Autor: Andrew K. Dennis

Andrew K. Dennis od blisko dwóch dekad jest architektem systemów bezpieczeństwa. Organizuje konferencję Security BSides CT.

Docker dla programistów. Rozwijanie aplikacji i narzędzia ciągłego dostarczania DevOps

Richard Bullington-McGuire, Michael Schwartz, Andrew K. Dennis

Docker for Developers. Develop and run your application with Docker containers using DevOps tools for continuous delivery

Richard Bullington-McGuire, Andrew K. Dennis, Michael Schwartz

Raspberry Pi Computer Architecture Essentials. Click here to enter text

Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino. Unleash the power of the most popular microboards to build convenient, useful, and fun home automation projects

Andrew K. Dennis

Raspberry Pi Super Cluster. As a Raspberry Pi enthusiast have you ever considered increasing their performance with parallel computing? Discover just how easy it can be with the right help – this guide takes you through the process from start to finish

Andrew K. Dennis