Автор: Fred M. White
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The Sundial

Fred M. White

John Charlock had found out that all he had longed and hoped for since the early days was nothing more than vexation of spirit. Charlock made his way upwards. He had known what it was to starve. He often slept in parks. And now everything has changed, and he has become almost unsurpassed as a portrait painter. Glory and happiness came to him thanks to his brush and pencil. And at the same time, he seems to have found the only woman who could make him happy.

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The Turn of the Tide

Fred M. White

An old-fashioned frivolous firm for a long time, which more progressive competitors talk about with good-natured contempt, they were still in the markets of the business world. They called themselves ordinary merchants selling mixed goods from all over the world, and, as people say, Mortimer Croot, the current sole owner, was considered a person of integrity and being. He had been manager and confidential clerk to an ailing owner, and when the latter was no more Croot quite naturally stepped into all there was left of the once great concern, together with the freehold house in Great Bower Street where the business was carried on.

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The Weight of the Crown

Fred M. White

The sudden dismissal of Jessie Harcourt in a fashion boutique brought her into shock. It was as if she had an affair with a prince and she forced his to kiss her. This angered her boss, Madame Malmaison. But is everything the way Malmaison says or she want to substitute her?

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The White Glove

Fred M. White

A simple story to read, but as always fascinating and make you plunge into a new story written by Fred M. White. A simple man with financial problems is recruited by a rich old man to spy on a scam who robbed his diamonds. Such an adventure has never ended in anything good. But this story may end differently.

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The Wings of Victory

Fred M. White

Lanson Place has always been famous for its magnificent history and beauty. Today, Lanson Place consists of half a dozen rooms, simple shells, hidden behind thick shafts of stone covered with climbing plants. Twenty years ago, a catastrophic fire destroyed most of Lanson Place. This is a tragic story about a cunning family. Two generations of reckless Dorns had wrecked the fortunes of the family and brought themselves to the verge of ruin.

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The Yellow Face

Fred M. White

A young, ambitious lawyer, Jack Masefield has his own problems and suspicions. He is in love with a beautiful young Clair and is convinced that her guardian, the famous criminologist Spencer Anstruther, is himself a criminal and plays some kind of mysterious game, and that posters on the streets are part of his scheme. This book captures from the start. And each page that you flip reveals new and new secrets.

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Tregarthens Wife. A Cornish Story

Fred M. White

Another fantastic story from Fred M. White. The island of Tregarthen is a long green succulent piece from the mainland, about eight miles long and five wide. It is protected from the east and north by granite walls, rising a thousand feet up and dark, and its music is the Atlantic thunder and the cry of countless sea birds. Where is it? What matters it? Not so many leagues from Tintagel, for they tell tales of King Arthur, and there is a deep apple orchard in the heart of the island where Lancelot slew the dragon whose teeth were flaming swords.