
#AgileKtóryDziała. Pracuj zwinnie i skutecznie

Michał Dusiński, Tomasz Borowiec

Aglawena i Selizetta

Maurice Maeterlinck

Agnes Grey

Anne Bronte

Agnes Grey. A Novel

Anne Brontë

Agnieszka i szlachcic

Gabriela Feliksik

Agnieszka opowiada bajkę (pol-ang)

Joanna Papuzińska


Ks. Fryderyk Klimke Sj

Agresja elektroniczna i cyberbullying jako nowe ryzykowne zachowania młodzieży

Pyżalski Jacek


Kostas Hatziantoniou


Mieczysław Braun

Ahmad Suradji - Szaman i jego magiczny eliksir


AI & Data Literacy. Empowering Citizens of Data Science

Bill Schmarzo

AI - podejście pragmatyczne

Noah Gift

AI and Business Rule Engines for Excel Power Users. Capture and scale your business knowledge into the cloud – with Microsoft 365, Decision Models, and AI tools from IBM and Red Hat

Paul Browne, Alex Porcelli

AI Blueprints. How to build and deploy AI business projects

Dr. Joshua Eckroth

AI Crash Course. A fun and hands-on introduction to machine learning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence with Python

Hadelin de Ponteves

AI dla ludzi i firmy. Potencjał sztucznej inteligencji w biznesie

Alex Castrounis

AI Eksploracja

Andrzej Zybertowicz, Katarzyna Zybertowicz

AI Explained. Uncovering the Reality, Risks, and Rewards of Artificial Intelligence

Nigel Poulton

AI for Absolute Beginners: A Clear Guide to Tomorrow. Demystifying AI for Beginners and Paving the Path to Future Innovations

Oliver Theobald

AI Handlarz złomem

Marek Tarnowicz

AI Horizons. Shaping a Better Future Through Responsible Innovation and Human Collaboration

Mercury Learning and Information, Enamul Haque

AI in Digital Marketing. Harnessing AI tools to revolutionize digital marketing strategies

Mercury Learning and Information, Maria Johnsen