
Cocos2d-x Cookbook. Over 50 hands-on recipes to help you efficiently administer and maintain your games with Cocos2d-x

Akihiro Matsuura

Cocos2d-x Game Development Blueprints. Build a plethora of games for various genres using one of the most powerful game engines, Cocos2d-x

Karan Sequeira


Józef Czechowicz

Code with me. Zostań game developerem

Krzysztof Pianta

CodeIgniter 1.7. Improve your PHP coding productivity with the free compact open-source MVC CodeIgniter framework!

David Upton, Jose Argudo Blanco, Rick Ellis

CodeIgniter 2 Cookbook. As a PHP developer, you may have wondered how much difference the Codeigniter framework might make when creating web applications. Now you can find out with a host of customizable recipes ready to insert into your own work

Robert Foster

CodeIgniter 4. Zaawansowane tworzenie stron WWW w PHP

Łukasz Sosna

CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints. Develop full-featured dynamic web applications using the powerful CodeIgniter MVC framework

Robert Foster, Robert Foster(GBP)

CodeIgniter. Zaawansowane tworzenie stron w PHP

Łukasz Sosna

Codeless Deep Learning with KNIME. Build, train, and deploy various deep neural network architectures using KNIME Analytics Platform

KNIME AG, Kathrin Melcher, Rosaria Silipo

Codeless Time Series Analysis with KNIME. A practical guide to implementing forecasting models for time series analysis applications

KNIME AG, Corey Weisinger, Maarit Widmann, Daniele Tonini

Coding Roblox Games Made Easy. Create, Publish, and Monetize your games on Roblox - Second Edition

Zander Brumbaugh

Coding Roblox Games Made Easy. The ultimate guide to creating games with Roblox Studio and Lua programming

Zander Brumbaugh

Coding with ChatGPT and Other LLMs. Navigate LLMs for effective coding, debugging, and AI-driven development

Dr. Vincent Austin Hall


Lucyna Klimczak


Ewa Schilling

Codzienność osoby z głęboką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w domu pomocy społecznej

Dorota Prysak

Coffee on Ice

Lori Rave

CoffeeScript Application Development Cookbook. Over 90 hands-on recipes to help you develop engaging applications using CoffeeScript

Mike Hatfield

CoffeeScript Application Development. What JavaScript user wouldn't want to be able to dramatically reduce application development time? This book will teach you the clean, elegant CoffeeScript language and show you how to build stunning applications

Ian Young, Ian Greenleaf Young

Cognition, Meaning and Action. Lodz-Lund Studies in Cognitive Science

Piotr Łukowski, Aleksander Gemel, Bartosz Żukowski

Cognitive Computing with IBM Watson. Build smart applications using artificial intelligence as a service

Rob High, Tanmay Bakshi

Cokolwiek powiesz, nic nie mów. Zbrodnia i pamięć w Irlandii Północnej

Patrick Radden Keefe

,,Cokolwiek się zdarzy - niech uderza we mnie..."

Stefan Żeromski