Автор: Andrew K. Dennis
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Docker dla programistów. Rozwijanie aplikacji i narzędzia ciągłego dostarczania DevOps

Richard Bullington-McGuire, Michael Schwartz, Andrew K. Dennis

Docker zyskuje coraz większe uznanie programistów. Dzięki swojej niezależności od platformy kontenery pozwalają na uruchamianie kodu w różnych środowiskach, zarówno w centrach danych, jak i w chmurze. Zastosowanie kontenerów bardzo upraszcza opracowanie, testowanie, wdrażanie i skalowanie aplikacji. Pozwala też na automatyzację przepływu pracy i stałe doskonalenie aplikacji. Aby skorzystać ze wszystkich tych zalet, architekci, projektanci i programiści muszą wszechstronnie i głęboko poznać wiele różnych aspektów zarządzania środowiskiem kontenerowym. Oto wyczerpujące omówienie wszystkich zagadnień niezbędnych do tworzenia i rozwijania aplikacji w Dockerze. W książce zaprezentowano różne metody wdrażania i uruchamiania kontenerów, pokazano również, jak wykorzystuje się je w środowisku produkcyjnym. Wskazano właściwe techniki używania narzędzi Jenkins, Kubernetes i Spinnaker. Przedstawiono metody monitorowania, zabezpieczania i skalowania kontenerów za pomocą takich narzędzi jak Prometheus i Grafana. Nie zabrakło opisu wdrażania kontenerów w różnych środowiskach, między innymi w chmurowej usłudze Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, a także - na koniec - kwestii bezpieczeństwa Dockera i związanych z tym dobrych praktyk. W książce: gruntowne wprowadzenie do Dockera i programowania w VirtualBox tworzenie systemów z kontenerów i ich wdrażanie w środowisku produkcyjnym ciągłe wdrażanie oprogramowania skalowanie, testy obciążeniowe i zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa stosowanie zewnętrznych narzędzi: AWS, Azure, GCP i innych Docker. Wszechstronne wdrożenia w najlepszym stylu

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Docker for Developers. Develop and run your application with Docker containers using DevOps tools for continuous delivery

Richard Bullington-McGuire, Andrew K. Dennis, Michael Schwartz

Docker is the de facto standard for containerizing apps, and with an increasing number of software projects migrating to containers, it is crucial for engineers and DevOps teams to understand how to build, deploy, and secure Docker environments effectively. Docker for Developers will help you understand Docker containers from scratch while taking you through best practices and showing you how to address security concerns.Starting with an introduction to Docker, you’ll learn how to use containers and VirtualBox for development. You’ll explore how containers work and develop projects within them after you’ve explored different ways to deploy and run containers. The book will also show you how to use Docker containers in production in both single-host set-ups and in clusters and deploy them using Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Spinnaker. As you advance, you’ll get to grips with monitoring, securing, and scaling Docker using tools such as Prometheus and Grafana. Later, you’ll be able to deploy Docker containers to a variety of environments, including the cloud-native Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), before finally delving into Docker security concepts and best practices.By the end of the Docker book, you’ll be able to not only work in a container-driven environment confidently but also use Docker for both new and existing projects.

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Raspberry Pi Computer Architecture Essentials. Click here to enter text

Andrew K. Dennis

With the release of the Raspberry Pi 2, a new series of the popular compact computer is available for you to build cheap, exciting projects and learn about programming.In this book, we explore Raspberry Pi 2’s hardware through a number of projects in a variety of programming languages. We will start by exploring the various hardware components in detail, which will provide a base for the programming projects and guide you through setting up the tools for Assembler, C/C++, and Python. We will then learn how to write multi-threaded applications and Raspberry Pi 2’s multi-core processor. Moving on, you’ll get hands on by expanding the storage options of the Raspberry Pi beyond the SD card and interacting with the graphics hardware. Furthermore, you will be introduced to the basics of sound programming while expanding upon your knowledge of Python to build a web server. Finally, you will learn to interact with the third-party microcontrollers. From writing your first Assembly Language application to programming graphics, this title guides you through the essentials.

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Raspberry Pi Super Cluster. As a Raspberry Pi enthusiast have you ever considered increasing their performance with parallel computing? Discover just how easy it can be with the right help – this guide takes you through the process from start to finish

Andrew K. Dennis

A cluster is a type of parallel/distributed processing system which consists of a collection of interconnected stand-alone computers cooperatively working together. Using Raspberry Pi computers, you can build a two-node parallel computing cluster which enhances performance and availability.This practical, example-oriented guide will teach you how to set up the hardware and operating systems of multiple Raspberry Pi computers to create your own cluster. It will then navigate you through how to install the necessary software to write your own programs such as Hadoop and MPICH before moving on to cover topics such as MapReduce. Throughout this book, you will explore the technology with the help of practical examples and tutorials to help you learn quickly and efficiently.Starting from a pile of hardware, with this book, you will be guided through exciting tutorials that will help you turn your hardware into your own super-computing cluster. You'll start out by learning how to set up your Raspberry Pi cluster's hardware. Following this, you will be taken through how to install the operating system, and you will also be given a taste of what parallel computing is about. With your Raspberry Pi cluster successfully set up, you will then install software such as MPI and Hadoop. Having reviewed some examples and written some programs that explore these two technologies, you will then wrap up with some fun ancillary projects. Finally, you will be provided with useful links to help take your projects to the next step.