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Eлектронна книга

Audyt wewnętrzny jako narzędzie wspomagające efektywny nadzór korporacyjny

Magdalena M. Stuss (red.), Joanna Krasodomska, Agnieszka Herdan

Pojawiające się w ciągu kilku ostatnich lat liczne nieprawidłowości w funkcjonowaniu podmiotów gospodarczych świadczą o nieefektywnym sprawowaniu nadzoru korporacyjnego. W gospodarce rynkowej występuje wiele mechanizmów umożliwiających kontrolę działalności spółki. Kontrolę zewnętrzną sprawują najczęściej rynek kapitałowy, rynek produktów czy też rynek pracy, wewnętrzną zaś systemy kontroli wewnętrznej czy komórki audytu wewnętrznego. Audyt wewnętrzny jest instrumentem, który w sposób aktywny, niezależny, profesjonalny i obiektywny ocenia efektywność systemu kontroli wewnętrznej i procesów zarządzania ryzykiem. Zapewnia on skuteczne prowadzenie wszystkich operacji i czynności organizacji, przynosi wartość dodaną dzięki ujawnieniu braków i słabości oraz wskazuje, w jaki sposób można uzyskać wyższą jakość i wydajność powierzonych zasobów.

Eлектронна книга

Auf fremden Pfaden

Karl May

Karl May Auf fremden Pfaden Auf fremden Pfaden ist eine Sammlung von kürzeren Abenteuerromanen bestehend aus 9 Erzählungen des berühmten Autors. Diese Sammlung enthalten sind: Saiwa Tjalem, Der Boer van het Roer, Er Raml el Helahk, Blutrache, Der Kutb, Der Kys-Kaptschiji, Maria oder Fatima, Gott läßt sich nicht spotten, Ein Blizzard. Auf fremden Pfaden reist der Erzähler durch die ganze Welt: vom Rentierzelt in Lappland bis zu den Lagern der Kurden, von den Beduinendörfern der Sahara bis ins Gebiet der Amerikanischen Indianer.

Eлектронна книга

Auf zwei Planeten. Teil III

Kurd Lasswitz

Der promovierte Physiker und Mathematiker Kurd Laßwitz gilt als Begründer der deutschsprachigen Science Fiction, veröffentlichte daneben jedoch auch zahlreiche Arbeiten zu physikalischen und vor allem philosophischen Fragen. In dem umfangreichen, 1897 erschienenen Roman Auf zwei Planeten, seinem bedeutendsten Werk, schildert der Autor die Ankunft von zunächst friedfertigen Marsbewohnern auf der Erde, die sich allmählich zu einer Invasion entwickelt. Während die Marsianer durch ihre Begegnung mit den Menschen verrohen und entgegen ihrer ursprünglichen Absicht zu Unterdrückern und Besatzern werden, vereint der gemeinsame Feind die Menschen über National- und Standesgrenzen hinweg zum gemeinsamen Widerstand gegen die Fremdherrschaft.

Eлектронна книга

Augmented Reality Development with Unity. Build and optimize AR applications with Unity, ARKit, and ARCore

Mercury Learning and Information, Indika Wijesooriya

This book provides a comprehensive guide to developing augmented reality applications. Starting with an introduction to AR concepts, it explores key tools and platforms, emphasizing Unity as a core development tool. Readers will gain hands-on experience creating marker-based and marker-less AR apps using Vuforia, ARKit, and ARCore.The book takes a practical approach, covering the creation of custom components, C# programming for Unity, and building mobile AR apps. Advanced topics include world-scale AR with Niantic Lightship and optimization strategies for AR app performance. Each chapter builds skills progressively, ensuring a thorough understanding of the subject.By the end, readers will have the confidence and skills to design and develop innovative AR applications, understanding the best practices and challenges of AR app development.

Eлектронна книга

Augmented Reality for Android Application Development. As an Android developer, including Augmented Reality (AR) in your mobile apps could be a profitable new string to your bow. This tutorial takes you through every aspect of AR for Android with lots of hands-on exercises

Dr. Raphael Grasset, Jens Grubert

Augmented Reality offers the magical effect of blending the physical world with the virtual world, which brings applications from your screen into your hands. AR redefines advertising and gaming, as well as education. It will soon become a technology that will have to be mastered as a necessity by mobile application developers.Augmented Reality for Android Application Development enables you to implement sensor-based and computer vision-based AR applications on Android devices. You will learn about the theoretical foundations and practical details of implemented AR applications, and you will be provided with hands-on examples that will enable you to quickly develop and deploy novel AR applications on your own.Augmented Reality for Android Application Development will help you learn the basics of developing mobile AR browsers, how to integrate and animate 3D objects easily with the JMonkeyEngine, how to unleash the power of computer vision-based AR using the Vuforia AR SDK, and will teach you about popular interaction metaphors. You will get comprehensive knowledge of how to implement a wide variety of AR apps using hands-on examples.This book will make you aware of how to use the AR engine, Android layout, and overlays, and how to use ARToolkit. Finally, you will be able to apply this knowledge to make a stunning AR application.

Eлектронна книга

Augmented Reality for Developers. Build practical augmented reality applications with Unity, ARCore, ARKit, and Vuforia

Jonathan Linowes, Krystian Babilinski

Augmented Reality brings with it a set of challenges that are unseen and unheard of for traditional web and mobile developers. This book is your gateway to Augmented Reality development—not a theoretical showpiece for your bookshelf, but a handbook you will keep by your desk while coding and architecting your first AR app and for years to come.The book opens with an introduction to Augmented Reality, including markets, technologies, and development tools. You will begin by setting up your development machine for Android, iOS, and Windows development, learning the basics of using Unity and the Vuforia AR platform as well as the open source ARToolKit and Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit. You will also receive an introduction to Apple's ARKit and Google's ARCore! You will then focus on building AR applications, exploring a variety of recognition targeting methods. You will go through multiple complete projects illustrating key market sectors including business marketing, education, industrial training, and gaming. By the end of the book, you will have gained the necessary knowledge to make quality content appropriate for a range of AR devices, platforms, and intended uses.

Eлектронна книга

Augmented Reality Game Development. Click here to enter text

Micheal Lanham

The heyday of location-based augmented reality games is upon us. They have been around for a few years, but the release of Pokémon Go was a gamechanger that catalyzed the market and led to a massive surge in demand. Now is the time for novice and experienced developers alike to turn their good ideas into augmented reality (AR) mobile games and meet this demand!If you are keen to develop virtual reality games with the latest Unity 5 toolkit, then this is the book for you. The genre of location-based AR games introduces a new platform and technical challenges, but this book will help simplify those challenges and show how to maximize your game audience.This book will take you on a journey through building a location-based AR game that addresses the core technical concepts: GIS fundamentals, mobile device GPS, mapping, map textures in Unity, mobile device camera, camera textures in Unity, accessing location-based services, and other useful Unity tips. The technical material also discusses what is necessary for further development to create a multiplayer version of the game. At the end, you will be presented with troubleshooting techniques in case you get into trouble and need a little help.

Eлектронна книга

Augmented Reality using Appcelerator Titanium Starter. Learn to create Augmented Reality applications in no time using the Appcelerator Titanium Framework with this book and

Trevor Ward

Titanium Mobile has quickly become the platform of choice for many mobile developers and is growing and changing at a rapid rate. From the implementation of CommonJS, Cloud Services, MVC design patterns and more, the last year in Titanium development has been a roller coaster of change for the better. Augmented Reality is a hot area for mobile applications and this book along with the augmentedTi open source application will give a great start to all augmented applications. This book will show you how to build an Augmented Reality application, which is clean, efficient and usable. It shows how to hide the processing from the user and build a display which updates and rotates smoothly.Mobile devices have got more powerful, but they still have limitations. Augmented Reality applications test these devices to breaking point and without the correct coding techniques make the applications unresponsive and cumbersome.This book gives a solution, which will enable you to build an effective application, and is accompanied by a complete working application and source code. It's essential for anybody who is creating a multiple points of interest augmented reality application. It shows how to build this type of application efficiently and takes into consideration the devices limitations and processing capabilities.