Author: E. Phillips Oppenheim

Aaron Rodd, Diviner

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Aaron Rodd, who was a shy and awkward being, felt unexpectedly at his ease. He was even anxious for further conversation. He had a rather long, pale face, with deep-set eyes and rugged features. He was soberly, even sombrely dressed in dismal black. He had the air of a recluse. Perhaps that was why the young lady smiled upon him with such confidence.


A Daughter of Astrea

E. Phillips Oppenheim

BEHOLD! cried Sabul Ahmid, with an upward sweep of his bare, brown arm, behold the Sacred Temple of the people of Astrea! I stood up in the boat, my portfolio under my arm. High on the mountains side, crowning a thick mass of laurel undergrowth, and flanked by a grove of deep, cool, byana trees, was the building to which my servant was pointing. The material whereof it was fashioned I could not at that distance determine. Only in the broad, tropical sunlight it flashed forth, a glorious and spotless white, as flawless and perfect as the purest marble or alabaster. Little minarets rose from the flat roof; and flowering shrubs, planted along the mountain terrace above, drooped about it, a brilliant scintilla of purple coloring. My fingers began to crave for my pencil. I turned to my guide with beaming face.


Advice Limited

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The long boat train which had only a few minutes before started from Dover Pier Station on its way to Victoria came to an unexpected halt alongside the almost deserted platform of the Town Station. Habitual travellers, who knew the irregularity of such a proceeding, let down the windows and leaned out from their places. There was little to be seen, however, and nothing to be learnt from the various attendants. About a dozen station officials and a few other men who looked like officials in mufti were forming a sort of a ring around one of the vans in the rear of the train from which a number of heavy, iron clamped cases were being unloaded. The proceedings were entirely unusual. Curious questions and comments flashed backwards and forwards amongst the passengers. The train attendants, however, knew nothing of what was transpiring.


A Lost Leader

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The state of the working class in the early 20th century caused significant changes in the left-wing political parties. The Liberal Party, which enjoyed the support of the working class, was threatened by the Party of Labor and trade unions that were in the forefront of the socialist and communist movement. In this novel, we are talking about a great deal of sympathy for the poorest workers who lost their jobs due to automation, recession and mass layoffs. The use of taxes on foreign trade to protect the British industry is a major political issue in this history.


A Maker of History

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In this romantic story tells about how in 1905 a young British tourist accidentally witnesses a strange meeting in Germany. Then, in Paris, he tells about it not in the company where it could be shared. His sister, who had to meet with him finds his brothers baggage at the hotel, but he himself disappeared. The French police are pretending to be looking for him persistently, but then the sister himself disappears. A childhood friend who is in love with her is asking her friend to help in the search. He agrees to look for this pair, finds hints, but gets a warning to stop the search.


Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The usual little throng of Americans, journalists, men of business and loiterers, were occupying their accustomed chairs in one corner of the long, green-carpeted room. Around the bar, would-be customers were crowded three or four deepmany of them stalwart Canadians in khaki, making the most of their three days leave, and a thin sprinkling of men about town on their way to lunch in the grill-room adjoining. On the outskirts of the group was a somewhat incongruous figure, a rather under-sized, ill-dressed, bespectacled little man, neither young nor old, colourless, with a stoop which was almost a deformity. His fingers were stained to the tip of his nails as though by chemicals or tobacco juice. He held the glass of vermouth which he had just succeeded in obtaining from the bar, half-way suspended to his lips. He was listening to the conversation around him.


A Millionaire of Yesterday

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The novel tells about the struggle of a young man for wealth in colonial Africa and about his search for happiness in this country. Although he is trying to do everything right and honest, he is prevented by many opponents who bring only a great calamity. But despite all the difficulties, the story ends with a happy end.


A Monk of Cruta

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A very interesting and early novel is extremely popular in the 1920s and 1940s by the famous author E. Phillips Oppenheim. It differs from its later works, here are considered more gloomy themes and a tragic plot. This story tells of a wealthy Englishman who fell in love with the daughter of an Italian nobleman who lives on the island of Krutha in the Mediterranean Sea. The very dark influence of the Catholic Church in this period will not prevent the victory of love and happiness.


An Amiable Charlatan

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Englishman is enjoying his dinner at Stephanos, it was an ordinary evening. Suddenly a man comes quickly to his desk, begins to eat his food and quietly transfers him a package under the table. This is how Paul Welmsleys acquaintance with American adventurer Joseph Parker and his beautiful daughter Eve begin. Very interesting adventure story for easy reading.


Andrew Tresholm. Adentures of a Reluctant Gambler

E. Phillips Oppenheim

At the corner corner in the restaurant of the Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo, four very excellent local unforgettable enjoy the noon banquet. Host director Robert was very energetic, with strong dark eyes. On the right side, Mr. Lyon, General Saint-Hilaire, sat with him with bright gray mustaches, who wore his impressive series of tapes with the air of the one who earned them.


And Still I Cheat the Gallows

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A series of stories telling about the graceful crimes of a high class robber, a forger, a robber, a murderer. Stories in each of which are the same criminal, but under different names travels around the world, assuming new identities, avoiding militias and theft of fate. In one story, he helps the British intelligence in restoring critical documents from a foreign state. In another, he uses his skills to help a servant in trouble. In general, stories are of average quality, but they cover interesting situations. One in Jamaica, several others in Paris and London.


Anna Awanturnica

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Klasyczna komedia omyłek, która wywoła w Tobie salwy śmiechu! Sprawdź koniecznie, jeśli podoba Ci się seria filmów "Zamiana z księżniczką"! Dwie urocze i prawie identycznie wyglądające sieroty mieszkają wspólnie w Paryżu. Choć na pierwszy rzut oka trudno je odróżnić, ich charaktery są zupełnie inne. Annabel jest porywcza, uwielbia czerpać z życia przyjemności i nie boi się podejmować ryzykowne decyzje. Za to Anna to uosobienie łagodności, choć pilnie studiuje sztukę, to brakuje jej pewności siebie. Kiedy okazuje się, że Annabel ma szansę poślubić szanowanego angielskiego lorda, Anna zgadza się jej pomóc i... zajmuje jej miejsce. Co wyniknie z tej szalonej maskarady? Czy prawda wyjdzie na jaw? A może Annabel uda się ustatkować przy boku męża?


Anna the Adventuress

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Annabelle Pelissier, for his own reasons, allows Sir John Ferringhall to believe that she is his sister Hannah. Anna continues to cheat and bear the burden of her sisters reputation, which in any case in Paris is a coquette. Infinite complications occur when both sisters return to London. This is one of the most intriguing stories of E. Philips Oppenheim.


A Peoples Man

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The marathon supports the radical form of general strikes to put the entire English industry on its knees and begin a long struggle for the redistribution of wealth. In many eloquent speeches, he claims the cause of poverty. Lord Foley, by contrast, believes that the enemies of England are waiting for mass actions aimed at the collapse of the country, during which they will invade and win. The marathon is obstructed from all sides by opposition forces that are trying to bring it to their side.


A Prince of Sinners

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Elegantly written novel, which tells about a young man who can not forgive his newly found father, because he left him and his mother. But after many living trials in many ways teach them both, they realize that there are other more important priorities and forces. A pleasant, easy-to-read, and thought-out essay.


A Pulpit in the Grill Room

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In 1914, after seven years of service in the most famous room in the Grill Room in London, he dropped his very favorable position and went to France. In 1919, he came from a war with two crutches and many medals. He came to Paris and looked enviously at the funny scenes in the cafe, and thought that it was all over for him.