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Web development
Francesco Marchioni, Jason Savod
JBoss AS is the most used Java application server on the market meeting high standards of reliability, efficiency, and robustness and is used to build powerful and secure Java EE applications. It supports the most important areas of Java Enterprise programming including EJB 3.0, dependency injection, web services, the security framework, and more. Getting started with JBoss application server development can be challenging; however, with the right approach and guidance, you can easily master it and this book promises that.Written in an easy-to-read style, this book will take you from the basics of JBoss ASósuch as installing core components and plug-insóto the skills that will make you a JBoss developer to be reckoned with, covering advanced topics such as developing applications with JBoss Messaging service, JBoss web services, clustered applications, and more.You will learn the necessary steps to install a suitable environment for developing enterprise applications on JBoss AS. Then, your journey will continue through the heart of the application server, explaining how to customize each service for optimal usage. You will learn how to design Enterprise applications using Eclipse and JBoss plug-ins. You will then learn how to enable distributed communication using JMS. Storing and retrieving objects will be made easier using Hibernate. The core section of the book will take you into the programming arena with tested, real-world examples. The example programs have been carefully crafted to be easy to understand and useful as starting points for your applications.This book will kick-start your productivity and help you to master JBoss AS development. The author's experience with JBoss enables him to share insights on JBoss AS development, in a clear and friendly way. By the end of the book, you will have the confidence to apply all the newest programming techniques to your JBoss applications.
JBoss AS 5 Performance Tuning. Build faster, more efficient enterprise Java applications
Francesco Marchioni, Jason Savod
Today's organizations need to deliver faster services to a large set of people and businesses. In order to survive this challenge, enterprises need to optimize the performance of their application server along with its components and hardware. Writing faster applications is no longer just an option for your products; it's an imperative requirement, which you cannot ignore.JBoss AS 5 Performance Tuning will teach you how to deliver fast applications on the JBoss Application Server and Apache Tomcat, giving you a decisive competitive advantage over your competitors. You will learn how to optimize the hardware resources, meeting your application requirements with less expenditure.The performance of Java Enterprise applications is the sum of a set of components including the Java Virtual Machine configuration, the application server configuration (in our case, JBoss AS), the application code itself and ultimately the operating system. This book will show you how to apply the correct tuning methodology and use the tuning tools that will help you to monitor and address any performance issues.By looking more closely at the Java Virtual Machine, you will get a deeper understanding of what the available options are for your applications and how their performance will be affected. You will learn about thread pool tuning, EJB tuning, JMS tuning, Enterprise Java Beans, and the Java Messaging Service.The persistence layer and JBoss Clustering service each have a chapter dedicated to them as they are two of the most crucial elements to configure correctly in order to run a fast application.You will also learn how to tune your web server, enabling you to configure and develop web applications that get the most out of the embedded Tomcat web server.
JBoss Tools consist of the best Java frameworks and technologies placed together under the same roof. Discovering JBoss Tools is like exploring a cave; at first everything seems unknown and complicated, but once you become familiar with the main features of the Tools, you will start to feel at home.This is the first book in the market on JBoss Tools, waiting to assist you to throw away all the tiny, dedicated tools you have used earlier, thus helping you to reduce the time you spend on developing a Java application. This book will explore the tools that will help you to build Hibernate, Seam, JSF, Struts, Web Services, jBPM, ESB, and so on and show you how to use them through screenshots, examples, and source code. JBoss Tools comes with a set of dedicated wizards, generators, editors, reverse engineering capabilities, configuration files, templates, syntax highlighting, and more for each of these technologies. Just choose the technologies, and JBoss Tools will glue them together in amazing Java web applications.This book will show you how to develop a set of Java projects using a variety of technologies and scenarios. Everything is described through JBoss Tools eyes. After we settle the project (or scenario) that will be developed, we configure the proper environment for the current tool (the selected projects cover the main components of a web application, with regard to the backstage technology). We continue by exploring the tool to accomplish our tasks and develop the project's components. A cocktail of images, theoretical aspects, source code, and step-by-step examples will offer you a complete insight into every tool.At the end, we deploy and test the project. In addition, every chapter is rich with pure notions about the underlying technology, which will initiate into you or remind you of the basic aspects of it. It will also show you complete and functional applications, and get you familiar with the main aspects of every tool. By the end you will have enough information to successfully handle your own projects with JBoss Tools.