
A Developer's Guide to Building Resilient Cloud Applications with Azure. Deploy applications on serverless and event-driven architecture using a cloud database

Hamida Rebai Trabelsi, Lori Lalonde

To deliver software at a faster rate and reduced costs, companies with stable legacy systems and growing data volumes are trying to modernize their applications and accelerate innovation, but this is no easy matter. A Developer’s Guide to Building Resilient Cloud Applications with Azure helps you overcome these application modernization challenges to build secure and reliable cloud-based applications on Azure and connect them to databases with the help of easy-to-follow examples.The book begins with a basic definition of serverless and event-driven architecture and Database-as-a-Service, before moving on to an exploration of the different services in Azure, namely Azure APIManagement using the gateway pattern, event-driven architecture, Event Grid, Azure Event Hubs, Azure message queues, FaaS using Azure Functions, and the database-oriented cloud. Throughout the chapters, you’ll learn about creating, importing, and managing APIs and Service Fabric in Azure, and discover how to ensure continuous integration and deployment in Azure to fully automate the software delivery process, that is, the build and release process.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build and deploy cloud-oriented applications using APIs, serverless, Service Fabric, Azure Functions, and Event Grid technologies.


A Developer's Guide to Cloud Apps Using Microsoft Azure. Migrate and modernize your cloud-native applications with containers on Azure using real-world case studies

Hamida Rebai Trabelsi, Marc-Andre Laniel

Companies face several challenges during cloud adoption, with developers and architects needing to migrate legacy applications and build cloud-oriented applications using Azure-based technologies in different environments. A Developer’s Guide to Cloud Apps Using Microsoft Azure helps you learn how to migrate old apps to Azure using the Cloud Adoption Framework and presents use cases, as well as build market-ready secure and reliable applications.The book begins by introducing you to the benefits of moving legacy apps to the cloud and modernizing existing ones using a set of new technologies and approaches. You’ll then learn how to use technologies and patterns to build cloud-oriented applications. This app development book takes you on a journey through three major services in Azure, namely Azure Container Registry, Azure Container Instances, and Azure Kubernetes Service, which will help you build and deploy an application based on microservices. Finally, you’ll be able to implement continuous integration and deployment in Azure to fully automate the software delivery process, including the build and release processes.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to perform application migration assessment and planning, select the right Azure services, and create and implement a new cloud-oriented application using Azure containers and orchestrators.


A Developer's Guide to .NET in Azure. Build quick, scalable cloud-native applications and microservices with .NET 6.0 and Azure

Anuraj Parameswaran, Tamir Al Balkhi

A Developer’s Guide to .NET in Azure helps you embark on a transformative journey through Microsoft Azure that is tailored to .NET developers. This book is a curated compendium that’ll enable you to master the creation of resilient, scalable, and highly available applications.The book is divided into four parts, with Part 1 demystifying Azure for you and emphasizing the portal's utility and seamless integration. The chapters in this section help you configure your workspace for optimal Azure synergy. You’ll then move on to Part 2, where you’ll explore serverless computing, microservices, containerization, Dapr, and Azure Kubernetes Service for scalability, and build pragmatic, cost-effective applications using Azure Functions and Container apps. Part 3 delves into data and storage, showing you how to utilize Azure Blob Storage for unstructured data, Azure SQL Database for structured data, and Azure Cosmos DB for document-oriented data. The final part teaches you about messaging and security, utilizing Azure App Configuration, Event Hubs, Service Bus, Key Vault, and Azure AD B2C for robust, secure applications.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered Azure's responsive infrastructure for exceptional applications.


A diabeł wciąż się śmieje

Régine Deforges

Czy w obliczu śmierci najbliższych można jeszcze cieszyć się z końca wojny i planować przyszłość u boku namiętnego kochanka, który okazuje się prawdziwą miłością? Ścigana za pracę na rzecz ruchu oporu Léa Delmas schroniła się w Paryżu i widziała jego wyzwolenie, a przy tym poznała okrutną prawdę na temat swoich żydowskich przyjaciół przebywających w obozach koncentracyjnych. Przełomem w życiu nad wyraz dojrzałej, jak na swój wiek panny Delmas, jest moment, gdy zdaje sobie ona sprawę z prawdziwych uczuć, jakimi darzy François Taverniera, jednego z głównych przywódców ruchu oporu. Z pomocą kochanka Léa przystępuje do odbudowy spalonej rodzinnej posiadłości Montillac, ale wciąż zmaga się z depresją po stracie Camille, Laurenta dArgilat oraz innych bliskich, których zabrała okrutna wojna... Na podstawie pierwszych czterech części cyklu w 2000 r. powstał francusko-włoski mini serial telewizyjny w reżyserii Thierryego Binisti. Przed wami trzecia część serii ,,Niebieski rower", można ją uznać za oddzielną historię lub czytać bez zachowania kolejności cyklu. Ta nietuzinkowa opowieść o zemście, nienawiści wobec wroga i miłości pokonującej wszelkie przeszkody, przypadnie do gustu każdemu, kto ceni wartką akcję oraz brawurowe połączenie wojennego romansu z wątkami historycznymi. Copyright (C) "Le diable en rit encore" by Régine Deforges Librairie Artheme Fayard, 1993. This audiobook is published by arrangement with Librairie Artheme Fayard, France.


A Difficult Problem and Other Stories

Anna Katharine Green

Originally published between 1894 and 1900, A Difficult Problem is a collection of ten short works of mysterious fiction by Anna Katharine Green. These ten short stories include the mystery and crime stories as their basic theme. This whodunit collection brings to you some of Greens finest crime mysteries to keep you at your toes: The gray madam, The bronze hand, Midnight in Beauchamp Row, The staircase at the Hearts Delight and others. Anna Katharine Green (November 11, 1846 April 11, 1935) was an American poet and novelist. She was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America and distinguished herself by writing well plotted, legally accurate stories. Green has been called the mother of the detective novel.


A Diversity of Creatures

Rudyard Kipling

Despite the fact that, as the name implies, they are diverse in nature, most of these stories are affectionate satires with the participation of the social strata into which he belonged and who knew best of all a class of officers from a public school. The Honor of the War was a funny story of hooliganism in which Kipling seemed to fully endorse this practice; Regulus removes the lid from the can; while the Marines were a carefully crafted soldiers practical joke involving a horse and some fireworks


A Double Barrelled Detective Story

Mark Twain

A wealthy young woman is abused, humiliated, and abandoned by her new husband, Jacob Fuller, whom she married against her fathers will. Young Fuller takes offense at the fact that her father rejects and rejects him as deliberate, and decides to take revenge on him by mistreating his new bride. After leaving her, she gives birth to a son whom she calls Archie Stillman. When the child gets older, the mother discovers that he has an incredible sense of smell, like bloodhound.


A Drawing Sketch. In the Process of Structuring a Painting II

Jacek Sztuka

To look for answers to some of the above questions, Author decided to conduct research using an eye tracker that records eyeballs movement. Author tested thirty respondents (and heself). The research sample here consisted of young people and experienced artists. Each subject observed a sequence of images. These images were: a value sketch and a color sketch by the subject, a group sketch in which he (i.e. the subject) most often participated in drawing, and a sketch by another author. Each perceived image usually lasted for the previously mentioned six seconds. Then Author asked the subjects to indicate the area in their drawing sketch that they considered subjectively most important. The results of these studies show that the author of a drawing sketch often (although with varying accuracy) actually fixates his gaze on the area that he declares is the most important. When observing a drawing sketch (made collectively), the author's attention is rarely drawn to his own (i.e. drawn by himself) fragment (regardless of whether the respondent is a professional or an amateur). The perception of one's own valuable (although not always black and white) drawing sketch and a color sketch are completely different.