? 6) does the increasing complexity of social life necessitate new solutions to integrate standards of the Rule of Law (traditional procedural values) with requirements of procedural pragmatism and efficiency? 7) are the new solutions in contradiction with the idea of multi-aspect protection of interests in administrative procedure?


Contemporary Family - Comparative Perspective

red. Katarzyna Juszczyk-Frelkiewicz, Grzegorz Libor

Głównym celem książki jest przedstawienie przemian, jakie zachodzą w różnych formach rodziny w perspektywie porównawczej. Zainteresowanie rodziną jest obecnie niezwykle żywe i powszechne. W dobie intensywnych przemian rodzina jako podstawowa cząstka społeczna podlega różnym zmianom od preferowanych i zaimplementowanych modeli życia rodzinnego do relacji w rodzinie. Dlatego redaktorzy książki postanowili zaprosić naukowców z różnych części Europy, aby mogli przedstawić wyniki swoich badań. Od ogólnych tendencji po analizę poszczególnych przypadków książka jest odpowiedzią na potrzebę szerszego spojrzenia na zmiany zachodzące w życiu rodzinnym.


Content marketing. Od strategii do efektów

Justyna Bakalarska-Stankiewicz

Złów złotą rybkę w oceanie internetu! Wiek XXI to epoka informacji. A może raczej: nadmiaru informacji. Internet w coraz mniejszym stopniu jest źródłem cennej wiedzy, przypomina raczej śmietnik przepełniony fake newsami i milionami bodźców oddziałujących na odbiorców w każdej sekundzie. Do tego stanu rzeczy przyczyniają się także marketerzy, którzy w obliczu ślepoty bannerowej czy też programów do blokowania reklam szukają coraz skuteczniejszych metod przykucia uwagi odbiorcy. Nie jest to łatwe. Według niektórych źródeł średni czas koncentracji internautów w ostatnich latach spadł do 8 sekund - to podobno tyle, ile trwa utrzymanie uwagi przez złotą rybkę. Dlatego sposobem na zwiększenie zainteresowania internetowych "złotych rybek" miał być content marketing, czyli marketing treści. Jednak ten modny trend, realizowany w niewłaściwy sposób, wcale nie prowadzi do osiągnięcia zadowalających efektów. Zamiast tego powoduje jeszcze większy chaos komunikacyjny. Jak temu zaradzić? Tu z pomocą przychodzi Justyna Bakalarska-Stankiewicz, autorka książki, z której dowiesz się między innymi: Czego content manager może się nauczyć z oper mydlanych? Dlaczego o swoim odbiorcy powinieneś myśleć jak o przyjacielu? Czy content marketing sprzedaje? Czemu panda, pingwin i koliber powinny mieć wpływ na Twoją strategię? Jak być SMART przy określaniu celów w marketingu treści? W czym marketer powinien upodobnić się do Jezusa? Czy Twoja firma to Mędrzec czy Błazen? Jak pisać do odbiorców, którzy nie czytają? A także wielu innych rzeczy, dzięki którym stworzysz naprawdę skuteczną strategię contentmarketingową dla swojej firmy i marki osobistej.


Contes Ninon

Émile Zola

Ceci est une collection de nouvelles, contes de fées, cherts. Ils sont adressés a Ninon, la femme bien-aimée du narrateur. Les ouvres sont consacrées a lamour entre un homme et une femme, cette derniere parle de lamour pour son prochain, de sa capacité a sympathiser. Les héros de tous les romans sont romantiques: un prince tombé amoureux dun nénuphar, une fille qui pense confusément a sa bien-aimée.


Continuing Financial Modelling. Advanced Techniques and Insights for Modern Financial Modelling

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Liam Bastick

This book provides a thorough exploration of advanced financial modeling techniques, designed to elevate the skills of finance professionals. Starting with a recap of essential concepts, it progresses into dynamic 'What-If?' analysis, advanced forecasting methods, and inventory modeling. The focus is on practical applications, ensuring readers can implement the techniques immediately.Topics such as capital expenditure, debt calculations, and valuation are covered in detail, including DCF and MIRR analysis. The book emphasizes accuracy and efficiency in financial models, offering insights into refining forecasts and linking complex models. With a focus on sensitivity analysis and scenario planning, readers gain tools to handle real-world financial challenges.The final chapters delve into advanced Excel functions like XLOOKUP, dynamic arrays, and scenario-building tools. Best practices for maintaining model accuracy, reducing file sizes, and creating professional models are thoroughly discussed. This guide equips readers with the expertise to manage complex financial modeling tasks confidently.


Continuity. Eleven sketches from the past of Mathematics

Jerzy Mioduszewski, tłum. Abe Shenitzer

The book was written in the eighties of the last century. Being encouraged by the editorial board of monthly Delta in the person of Professor Marek Kordos, the author’s first aim was a collection of essays about Peano maps, lakes of Wada, and several singularities of real functions. But it was the time when university duties stopped and the author could freely meditate whether this curious mathematics had its roots in the forgotten past. He remembered old authors who began their books with the words “already the ancient Greeks… .” The celebrated nineteenth century, the century of concepts, was preceded by the century of calculations. Going further back we can see Newton, but what and who was there before? Were the centuries between the Ancients and Newton a vacuum in mathematical sciences? Accidentally, the treatise De continuo by Thomas Bradwardine, the Archbishop of Canterbury, led the author into an unknown and strange world of medieval scholastic thought, showing to him the lost thread joining our times with Zeno, Aristotle and Democritus. However, to find this forgotten link a step should be taken beyond pure mathematical thinking. In this extended surrounding we can observe the unity of mathematical concepts being non-existent in the realm of pure mathematics.


Continuous Delivery and DevOps - A Quickstart Guide. Start your journey to successful adoption of CD and DevOps - Third Edition

Paul Swartout

Over the past few years, Continuous Delivery (CD) and DevOps have been in the spotlight in tech media, at conferences, and in boardrooms alike. Many articles and books have been written covering the technical aspects of CD and DevOps, yet the vast majority of the industry doesn’t fully understand what they actually are and how, if adopted correctly they can help organizations drastically change the way they deliver value. This book will help you figure out how CD and DevOps can help you to optimize, streamline, and improve the way you work to consistently deliver quality software. In this edition, you’ll be introduced to modern tools, techniques, and examples to help you understand what the adoption of CD and DevOps entails. It provides clear and concise insights in to what CD and DevOps are all about, how to go about both preparing for and adopting them, and what quantifiable value they bring. You will be guided through the various stages of adoption, the impact they will have on your business and those working within it, how to overcome common problems, and what to do once CD and DevOps have become truly embedded. Included within this book are some real-world examples, tricks, and tips that will help ease the adoption process and allow you to fully utilize the power of CD and DevOps


Continuous Delivery for Mobile with fastlane. Automating mobile application development and deployment for iOS and Android

Doron Katz

Competitive mobile apps depend strongly on the development team’s ability to deliver successful releases, consistently and often. Although continuous integration took a more mainstream priority among the development industry, companies are starting to realize the importance of continuity beyond integration and testing. This book starts off with a brief introduction to fastlane—a robust command-line tool that enables iOS and Android developers to automate their releasing workflow. The book then explores and guides you through all of its features and utilities; it provides the reader a comprehensive understanding of the tool and how to implement them. Themes include setting up and managing your certificates and provisioning and push notification profiles; automating the creation of apps and managing the app metadata on iTunes Connect and the Apple Developer Portal; and building, distributing and publishing your apps to the App Store. You will also learn how to automate the generation of localized screenshots and mesh your continuous delivery workflow into a continuous integration workflow for a more robust setup. By the end of the book, you will gain substantial knowledge on delivering bug free, developer-independent, and stable application release cycle.


Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins. Create secure applications by building complete CI/CD pipelines - Second Edition

Rafał Leszko

Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins, Second Edition will explain the advantages of combining Jenkins and Docker to improve the continuous integration and delivery process of an app development. It will start with setting up a Docker server and configuring Jenkins on it. It will then provide steps to build applications on Docker files and integrate them with Jenkins using continuous delivery processes such as continuous integration, automated acceptance testing, and configuration management.Moving on, you will learn how to ensure quick application deployment with Docker containers along with scaling Jenkins using Kubernetes. Next, you will get to know how to deploy applications using Docker images and testing them with Jenkins. Towards the end, the book will touch base with missing parts of the CD pipeline, which are the environments and infrastructure, application versioning, and nonfunctional testing.By the end of the book, you will be enhancing the DevOps workflow by integrating the functionalities of Docker and Jenkins.


Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins. Create secure applications by building complete CI/CD pipelines - Third Edition

Rafał Leszko

This updated third edition of Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins will explain the advantages of combining Jenkins and Docker to improve the continuous integration and delivery process of app development.You’ll start by setting up a Docker server and configuring Jenkins on it. Next, you’ll discover steps for building applications and microservices on Dockerfiles and integrating them with Jenkins using continuous delivery processes such as continuous integration, automated acceptance testing, configuration management, and Infrastructure as Code. Moving ahead, you'll learn how to ensure quick application deployment with Docker containers, along with scaling Jenkins using Kubernetes. Later, you’ll explore how to deploy applications using Docker images and test them with Jenkins. Toward the concluding chapters, the book will focus on missing parts of the CD pipeline, such as the environments and infrastructure, application versioning, and non-functional testing.By the end of this continuous integration and continuous delivery book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to enhance the DevOps workflow by integrating the functionalities of Docker and Jenkins.


Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins. Delivering software at scale

Rafał Leszko

The combination of Docker and Jenkins improves your Continuous Delivery pipeline using fewer resources. It also helps you scale up your builds, automate tasks and speed up Jenkins performance with the benefits of Docker containerization. This book will explain the advantages of combining Jenkins and Docker to improve the continuous integration and delivery process of app development. It will start with setting up a Docker server and configuring Jenkins on it. It will then provide steps to build applications on Docker files and integrate them with Jenkins using continuous delivery processes such as continuous integration, automated acceptance testing, and configuration management. Moving on you will learn how to ensure quick application deployment with Docker containers along with scaling Jenkins using Docker Swarm. Next, you will get to know how to deploy applications using Docker images and testing them with Jenkins. By the end of the book, you will be enhancing the DevOps workflow by integrating the functionalities of Docker and Jenkins.


Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment. Reliable and faster software releases with automating builds, tests, and deployment

Sander Rossel

The challenge faced by many teams while implementing Continuous Deployment is that it requires the use of many tools and processes that all work together. Learning and implementing all these tools (correctly) takes a lot of time and effort, leading people to wonder whether it's really worth it. This book sets up a project to show you the different steps, processes, and tools in Continuous Deployment and the actual problems they solve.We start by introducing Continuous Integration (CI), deployment, and delivery as well as providing an overview of the tools used in CI. You'll then create a web app and see how Git can be used in a CI environment. Moving on, you'll explore unit testing using Jasmine and browser testing using Karma and Selenium for your app. You'll also find out how to automate tasks using Gulp and Jenkins. Next, you'll get acquainted with database integration for different platforms, such as MongoDB and PostgreSQL. Finally, you'll set up different Jenkins jobs to integrate with Node.js and C# projects, and Jenkins pipelines to make branching easier.By the end of the book, you'll have implemented Continuous Delivery and deployment from scratch.


Continuous Testing, Quality, Security, and Feedback. Essential strategies and secure practices for DevOps, DevSecOps, and SRE transformations

Marc Hornbeek, Dan Wakeman

Organizations struggle to integrate and execute continuous testing, quality, security, and feedback practices into their DevOps, DevSecOps, and SRE approaches to achieve successful digital transformations. This book addresses these challenges by embedding these critical practices into your software development lifecycle.Beginning with the foundational concepts, the book progresses to practical applications, helping you understand why these practices are crucial in today’s fast-paced software development landscape. You’ll discover continuous strategies to avoid the common pitfalls and streamline the quality, security, and feedback mechanisms within software development processes. You’ll explore planning, discovery, and benchmarking through systematic engineering approaches, tailored to organizational needs. You’ll learn how to select toolchains, integrating AI/ML for resilience, and implement real-world case studies to achieve operational excellence. You’ll learn how to create strategic roadmaps, aligned with digital transformation goals, and measure outcomes recognized by DORA. You’ll explore emerging trends that are reshaping continuous practices in software development.By the end of this book, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to drive continuous improvement across the software development lifecycle.


Contrata Masoviae. Dominikanie na Mazowszu od XIII do XVI wieku

Michał Skoczyński

Publikowana w serii Dominikańskiego Instytutu Historycznego monografia autorstwa Michała Skoczyńskiego poświęcona jest dziejom klasztorów dominikańskich na Mazowszu w okresie średniowiecza i na początku epoki nowożytnej. Przedmiotem zainteresowania są konwenty działające w Płocku (św. Dominika i św. Trójcy), Warce (św. Stanisława), Sochaczewie (św. Mikołaja) i Łowiczu (św. Trójcy). W książce omówione zostały kluczowe zagadnienia dotyczące funkcjonowania tych klasztorów: okoliczności ich powstania, gospodarcze podstawy egzystencji, życie wewnętrzne konwentów i ich skład osobowy oraz miejsce, jakie zakonnicy zajmowali w społeczeństwie mazowieckim. Powyższe problemy nie były dotąd obiektem kompleksowego zainteresowania ze strony historyków. Jest to pierwsza tak obszerna praca, która w sposób całościowy ukazuje środowisko i działalność dominikanów należących do contrata Masoviae Provinciae Poloniae Fratrum Ordinis Praedicatorum.


Controlling działań marketingowych. Pojęcie, narzędzia, etapy

Wojciech Grzegorczyk

Prawidłowo przygotowana i realizowana strategia marketingowa powinna zapewniać przedsiębiorstwu obronę przed konkurencją oraz mocną pozycję na rynku. Podczas i po zakończeniu jej wdrażania konieczne jest zebranie informacji o sytuacji rynkowej i podejmowanych działaniach z zakresu marketing mix w celu kontroli wykonania zamierzeń, porównania ich z założonymi wynikami czy sformułowania ewentualnych procedur naprawczych. Przedsiębiorstwo gromadzi więc informacje stanowiące podstawę do opracowania planu marketingowego, który następnie jest realizowany i poddawany ocenie z punktu widzenia zaprojektowanych inicjatyw. W literaturze fachowej właśnie tak rozumiany jest controlling marketingowy w ujęciu funkcjonalnym. W publikacji przedstawiono podstawowe informacje na temat controllingu marketingowego - jego uwarunkowań, funkcji, barier stosowania, narzędzi i etapów, a także zaprezentowano niezbędne analizy controllingowe odnoszące się do działań marketingowych przedsiębiorstwa i jego zasobów. Na końcu zamieszczono trzy studia przypadków, które mogą zostać wykorzystane w pracy ze studentami kierunków ekonomicznych i zarządzania.