
A Crime of the Under-Seas

Guy Boothby

There is an old saying that one half of the world does not know how the other half lives, but as far as this is true, very few of us really understand. In the East, indeed, it is almost amazing. There are people involved in trade, some of whom are very profitable, about whom the world as a whole has never heard of, and which an ordinary Englishman, in all likelihood, would refuse to believe, even if the most reliable evidence had been provided before him.


A Crime on Canvas

Fred M. White

Frederick Merrick White has written many novels or short stories, many related to London. Modest stories in his spirit. A Clue in Wax is a simple, kind story. The story that even in a dark London place a bright life can occur.


A czy wiesz, dziecino miła... Wybór poezji patriotycznej dla dzieci

Maria Konopnicka

...Kochasz ty dom, rodzinny dom, Co wpośród burz, w zwątpienia dnie, Gdy w duszę ci uderzy grom, Wspomnieniem swym ocala cię? O, jeśli kochasz, jeśli chcesz Żyć pod tym dachem, chleb jeść zbóż, Sercem ojczystych progów strzeż, Serce w ojczystych ścianach złóż!... Piękne patriotyczne wiersze Marii Konopnickiej rozbudzały wrażliwość, krzewiły moralne wartości, takie jak męstwo, honor i odwaga. Poetka, tworzyła w czasie zaborów, napisała m.in. Rotę , która motywowała do walki o ojczyznę. W swym bogatym dorobku Konopnicka nie zapomniała jednak o najmłodszych czytelnikach. A czy wiesz, dziecino miła... jest dla nich drogowskazem wzrastania w postawie umiłowania ojczyzny.


A Daughter of Astrea

E. Phillips Oppenheim

BEHOLD! cried Sabul Ahmid, with an upward sweep of his bare, brown arm, behold the Sacred Temple of the people of Astrea! I stood up in the boat, my portfolio under my arm. High on the mountains side, crowning a thick mass of laurel undergrowth, and flanked by a grove of deep, cool, byana trees, was the building to which my servant was pointing. The material whereof it was fashioned I could not at that distance determine. Only in the broad, tropical sunlight it flashed forth, a glorious and spotless white, as flawless and perfect as the purest marble or alabaster. Little minarets rose from the flat roof; and flowering shrubs, planted along the mountain terrace above, drooped about it, a brilliant scintilla of purple coloring. My fingers began to crave for my pencil. I turned to my guide with beaming face.


A Daughter of Israel

Fred M. White

A Crime on Canvas is a story about a rich Blantyres family, which is one of the richest families in England. A few years later, the influence of Blantyres does not disappear. They are just as influential in their environment. The eldest of the Blantyres family decided to rent out their mansion. However, many bad rumors go about him.


A Daughter of the Snows

Jack London

“A Daughter of the Snows” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.   A Daughter of the Snows is Jack London's first novel. Set in the Yukon, it tells the story of Frona Welse, "a Stanford graduate and physical Valkyrie" who takes to the trail after upsetting her wealthy father's community by her forthright manner and befriending the town's prostitute. She is also torn between love for two suitors: Gregory St Vincent, a local man who turns out to be cowardly and treacherous; and Vance Corliss, a Yale-trained mining engineer.  


A Daughter of the Snows

Jack London

Life and adventures during the Klondike Gold Rush are breathtakingly realistic. Frona Wells, the main character of the novel, is a strong, intelligent, courageous and at the same time unusually charming character in a word, a woman who is able to think, love, fight and share trials along with the best of men. Who is worthy of the hands and hearts of a confident and independent ruler of the North?


A Daughter of To-day. A Novel

Sara Jeannette Duncan

This is a short novel about Elfrida, a young girl who gets her art education before being forced to realize that her talents may lie elsewhere instead. She runs away to Europe hoping to find a career in journalism. She read in many magazines.