

Maja Kotwicka

Unia bankowa i jej znaczenie dla funkcjonowania sektora bankowego Unii Europejskiej

Klaudia Zielińska-Lont

Unia Europejska od Maastricht do Lizbony

Parzymies Stanisław

Unia Europejska w gospodarce światowej

Zofia Wysokińska, Janina Witkowska

Unia Europejska w procesie zrównoważonego rozwoju w warunkach pandemii COVID-19

Zofia Wysokińska, Janina Witkowska

Unia Litwy z Koroną

Stanisław Smolka

UNIHOKEJ. Edukacja sportowa gracza

Krzysztof Kałużny

Unihokej. Zabawy i gry ruchowe

Krzysztof Kałużny

Unijna polityka współpracy na rzecz rozwoju. Zagadnienia prawne

Katarzyna Cichos

Unikanie, wycofanie, izolacja. Zacznij żyć życiem, którego pragniesz, dzięki technikom terapii TBT

Daniel F. Gros

Unity 2017 Game AI programming. Leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence to program smart entities for your games - Third Edition

Raymundo Barrera

Unity 2017 Game Optimization. Optimize all aspects of Unity performance - Second Edition

Chris Dickinson

Unity 2017 Mobile Game Development. Build, deploy, and monetize games for Android and iOS with Unity

John P. Doran

Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook. Over 90 recipes to build and customize AI entities for your games with Unity - Second Edition

Jorge Palacios

Unity 2018 Augmented Reality Projects. Build four immersive and fun AR applications using ARKit, ARCore, and Vuforia

Jesse Glover

Unity 2018 By Example. Learn about game and virtual reality development by creating five engaging projects - Second Edition

Alan Thorn

Unity 2018 Cookbook. Over 160 recipes to take your 2D and 3D game development to the next level - Third Edition

Matt Smith, Francisco Queiroz

Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook. Transform your game into a visually stunning masterpiece with over 70 recipes - Third Edition

John P. Doran, Alan Zucconi

Unity 2020 By Example. A project-based guide to building 2D, 3D, augmented reality, and virtual reality games from scratch - Third Edition

Robert Wells

Unity 2020 Mobile Game Development. Discover practical techniques and examples to create and deliver engaging games for Android and iOS - Second Edition

John P. Doran

Unity 2020 Virtual Reality Projects. Learn VR development by building immersive applications and games with Unity 2019.4 and later versions - Third Edition

Jonathan Linowes

Unity 2021 Cookbook. Over 140 recipes to take your Unity game development skills to the next level - Fourth Edition

Matthew Smith, Shaun Ferns, Chris Gregan

Unity 2021 Shaders and Effects Cookbook. Over 50 recipes to help you transform your game into a visually stunning masterpiece - Fourth Edition

John P. Doran

Unity 2022 by Example. A project-based guide to building 2D and 3D games, enhanced for AR, VR, and MR experiences

Scott H. Cameron, Edward Falzon