Author: Edgar Wallace

The Terror and Other Stories

Edgar Wallace

The master mystery-story teller presents a collection of short stories that include The Terror and many more. A group of criminals carry out a daring robbery of an armored van. Two of the criminals are betrayed by the mastermind of the operation. After ten years in prison they come out and search for the man behind the crimes who betrayed them. This genuine mystery story takes the reader from one exciting adventure to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of Mr. Wallaces previous successful books. One is left gasping with suspense as the many clues are unraveled only to be followed by others still more stubborn. Edgar Wallace provides a thrill of another sort!


The Thief in the Night

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a publishing phenomenon in his day, his name being synonymous with the word thriller, a genre some would credit him with inventing. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. The Thief in the Night is an enjoyable easy going, fast moving mystery novella, set in England during the 1928s. Diamond plaques are being stolen from wealthy girls and poison pen letters are being delivered Inspector Jack Danton is puzzled... Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining. If you havent discovered the joys of Wallaces thrillers there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.


The Three Just Men

Edgar Wallace

If you like a villain to be a proper villain then Oberzhon is the genuine article. What a villain! What an adventure! There are crimes for which no punishment is adequate, offences that the written law cannot efface. When conventional justice fails The Three Just Men employ their great intellect and cunning. They use their own methods, carry out their own verdicts which the police were unable or unwilling to carry out. There can be no compromise. Each of the ten chapters in this book recounts a separate episode in the careers of two of the trio who call themselves the Three Just Men. The third member of the trio remains in the background. The mission that the Three Just Men have undertaken is to mete out punishment to evil-doers whom the law has failed to reach.


The Three Oak Mystery

Edgar Wallace

Ex police officer Socrates Smith and his brother Lexington, who is also an amateur sleuth, are invited to spend a weekend at Peter Mandles country home. Shortly after they arrive the brothers notice many precautions taken against intruders, a message flashed in Morse code, and someone skulking across the lawn. Come three oaks, it spells in Morse code. Early next morning the brothers take a stroll, and there, tied to an oak branch, is a body with a purple mark where the bullet struck. A nicely convoluted mystery with plenty of incident, murder, forced marriage, kidnapping and so on from the master of mystery Edgar Wallace.


The Tomb of Tsin

Edgar Wallace

Inspector Tillizinni is back, this time involved in the quest to locate an ancient tomb of the Great Emperor the first Emperor of the Chinese, who died two centuries before the birth of Christ and its world-changing secret. The Society of Joyful Intention the most bloodthirsty organization the world has known. It concerns Tillizinni also, for Scotland Yard placed him on his mettle, set him a challenging task, which threatened at one time to bring ruin to the greatest detective in Europe. The story just moves from one scene to another with a very tenuous narrative thread keeping the reader turning the pages. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!


The Traitors Gate

Edgar Wallace

This Edgar Wallace mystery takes place in London. Hope Joyner, ward of a Mr. Hallet whom she has never met, is in love with Sir Richard Hallowell. Diana Montague, who was once engaged to Sir Richard, now keeps very dubious company Sir Richards brother Graham for one. He has just been released from prison. Since Graham has been away Diana has acquired money, and she is now Press Secretary for the Prince of Kishlastan, who according to Colly Warrington, is totally besotted with her... About an attempt to steal the British crown Jewels, Edgar Wallace has woven a story that is distinctly superior to the general run of mystery yarns.


The Twister

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallaces The Twister, published in 1928, is a tale of murder, high finance, and intrigue. Lord Frensham knows exactly whos swindling him in the stock market Anthony Tony Braid, who many call The Twister. And hes not about to believe Braids crazy notion that his own nephew, his flesh and blood, is behind the embezzlement... Then Frensham is found dead in his office, but Inspector Elk of the Scotland Yard knows its not suicide, no matter the elaborate scheme the murderer invented. But who is the murderer? It is a highly entertaining little thriller. The characters are broadly drawn but vivid, the plot movers along at a breakneck pace, and its rather luridly sensationalistic for its era.


The Undisclosed Client

Edgar Wallace

The Undisclosed Client is a collection of short stories published between 1904 and 1929 from the British Mysteries master Edgar Wallace, directly from the Golden Era of the genre. Edgar Wallace was an English novelist, journalist and playwright, who was an enormously popular writer of detective, suspense stories, and practically invented the modern thriller. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens. The stories are fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme and a little romance. These genuine mystery stories take the reader from one exciting adventure to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of Mr. Wallaces previous successful books. The book highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle.


The Valley of Ghosts

Edgar Wallace

A murder is committed among the rich of a small town, and with more than one ghost and all the evidence seems to point to a beautiful young woman... The Valley of Ghosts, written as one of four detective novels in 1922, is set in the seemingly peaceful community Beverly Green, a place where upper-middle-class families live a secluded life. Why was Stella Nelson with the victim in the middle of the night, shortly before the murder? Who was the mysterious blackmailer who held all England in their grasp? Why didnt the famous detective, Andy MacLeod, do his duty? A chill-packed mystery from the master of suspense. This is what Edgar Wallace is all about, a complex, old fashioned mystery, with a highly unlikely solution.


The Woman from the East and Other Stories

Edgar Wallace

Novelist, playwright and journalist, Edgar Wallace, is best known for his popular detective and suspense stories which, in his lifetime, earned him the title, King of the Modern Thriller. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1934. The Woman From the East and Other Stories is an enjoyable collection of short stories that include The Chopham Affair, The Hopper, The Silver Charm, and many more. As the stories are rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice. Its all great fun and Wallace keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. If you havent discovered the joys of Wallaces thrillers there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.


The Wonder Book of Soldiers

Edgar Wallace

When Ferdie van Wyk was arrested for being found in the barracks of the Larkshire Regiment under suspicious circumstances, he very naturally objected to being marched through the one little street of Simons Town by a military escort.


The Worst Man in the Word

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. Although Wallace wrote many stand alone novels it is, perhaps, for his series based material always popular with readers that he remains best known. The Worst Man in the World is an entertaining tale of mystery and intrigue, this volume constitutes a must-read for lovers of crime fiction. Although these experiences are told in story form, they represent the personal narrative of one who served many terms of penal servitude, and were related to the author, who met with this remarkable convict a few days after his last release from prison.


The Yellow Snake

Edgar Wallace

The Yellow Snake is an entertaining and breathtaking 1926 thriller by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. Fing-Su is a graduate of Oxford and head of the dread Society of the Joyful Hands, which he leads in his quest to dominate the world. The name Yellow Snake was bestowed on him by his opponent, Clifford Lynne. A bit more practical than Fu Manchu, Fing-Su employs terrestrial strategies like blackmail, bribery, and kidnapping to further his own nefarious aims. Under his satanic leadership they planned to take over China and dominate the world! A Chinamans dreams of world domination, secret societies, Scotland yard, kidnapping, ect. In other words typical Edgar Wallace.


Those Folk of Bulboro

Edgar Wallace

An Edgar Wallace detective thriller novel. The plot revolves around the nephew of a small town English doctor who takes over his uncles practice and runs into trouble with a religious fanatic. This book is in a new vein for Edgar Wallace, for it is not a story of mystery but a real novel, and goes to show where his versatility could take him if he wished, for Those Folk of Bulboro proves him to be the possessor of all the requisite gifts which go to make the really popular novelist against the writer of detective fiction. He has always been noted for his ability to sketch character vividly in a few strokes, and here his touch is as sure as ever, and the story he tells is sympathetic, true to life and deeply interesting.


Trzej sprawiedliwi

Edgar Wallace

Istnieją zbrodnie, za które żadna kara nie jest odpowiednia, przestępstwa, których nawet prawo pisane nie jest w stanie wymazać. Oberzhon to prawdziwie czarny charakter, a kiedy konwencjonalna sprawiedliwość zawodzi, Trzej Sprawiedliwi wykorzystują swój wielki spryt i intelekt, aby samodzielnie ją wymierzyć. Stosują własne metody, wykonują własne wyroki. Nie ma mowy o kompromisie.



Edgar Wallace

Die junge Edna Gray kommt nach dem Tod ihres Vaters aus Argentinien zurück nach England. Edna möchte ihr Leben auf dem Landsitz Ihrer Familie verbringen, doch es gibt Personen, die etwas dagegen haben. Das gefällt dem bisherigen Pächter Elijah Goodie überhaupt nicht. Der skrupellose Rennstallbesitzer versucht Ednas Pläne zu durchkreuzen. Dafür ist jedes Mittel recht.


Umysł pana Reedera

Edgar Wallace

Na pierwszy rzut oka pan J.G. Reeder to niepozorny niski mężczyzna o rudych włosach i sfatygowanej twarzy. Jednak pracując dla prokuratora, znajduje wiele rzeczy, które rozbudzają jego niezwykły umysł. Zbiór ośmiu ekscytujących i oryginalnych opowiadań, z których każde jest osobną sprawą nad którą pracuje Reeder wykorzystując swój kryminalny umysł do rozwikłania niezwykłych i osobliwych zagadek.


Upierzony wąż

Edgar Wallace

Po ulicach spowitego mgłą Londynu grasuje mordercza szajka czcicieli Upierzonego Węża. Ich ofiarą padają eleganckie damy obwieszone kosztowną biżuterią. A to dopiero początek wielkiej afery kryminalnej. W kolejnych dniach coraz więcej osób dostaje bileciki z pogróżkami, zdobione stemplem w kształcie znanego z azteckich legend węża o ptasich piórach... Czy londyński dziennikarz, Piotr Dewin zdoła wyjaśnić, kim jest tajne stowarzyszenie Upierzonego Węża i wpadnie na trop jego bezwzględnie okrutnych wyznawców? ,,Upierzony wąż" to doskonała powieść kryminalno-sensacyjna, odwołująca się do oryginalnego kultu Gucumatza czczonego . przez starożytnych Azteków. Jeśli szukasz kryminału retro z lawinowym tempem akcji i zapadającymi w pamięć wyrazistymi bohaterami, to klasyczne dzieło E. Wallacea z pewnością przypadnie ci do gustu.


We Shall See!

Edgar Wallace

Alva Collins, the mentally unbalanced wife of airline pilot Evan Collins, wants her husband to leave his job. She is neurotic, vicious and unstable but only her brother knows that she is a hopeless psychopath whose condition can only deteriorate. However, she is tragically killed when someone throws a hive of bees into her bedroom. Police deduce that whoever was responsible knew that Alva was allergic to the insects, and suspicion immediately falls on her husband. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1926. We Shall See is a classic mystery novel by this pioneer of the detective genre.


When the Gangs Came to London

Edgar Wallace

Set in the late 1920s-early 1930s, When the Gangs Came to London is rated as one of Edgar Wallaces best work by fans of his genre of crime fiction. Two rival gangs from Chicago coming to London and competing to blackmail rich men into paying up to prevent being killed. When a lull ensues, Captain Jiggs Allermain of the Chicago Detective Bureau suspects the rival gangs of forming an uneasy alliance. Suddenly a shot rings through the House of Commons, unleashing an outburst of terror even more bloody. Wallace wrote this one towards the end of his life, he may even have been in Hollywood when he wrote it which could explain the very old school Hollywood gangsters!


White Face

Edgar Wallace

A man ends up stabbed to death on a street in Londons Tidal Basin, victim of the almost mythical murderer roaming the streets of London, the Devil of Tidal Basin. But why is another bandit suddenly sighted in Tidal Basin as well? What connection had the Devil with White Face? Superintendent Mason, one of the Yards Big Five wanted to know, and what Superintendent Mason wanted to know he generally found out. Criminals knew him as Sympathetic Mason, because of his curious methods of cross-examination. This is Edgar Wallace at his best and Edgar Wallace is known the world over as the king of mystery writers. White Face involves more mystery than a number of his novels and recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle.


Wonderful London

Edgar Wallace

People, mostly young people, came to Tressa to resolve their immediate problems, for Tressa was wise in the ways of men and women, had London and its queer code at her finger-tips, and, a greater asset than her sophistication, had never lost touch with the human heart. She was fifty, slim, white of hair and hand, and, sophisticated as she was, had the habit of innocent interpretation.


Zielona rdza

Edgar Wallace

Dla adwokata Jamesa Kitsona to dzień pełen wrażeń. Czuwa przy łożu konającego przyjaciela Johna Millinborna i pomaga milionerowi spisać testament. Dostaje od niego przy okazji prośbę o odnalezienie zaginionej w świecie siostrzenicy. Gdy wychodzi do apteki po lek dla chorego, spotyka odrażającego włóczęgę. Po powrocie do rezydencji przyjaciela odkrywa, że oprych dźgnął Millinborna w brzuch i tak zakończył jego żywot. A to dopiero początek zawikłanej historii kryminalnej... Na bazie powieści nakręcono w 1919 r. film "The Green Terror".