
3D Printing with SketchUp. Use SketchUp to generate print-ready models and transform your project from concept to reality - Second Edition

Aaron Dietzen aka 'The SketchUp Guy'

3ds max 2010. Animacja 3D od podstaw. Szkoła efektu

Joanna Pasek

3ds max 2010. Ćwiczenia praktyczne

Joanna Pasek

3ds Max 2012. Ćwiczenia praktyczne

Joanna Pasek

3ds max 9. Animacja 3D od podstaw

Joanna Pasek

3ds Max. Leksykon

Wojciech Pazdur

3ds Max Speed Modeling for 3D Artists. Is your 3D modeling up to speed? It soon will be with this brilliant practical guide to speed modeling with 3ds Max, focusing on hard surfaces. Raise your productivity a notch and gain a new level of professionalism

Thomas Mooney

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