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Web development
The super-fast evolution of the JDK between versions 12 and 21 has made the learning curve of modern Java steeper, and increased the time needed to learn it. This book will make your learning journey quicker and increase your willingness to try Java’s new features by explaining the correct practices and decisions related to complexity, performance, readability, and more.Java Coding Problems takes you through Java’s latest features but doesn’t always advocate the use of new solutions — instead, it focuses on revealing the trade-offs involved in deciding what the best solution is for a certain problem.There are more than two hundred brand new and carefully selected problems in this second edition, chosen to highlight and cover the core everyday challenges of a Java programmer.Apart from providing a comprehensive compendium of problem solutions based on real-world examples, this book will also give you the confidence to answer questions relating to matching particular streams and methods to various problems.By the end of this book you will have gained a strong understanding of Java’s new features and have the confidence to develop and choose the right solutions to your problems.
Java Coding Problems. Improve your Java Programming skills by solving real-world coding challenges
The super-fast evolution of the JDK between versions 8 and 12 has increased the learning curve of modern Java, therefore has increased the time needed for placing developers in the Plateau of Productivity. Its new features and concepts can be adopted to solve a variety of modern-day problems. This book enables you to adopt an objective approach to common problems by explaining the correct practices and decisions with respect to complexity, performance, readability, and more.Java Coding Problems will help you complete your daily tasks and meet deadlines. You can count on the 300+ applications containing 1,000+ examples in this book to cover the common and fundamental areas of interest: strings, numbers, arrays, collections, data structures, date and time, immutability, type inference, Optional, Java I/O, Java Reflection, functional programming, concurrency and the HTTP Client API. Put your skills on steroids with problems that have been carefully crafted to highlight and cover the core knowledge that is accessed in daily work. In other words (no matter if your task is easy, medium or complex) having this knowledge under your tool belt is a must, not an option.By the end of this book, you will have gained a strong understanding of Java concepts and have the confidence to develop and choose the right solutions to your problems.
JavaServer Faces 2.2. Mistrzowskie programowanie
JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.2 jest dziś najważniejszym frameworkiem służącym do budowy internetowych interfejsów użytkownika aplikacji sieciowych i stanowi podstawowy komponent platformy Java Enterprise Edition. W porównaniu z poprzednimi wydaniami JSF 2.2 został wzbogacony o wiele nowych funkcjonalności. Z pewnością przydadzą się one programistom i znacznie podniosą efektywność pracy nad aplikacjami. Niniejsza książka jest skierowana do programistów korzystających z JSF. Przedstawiono w niej wszystkie istotne zagadnienia związane z tworzeniem aplikacji za pomocą JSF 2.2. Czytelnik z pewnością doceni zarówno przejrzyste instrukcje, pozwalające na pełne wykorzystanie możliwości JSF 2.2, jak i liczne ćwiczenia, które będą stanowić doskonałą pomoc w tworzeniu imponujących aplikacji internetowych. W książce omówiono: język wyrażeń (EL) z uwzględnieniem najważniejszych aspektów EL 2.2 oraz EL 3.0 zagadnienia związane z komunikacją w JSF oraz z zasięgami JSF 2.2 artefakty JSF i ich konfigurację język HTML5, technologię AJAX oraz pojęcie stanu widoku JSF tworzenie komponentów niestandardowych i komponentów złożonych tematykę technologii Facelet JavaServer Faces 2.2 — to framework dla mistrzów programowania w Javie! Anghel Leonard jest niekwestionowanym autorytetem w dziedzinie programowania w Javie. Posiada kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie w pracy z Javą SE, Javą EE oraz z wieloma frameworkami Javy. Jest autorem kilkudziesięciu książek i artykułów poświęconych różnym technologiom Javy. Ostatnio tworzy świetne aplikacje internetowe na potrzeby systemów GIS.
JBoss Tools consist of the best Java frameworks and technologies placed together under the same roof. Discovering JBoss Tools is like exploring a cave; at first everything seems unknown and complicated, but once you become familiar with the main features of the Tools, you will start to feel at home.This is the first book in the market on JBoss Tools, waiting to assist you to throw away all the tiny, dedicated tools you have used earlier, thus helping you to reduce the time you spend on developing a Java application. This book will explore the tools that will help you to build Hibernate, Seam, JSF, Struts, Web Services, jBPM, ESB, and so on and show you how to use them through screenshots, examples, and source code. JBoss Tools comes with a set of dedicated wizards, generators, editors, reverse engineering capabilities, configuration files, templates, syntax highlighting, and more for each of these technologies. Just choose the technologies, and JBoss Tools will glue them together in amazing Java web applications.This book will show you how to develop a set of Java projects using a variety of technologies and scenarios. Everything is described through JBoss Tools eyes. After we settle the project (or scenario) that will be developed, we configure the proper environment for the current tool (the selected projects cover the main components of a web application, with regard to the backstage technology). We continue by exploring the tool to accomplish our tasks and develop the project's components. A cocktail of images, theoretical aspects, source code, and step-by-step examples will offer you a complete insight into every tool.At the end, we deploy and test the project. In addition, every chapter is rich with pure notions about the underlying technology, which will initiate into you or remind you of the basic aspects of it. It will also show you complete and functional applications, and get you familiar with the main aspects of every tool. By the end you will have enough information to successfully handle your own projects with JBoss Tools.
jOOQ is an excellent query builder framework that allows you to emulate database-specific SQL statements using a fluent, intuitive, and flexible DSL API. jOOQ is fully capable of handling the most complex SQL in more than 30 different database dialects.jOOQ Masterclass covers jOOQ from beginner to expert level using examples (for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle) that show you how jOOQ is a mature and complete solution for implementing the persistence layer. You’ll learn how to use jOOQ in Spring Boot apps as a replacement for SpringTemplate and Spring Data JPA. Next, you’ll unleash jOOQ type-safe queries and CRUD operations via jOOQ’s records, converters, bindings, types, mappers, multi-tenancy, logging, and testing. Later, the book shows you how to use jOOQ to exploit powerful SQL features such as UDTs, embeddable types, embedded keys, and more. As you progress, you’ll cover trending topics such as identifiers, batching, lazy loading, pagination, and HTTP long conversations. For implementation purposes, the jOOQ examples explained in this book are written in the Spring Boot context for Maven/Gradle against MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, and Oracle.By the end of this book, you’ll be a jOOQ power user capable of integrating jOOQ in the most modern and sophisticated apps including enterprise apps, microservices, and so on.
Java is one of the most sought-after programming languages in the job market, but cracking the coding interview in this challenging economy might not be easy. This comprehensive guide will help you to tackle various challenges faced in a coding job interview and avoid common interview mistakes, and will ultimately guide you toward landing your job as a Java developer.This book contains two crucial elements of coding interviews - a brief section that will take you through non-technical interview questions, while the more comprehensive part covers over 200 coding interview problems along with their hands-on solutions. This book will help you to develop skills in data structures and algorithms, which technical interviewers look for in a candidate, by solving various problems based on these topics covering a wide range of concepts such as arrays, strings, maps, linked lists, sorting, and searching. You'll find out how to approach a coding interview problem in a structured way that produces faster results. Toward the final chapters, you'll learn to solve tricky questions about concurrency, functional programming, and system scalability.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to solve Java coding problems commonly used in interviews, and will have developed the confidence to secure your Java-centric dream job.