
Apache Spark for Machine Learning. Build and deploy high-performance big data AI solutions for large-scale clusters

Deepak Gowda

In the world of big data, efficiently processing and analyzing massive datasets for machine learning can be a daunting task. Written by Deepak Gowda, a data scientist with over a decade of experience and 30+ patents, this book provides a hands-on guide to mastering Spark’s capabilities for efficient data processing, model building, and optimization. With Deepak’s expertise across industries such as supply chain, cybersecurity, and data center infrastructure, he makes complex concepts easy to follow through detailed recipes.This book takes you through core machine learning concepts, highlighting the advantages of Spark for big data analytics. It covers practical data preprocessing techniques, including feature extraction and transformation, supervised learning methods with detailed chapters on regression and classification, and unsupervised learning through clustering and recommendation systems. You’ll also learn to identify frequent patterns in data and discover effective strategies to deploy and optimize your machine learning models. Each chapter features practical coding examples and real-world applications to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle complex machine learning tasks.By the end of this book, you’ll be ready to handle big data and create advanced machine learning models with Apache Spark.


Apache Spark Machine Learning Blueprints. Develop a range of cutting-edge machine learning projects with Apache Spark using this actionable guide

Alex Liu

There's a reason why Apache Spark has become one of the most popular tools in Machine Learning – its ability to handle huge datasets at an impressive speed means you can be much more responsive to the data at your disposal. This book shows you Spark at its very best, demonstrating how to connect it with R and unlock maximum value not only from the tool but also from your data.Packed with a range of project blueprints that demonstrate some of the most interesting challenges that Spark can help you tackle, you'll find out how to use Spark notebooks and access, clean, and join different datasets before putting your knowledge into practice with some real-world projects, in which you will see how Spark Machine Learning can help you with everything from fraud detection to analyzing customer attrition. You'll also find out how to build a recommendation engine using Spark's parallel computing powers.


Apache Spark Quick Start Guide. Quickly learn the art of writing efficient big data applications with Apache Spark

Shrey Mehrotra, Akash Grade

Apache Spark is a ?exible framework that allows processing of batch and real-time data. Its unified engine has made it quite popular for big data use cases. This book will help you to get started with Apache Spark 2.0 and write big data applications for a variety of use cases.It will also introduce you to Apache Spark – one of the most popular Big Data processing frameworks. Although this book is intended to help you get started with Apache Spark, but it also focuses on explaining the core concepts. This practical guide provides a quick start to the Spark 2.0 architecture and its components. It teaches you how to set up Spark on your local machine. As we move ahead, you will be introduced to resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) and DataFrame APIs, and their corresponding transformations and actions. Then, we move on to the life cycle of a Spark application and learn about the techniques used to debug slow-running applications. You will also go through Spark’s built-in modules for SQL, streaming, machine learning, and graph analysis.Finally, the book will lay out the best practices and optimization techniques that are key for writing efficient Spark applications. By the end of this book, you will have a sound fundamental understanding of the Apache Spark framework and you will be able to write and optimize Spark applications.


Apache Superset Quick Start Guide. Develop interactive visualizations by creating user-friendly dashboards

Shashank Shekhar

Apache Superset is a modern, open source, enterprise-ready business intelligence (BI) web application. With the help of this book, you will see how Superset integrates with popular databases like Postgres, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, and MySQL. You will learn to create real time data visualizations and dashboards on modern web browsers for your organization using Superset.First, we look at the fundamentals of Superset, and then get it up and running. You'll go through the requisite installation, configuration, and deployment. Then, we will discuss different columnar data types, analytics, and the visualizations available. You'll also see the security tools available to the administrator to keep your data safe.You will learn how to visualize relationships as graphs instead of coordinates on plain orthogonal axes. This will help you when you upload your own entity relationship dataset and analyze the dataset in new, different ways. You will also see how to analyze geographical regions by working with location data.Finally, we cover a set of tutorials on dashboard designs frequently used by analysts, business intelligence professionals, and developers.


Apache Tomcat 7 Essentials. This book takes you from beginner to expert in logical stages, covering all the essentials of Tomcat 7 from trouble-free installation to building your own middleware servers. Packed with examples and illustrations

Tanuj Khare

Apache Tomcat (or simply Tomcat) is an open source servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The latest major stable release, Apache Tomcat version 7 implements the Servlet 3 and JavaServer Pages 2 specifications from the Java Community Process, and includes many additional features that make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web applications and web services.Apache Tomcat 7 Essentials follows a practical approach to teach installing, configuring, and maintaining Tomcat. It helps you to understand the middle architecture for hosting multiple websites and also provides the confidence to implement middleware support. It imparts to you the capacity to resolve migration issues and also provides regular maintenance solutions. This is the first and only book to cover upgrading to Tomcat 7 from previous versions.The journey of the reader starts at the beginner level and ends at the expert level. The content is designed in such a way that it balances the theory and practical approach for understanding concepts related to handling middle ware and web issues.In this book, you will go through a three-phase life cycle. The first cycle consists of installation, configuration of Tomcat 7 on different OS, and other configurations related to JDBC, port, deployment etc. The second phase deals with the building of enterprise application setup and high availability architecture (clustering load balancing). The third and critical phase will teach you to handle critical issues, performance tuning, and best practices for various environment stacks like dev/QA/stage/production.This book gives you a wider vision of using Tomcat 7 in web technologies and the skill to optimize their performance using Apache Tomcat 7.


Aparatura przemysłowa

Mirosław Nizielski, Krzysztof Urbaniec

Praca powstała jako rozszerzenie materiałów dydaktycznych przeznaczonych dla studentów kierunku studiów mechanika i budowa maszyn na Wydziale Budownictwa, Mechaniki i Petrochemii Politechniki Warszawskiej.   Zakres pracy obejmuje podstawową wiedzę przydatną w projektowaniu, budowie i eksploatacji aparatów o często spotykanych cechach konstrukcyjnych, z uwzględnieniem ich zastosowań w różnych procesach przemysłowych. Rozdziały poświęcone różnym typom aparatów nie zawierają kompletnego przeglądu aparatury przemysłowej, a jedynie zbiór przykładowych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych. Są to rozwiązania aparatów stosowanych m.in. w energetyce, przemyśle chemicznym i spożywczym oraz instalacjach ochrony środowiska.   W stosunku do pierwszego wydania, z 2010 roku, w pracy: zaktualizowano dane o aktach prawnych i normach o istotnym znaczeniu dla projektowania i eksploatacji urządzeń przemysłowych, rozszerzono zakres tematyczny przeglądu rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych o informacje na temat bioreaktorów, uzupełniono informacje o filtrach do ciekłych zawiesin i piecach przemysłowych oraz zaktualizowano wykazy literatury.   Praca może być wykorzystana jako lektura uzupełniająca dla studentów różnych kierunków studiów, w tym chemii, inżynierii chemicznej i inżynierii środowiska.