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From that famous foundry of fiction, fact and frivolity, author Carolyn Wells, comes another Fleming Stone detective story. When a popular playwright is found stabbed with his own pen made from a medieval dagger, suspicion fall on Mrs. Guy Thorndike, wife of a prominent actor. Fleming Stone finally turns up to solve the case. In the room, unheeded by police and sleuths, is a clue upon which Fleming Stone constructs a daring solution. The yarn is skillfully woven and splendidly told. The Fleming Stone Mysteries is a collection of 17 baffling detective novels in which Fleming Stone, the great American Detective, displays his remarkable ingenuity for unravelling mysteries.
The steamship Pinnacle leaves New York on its way to Liverpool. Suspicions are raised and cast when a first class passenger, a shrewd oil man, is murdered, his head battered in by blows of the sinister bronze hand, modeled from Rodins original, which the victim had prized as his mascot. The apparent motive is theft of jewelry for his new wife, whom no one can track down, not even knowing if the marriage has happened yet. But, who killed Oily Cox? What part did the bronze hand play in the murder? What was the real motive? Such are the questions which Fleming Stone, enlisted as a disguised passenger on shipboard, sets out to answer in his clever, inimitable manner. So a locked ship mystery and an enjoyable one!
On the eve of her wedding day, Madeleine Van Norman, a beautiful young lady who is soon to come into her family fortune is found dead, apparently stabbed with an ominous blood-stained letter opener found nearby. Who killed her the cousin who loved her but had been rejected; her fiancé, who was in love with another woman; her secretary, who loved the fiancé; the eccentric spinster who stood to inherit her property? The Clue, published in 1909, is the first book in the Detective Fleming Stone series. It falls squarely in the tradition of two favorite mystery sub-genres the Big House Mystery and the Locked Room Mystery. Detective Fleming Stone is cool and methodical, not unlike his more famous fictional contemporaries, Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. The twist is that he doesnt appear until the second half of the story.
If you like Agatha Christie, or Henry James, or simply search for an author whose writing and characters youll enjoy, look no farther than Wells Fleming Stone Mysteries. In this one, wealthy but ornery heiress Lucy Carrington is found dead in her home following a spat with her niece, one of the two heirs to her fortune. With police baffled, master criminologist Fleming Stone is called in. But in a romantic twist, the great detective loses his heart to the primary suspect. Will she reciprocate? Will he get to close to her to solve the mystery of... The Curved Blades? Will emotion blind him to the facts in this case? Curl up with this classic cozy whodunit from Carolyn Wells, author of The Clue.
If you like Golden Age locked room mysteries this is a good one! Deep Lake Mystery (1928) by Carolyn Wells, author of The Clue, is set in the lake region of Wisconsin. Our narrator Gray Norris is invited to join his old friend, the detective Keeley Moore, and his new wife at their vacation cottage at Deep Lake, Wisconsin for a relaxing month of fishing, swimming, boating, and just getting away from the hustle and bustle of the East Coast. That goes by the wayside when one of the Moores neighbors, a millionaire Sampson Tracy, is found murdered in a locked room with a nail driven into his skull and his corpse festooned with bizarre ritualistic items, and other seemingly meaningless articles. Find the motive and you find the criminal!
A humorous account of a trip to London and brief sojourn in that city and its vicinity. It includes: A Ticket to Europe, Crossing the Atlantic, In EnglandNow! , Mayfair in the Fair Month of May, A Hostess at Home, The Light on Burnss Brow, Certain Social Uncertainties, A Sentimental Journey, All in a Garden Fair, I Went and Ranged about to Many Churches, Piccadilly Circus and its Environs, The Game of Going On, A French Week-End. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a well known author of childrens stories, until she began reading mystery stories written by Anna Katherine Green, and from then on she devoted her writings to puzzling mysteries in a similar vein, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories.
A collection of short sketches by the prolific American author which was first published in 1913. Carolyn Wells was an early 20th century poet and author best known for mysteries like The Gold Bag and Fleming Stone Detective Stories. During the first ten years of her career, she concentrated on poetry, humor, and childrens books. After 1910, she devoted herself to the mystery genre. The book contains: At the lost-and-found desk, Tootie at the bank, The dressmaker in the house, The night before Christmas, A new recruit, Shopping for postage stamps, At the bridge table, She goes shopping, A quiet afternoon, Taking care of uncle, In the department store and others.
The Lovers Baedeker and Guide to Arcady
The Lovers Baedeker and Guide to Arcady book is the authors description of a fantasy land inhabited by lovers. It is a travel guide to the mythic land of Arcardy which, according to the map on page 35, is just over the Delectable Mountains from the Land of Hearts Desire and is bordered by the State of Matrimony and the Sea of Dreams. Arcady is transversed by the Road To Wealth and the River Lethe, is just over the Great Divide from the State of Blessed Singleness. The city of Arcady in the kingdom of Arcadia, which is inhabited entirely by a strange but interesting race known as Lovers. After describing how it is to be reached by the Joy Line across the Sea of Dreams in transports of rapture, she tells of its topography, its climate, time, custom-house regulations, flowers...