Autor: William Shakespeare

Stracone zachody miłości

William Shakespeare

Król krainy Nawarry postanawia zaprowadzić w swoim królestwie niezwykłe, rygorystyczne porządki. Podejmuje zobowiązanie, że zrezygnuje z wszelkich rozrywek i towarzystwa kobiet. Sytuacja ulega diametralnej zmianie wraz z pojawieniem się francuskiej księżniczki w otoczeniu dworu. Komediowe wydarzenia pokażą, jak jej obecność wpłynie na realizację królewskich zamierzeń.


Stracone zachody miłości

William Shakespeare

”Stracone zachody miłości” to komedia autorstwa Williama Shakespeare'a, napisana prawdopodobnie około 1595 r. Akcja rozgrywa się w krainie Nawarry, której król postanawia narzucić sobie i swoim poddanym rygorystyczne zakazy, przede wszystkim zakaz towarzystwa kobiet. Całe przedsięwzięcie legnie w gruzach, gdy w mieście zjawi się francuska księżniczka wraz ze swym dworem.


The Comedy of Errors

William Shakespeare

The comedy is surprisingly lively, sparkling and witty, despite the fact that the plot is set by conventions that seem to be implausible: two pairs of separated twins, and even with the same names, because of which there are ridiculous confusions. Here, there is the atmosphere of the Italian Renaissance, and the topicality of the Shakespearean era, and some special Greek flavor, and a little lyricism, and satire on family customs, and the touchingness of meeting and reuniting family people, and all this is so naturally intertwined that its just a delight.


The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth

William Shakespeare

Outwardly, a good-natured merry fellow, a lover of pleasures, but at the same time a king-philosopher, Henry VIII at first does not have all the power and depends on the all-powerful Cardinal Wolsey, the conductor of the policy of Rome. For the time being, the king is forced to restrain his cool temper. But soon he will execute on a false denunciation of Buckingham the enemy of Volseus. In line with the policy of the Reformation, he needs to dissolve the marriage with his wife Catherine.


The First Part of Henry the Fourth

William Shakespeare

The play is a continuation of another Shakespeares work Richard the Second. The famous historical drama Henry IV, Part 1 takes place at the beginning of the fifteenth century, in England. The plot of the play revolves around the confrontation of the king with his rebel vassals.


The First Part of King Henry the Sixth

William Shakespeare

This historical chronicle spans a period of thirty years in English history. Starting from the death of King Henry the Fifth in 1422 and ending with the Battle of Castillon in 1453. Lancaster pays for the usurpation of power and the death of the real king. British troops are defeated in battles with France. In England, civil strife and civil war begin.


The History of Troilus and Cressida

William Shakespeare

This is a very unusual play. Maybe thats why little known. The scene of action is Troy, the time of the siege that glorified it. Heroes Agamemnon, Priam, Achilles, Hector, Menelaus, Paris, Elena. The main reason for the war is to return the prodigal Helen Cuckold Menelaus. Yes exactly. Trojans defend themselves by doubting the right to hold an unfaithful wife. The Greeks besiege, doubting the reason to besiege.


The Life and Death of King John

William Shakespeare

King John Shakespearean chronicles of the reign of such a historical figure as John Landless. John becomes king of England, bypassing his nephew Arthur, who has completely legal rights to the throne. Arthur, supported by his mother Constance, asks for the help of the King of France, Philip. King Philip goes to John by war.