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Web development
Marije Brummel, Thomas Hejlsberg
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a complete ERP system, which also contains a robust set of development tools to support customization and enhancement. These include an object designer for each of the seven application object types, a business application-oriented programming language with .NET interface capability, a compiler, a debugger, and programming testing language support.Learning Dynamics NAV Patterns will guide you through the NAV way of solving problems. This book will first introduce you to patterns and the software architecture of the NAV and then help you to build an example application. Then, it walks you through the details of architectural patterns, design patterns, and implementation patterns. This book will also talk about anti-patterns and handling legacy code. Finally, it teaches you to build solutions using patterns.Proven patterns and best practices will help you create better solutions that are easy to maintain in larger teams across several locations. It will guide you through combining abstract patterns using easy-to-understand examples and will help you decide which patterns to use in which scenarios.
Marije Brummel, Michael Nielsen
Dynamics NAV 2009 is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software product from Microsoft that can be used for variety of business needs. It is part of the Microsoft Dynamics family, and intended to assist with finance, manufacturing, Customer Relationship Management, supply chains, analytics, and electronic commerce for small and medium-sized enterprises. This book is a focused tutorial on Microsoft Dynamics NAV application development, so you can develop complete applications and not just application outlines. It will show NAV developers how to create different kinds of applications. Different kinds of application are vital in different industries like fashion, automobile, retail, books (education), and other industries. It starts off by introducing the supply chain that you will be using throughout the book. You will implement the Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP suite and learn how it is set up and customized for various industries. You will be able to customize Dynamics NAV to suit the different aspects of a business such as Financial Management, Relationship Management, Production, Jobs, Trade, Storage, Logistics, and so on. The book will take you through these Microsoft-designed application features and show you how to customize and extend them safely. Thus, you will be able to create a structure of your own in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Marije Brummel, Michael Nielsen, David Studebaker
This book is a focused tutorial on Microsoft Dynamics NAV application development to help you develop complete applications and not just application outlines.This hands-on guide starts off by introducing the supply chain that you will be using throughout the book. You will then implement the Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP suite and learn to set it up and customize it for various industries. You will learn how to customize Dynamics NAV to suit the different aspects of a business such as financial management, relationship management, production, jobs, trade, storage, logistics, and so on. The book will take you through these Microsoft-designed application features and show you how to customize and extend them safely. Therefore, by the end of this book, you will be able to create a structure of your own in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Implementing ERP Systems
Alex Chow, Vjekoslav Babić, Laura Nicolas Lorente, David Studebaker, ...
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application used in all kinds of organizations around the world. It provides a great variety of functionality, out-of-the-box, in different topics such as accounting, sales, purchase processing, logistics, and manufacturing. Microsoft Dynamics NAV also allows companies to grow their applications by customizing solutions to meet specific requirements.This course is a hands-on tutorial on working with a real Dynamics NAV implementation. It begins by providing an insight into the different tools available to migrate data from client legacy systems into Microsoft Dynamics NAV. If you are already live with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you will learn about upgrades and what to expect from them. We’ll also show you how to implement additional or expanding functionalities within your existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation, perform data analysis, debug error messages, and implement free third-party add-ons to your existing installation. From here, you will be introduced to integrated development tools to make you a highly productive developer in the NAV environment.The course will serve as a comprehensive reference guide, complementing NAV's Help files. You will find this course really useful if you want to evaluate Microsoft Dynamics NAV's development capabilities or need to manage NAV-based projects. Additionally, you will also learn about the NAV application structure, the C/SIDE development environment, the C/AL language, the construction and uses of each object type, and how it all fits together. Moving on, you will be guided through the NAV way of solving problems. You will be introduced to patterns and the software NAV architecture and will then build an example application. Then, you will walk through the details of architectural patterns, design patterns, and implementation patterns and will also learn about anti-patterns and handling legacy code. You will learn how to build solutions using patterns. The course offers premium, highly practical content on this recently released version of Dynamics NAV, and includes material from the following Packt books : 1. Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Third Edition 2. Programming Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV 3. Learning Dynamics NAV Patterns
Marije Brummel, David A. Studebaker, Christopher D. Studebaker
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a full ERP business solution suite with a robust set of development tools to support customization and enhancement. These tools can be used to tailor Business Central's in-built applications to support complete management functions for finance, supply chain, manufacturing, and operations.Using a case study approach, this book will introduce you to Dynamics 365 Business Central and Visual Studio Code development tools to help you become a productive Business Central developer. You'll also learn how to evaluate a product's development capabilities and manage Business Central-based development and implementation. You'll explore application structure, the construction of and uses for each object type, and how it all fits together to build apps that meet special business requirements.By the end of this book, you'll understand how to design and develop high-quality software using the Visual Studio Code development environment, the AL language paired with the improved editor, patterns, and features.
Marije Brummel, Natalie Karolak, Christopher D. Studebaker, David Studebaker
Business Central opens a world of endless possibilities for custom business logic and functionality through extensions and customizations. For beginners in the AL language, navigating the vast landscape can feel overwhelming. It’s challenging to know where to start and what’s essential to learn. This updated edition offers a concise and well-organized guide, featuring hands-on exercises to support a successful learning journey.You’ll get to grips with the basics of Business Central and how to create your first Visual Studio Code project with the AL language. As you learn about the table data structure, simple and complex data types, relationships, validation, and data flow, you’ll be able to add and extend tables to your project. Progressively, you'll uncover the intricacies of user interfaces with pages, create advanced Excel report layouts, and harness the power of data queries. Immersing yourself in the AL language syntax, you’ll start with variables, methods, procedures, and statements. You'll explore advanced topics to create business logic such as FlowFields, filtering, CRUD methods, interactions between object types, and different API interfaces that can be created using the AL language.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped to build fully featured, robust extensions and custom capabilities for Business Central.
Marije Brummel, David A. Studebaker, Christopher D. Studebaker, Luc van Vugt
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a full business solution suite, and a complete ERP solution that contains a robust set of development tools to support customization and enhancement. These tools provide greater control over financials and can simplify supply chain, manufacturing, and operations.This book will take you from an introduction to Dynamics NAV and its integrated development tools to being a productive developer in the Dynamics NAV Development Environment. You will find this book very useful if you want to evaluate the product's development capabilities or need to manage Dynamics NAV based projects. It will teach you about the NAV application structure, the C/SIDE development environment, the C/AL language paired with the improved editor, the construction and uses of each object type, and how it all fits together to build universal applications. With this new edition, you will be able to understand how to design and develop using Patterns and new features such as Extensions and Events.