Autor: Mustafa Toroman

Azure Networking Cookbook. Practical recipes for secure network infrastructure, global application delivery, and accessible connectivity in Azure - Second Edition

Mustafa Toroman

Azure's networking services enable organizations to manage their networks effectively. With the Azure Networking Cookbook, you’ll see how Azure paves the way for an enterprise to achieve reliable performance and secure connectivity.This updated second edition will take you through the latest networking features in Azure. The book starts with an introduction to Azure networking, covering basics such as creating Azure virtual networks, designing address spaces, and creating subnets. You’ll create and manage network security groups, application security groups, and IP addresses in Azure using easy-to-follow recipes. As you progress through the book, you’ll explore various aspects such as DNS and routing, load balancers, Traffic Manager, and site-to-site, point-to-site, and VNet-to-VNet connections. This cookbook covers all the functions crucial to understanding cloud networking practices and being able to plan, implement, and secure your network infrastructure with Azure. You’ll not only upscale your current environment but also get well-versed with monitoring, diagnosing, and ensuring secure connectivity. The book will help you grasp best practices as you learn how to create a robust environment.By the end of this Azure cookbook, you’ll have gained hands-on experience developing cost-effective solutions that can facilitate efficient connectivity in your organization.


Azure Networking Cookbook. Practical recipes to manage network traffic in Azure, optimize performance, and secure Azure resources

Mustafa Toroman

Microsoft provides organizations with an effective way of managing their network with Azure's networking services. No matter the size of your organization, Azure provides a way to highly reliable performance and secure connectivity with its networking services. The book starts with an introduction to the Azure networking like creating Azure virtual networks, designing address spaces and subnets. Then you will learn to create and manage network security groups, application security groups, and IP addresses in Azure. Gradually, we move on to various aspects like S2S, P2S, and Vnet2Vnet connections, DNS and routing, load balancers and traffic manager. This book will cover every aspect and function required to deliver practical recipes to help readers learn from basic cloud networking practices to planning, implementing, and securing their infrastructure network with Azure. Readers will not only be able to upscale their current environment but will also learn to monitor, diagnose, and ensure secure connectivity. After learning to deliver a robust environment readers will also gain meaningful insights from recipes on best practices.By the end of this book, readers will gain hands-on experience in providing cost-effective solutions that benefit organizations.


Chmura Azure. Praktyczne wprowadzenie dla administratora. Implementacja, monitorowanie i zarządzanie ważnymi usługami i komponentami IaaS/PaaS

Mustafa Toroman

Decyzja o przeniesieniu zasobów informatycznych do chmury jest podejmowana najczęściej wtedy, gdy niezawodność i bezpieczeństwo systemu są dla firmy sprawą kluczową. Jeśli chodzi o rozwiązania oparte na chmurze obliczeniowej, warto zainteresować się Azure. Azure udostępnia takie usługi, by umożliwić rozbudowę i monitorowanie aplikacji, baz danych czy innych usług oraz zarządzanie nimi w sposób globalny. Pozwala na ciągłe dostarczanie znakomitych, innowacyjnych rozwiązań. Umożliwia wirtualizację rozmaitych systemów, takich jak Windows, Linux, dystrybucje serwerowe, strony WWW, aplikacje ASP .NET, systemy CMS, bazy danych czy rozproszone klastry obliczeniowe. Oto praktyczne wprowadzenie do Azure. Wyjaśniono tu wiele pojęć potrzebnych w pracy administratora, takich jak sieci wirtualne oraz koncepcja IaaS. Omówiono zasady pracy z Azure oraz pokazano, jak można przygotować platformę do wdrożenia własnego systemu. Od strony praktycznej przedstawiono tworzenie zaawansowanych usług w platformie Azure. Sporo miejsca poświęcono najważniejszym kwestiom bezpieczeństwa i administracji, zaprezentowano też szereg dobrych praktyk, a także sporo technik ułatwiających rozwiązywanie najczęstszych problemów. Książka jest napisana w zwięzły i przystępny sposób. Dzięki niej szybko i skutecznie zaczniesz administrować zasobami w chmurze Azure. W tej książce między innymi: podstawowe pojęcia, koncepcje i modele związane z chmurą obliczeniową tworzenie i konfiguracja wirtualnej maszyny Azure praca z bazami danych, usługi IaaS i PaaS usługi hybrydowe, implementacja i zarządzanie tożsamość i bezpieczeństwo zasobów w chmurze Azure Chmura Azure: przenieś swój system na wyższy poziom!


Hands-On Cloud Administration in Azure. Implement, monitor, and manage important Azure services and components including IaaS and PaaS

Mustafa Toroman

Azure continues to dominate the public cloud market and grow rapidly thanks to a number of recent innovations. Azure's wide range of services and support has led to a large number of customers switching to Azure cloud.Hands-On Cloud Administration in Azure starts with the basics of Azure cloud fundamentals and key concepts of the cloud computing ecosystem and services. Then, you will gradually get acquainted with core services provided by Azure, including Azure VNet, types and assignments of IP addresses, and network security groups. You will also work on creating and administering Azure Virtual Machines, types of virtual machines (VMs), and design VM solutions based on computing workloads. As you make your way through the chapters, you will explore Azure App Service, discover how to host your web apps in Azure, and monitor and troubleshoot them. In the concluding chapters, you will learn more complex and abstract services, such as Azure Storage, Azure Backup, and Azure Site Recovery. You will also get to grips with Azure SQL Databases and the SQL on Azure VM concept.By the end of this book, you will have obtained practical experience of working with Azure services and Azure administration, along with maintaining, monitoring, and securing your Azure resources.


Mastering Azure Security. Keeping your Microsoft Azure workloads safe - Second Edition

Mustafa Toroman, Tom Janetscheck

Security is integrated into every cloud, but this makes users put their guard down as they take cloud security for granted. Although the cloud provides higher security, keeping their resources secure is one of the biggest challenges many organizations face as threats are constantly evolving. Microsoft Azure offers a shared responsibility model that can address any challenge with the right approach.Revised to cover product updates up to early 2022, this book will help you explore a variety of services and features from Microsoft Azure that can help you overcome challenges in cloud security. You'll start by learning the most important security concepts in Azure, their implementation, and then advance to understanding how to keep resources secure. The book will guide you through the tools available for monitoring Azure security and enforcing security and governance the right way. You'll also explore tools to detect threats before they can do any real damage and those that use machine learning and AI to analyze your security logs and detect anomalies.By the end of this cloud security book, you'll have understood cybersecurity in the cloud and be able to design secure solutions in Microsoft Azure.